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jstoobysmith committed Feb 13, 2025
1 parent cc20d09 commit d2ce55d
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Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ lemma S₂₃_nonneg (V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid) : 0 ≤ S₂₃ V := by
· rw [S₂₃, if_neg ha, @div_nonneg_iff]
exact .inl (.intro (VAbs_ge_zero 1 2 V) (Real.sqrt_nonneg (VudAbs V ^ 2 + VusAbs V ^ 2)))

/-- For a CKM matrix `sin θ₁₂` is less then or equal to 1. -/
/-- For a CKM matrix `sin θ₁₂` is less than or equal to 1. -/
lemma S₁₂_leq_one (V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid) : S₁₂ V ≤ 1 := by
rw [S₁₂, @div_le_one_iff]
by_cases h1 : √(VudAbs V ^ 2 + VusAbs V ^ 2) = 0
Expand All @@ -99,11 +99,11 @@ lemma S₁₂_leq_one (V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid) : S₁₂ V ≤ 1 := by
simp only [Fin.isValue, le_add_iff_nonneg_left]
exact sq_nonneg (VAbs 0 0 V)

/-- For a CKM matrix `sin θ₁₃` is less then or equal to 1. -/
/-- For a CKM matrix `sin θ₁₃` is less than or equal to 1. -/
lemma S₁₃_leq_one (V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid) : S₁₃ V ≤ 1 :=
VAbs_leq_one 0 2 V

/-- For a CKM matrix `sin θ₂₃` is less then or equal to 1. -/
/-- For a CKM matrix `sin θ₂₃` is less than or equal to 1. -/
lemma S₂₃_leq_one (V : Quotient CKMMatrixSetoid) : S₂₃ V ≤ 1 := by
by_cases ha : VubAbs V = 1
· rw [S₂₃, if_pos ha]
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions HepLean/Lorentz/Group/Orthochronous.lean
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Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ lemma IsOrthochronous_iff_ge_one :
rw [IsOrthochronous_iff_futurePointing, NormOne.FuturePointing.mem_iff_inl_one_le_inl,

/-- A Lorentz transformation is not orthochronous if and only if its `0 0` element is less then
/-- A Lorentz transformation is not orthochronous if and only if its `0 0` element is less than
or equal to minus one. -/
lemma not_orthochronous_iff_le_neg_one :
¬ IsOrthochronous Λ ↔ Λ.1 (Sum.inl 0) (Sum.inl 0) ≤ -1 := by
Expand All @@ -65,8 +65,8 @@ def timeCompCont : C(LorentzGroup d, ℝ) := ⟨fun Λ => Λ.1 (Sum.inl 0) (Sum.
Continuous.matrix_elem (continuous_iff_le_induced.mpr fun _ a => a) (Sum.inl 0) (Sum.inl 0)⟩

/-- An auxiliary function used in the definition of `orthchroMapReal`.
This function takes all elements of `ℝ` less then `-1` to `-1`,
all elements of `R` greater then `1` to `1` and preserves all other elements. -/
This function takes all elements of `ℝ` less than `-1` to `-1`,
all elements of `R` greater than `1` to `1` and preserves all other elements. -/
def stepFunction : ℝ → ℝ := fun t =>
if t ≤ -1 then -1 else
if 1 ≤ t then 1 else t
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion HepLean/PerturbationTheory/FieldOpAlgebra/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def fieldOpIdealSet : Set (FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕) :=
This corresponds to the condition that two operators with different statistics always
super-commute. In other words, fermions and bosons always super-commute.
- `[ofCrAnOpF φ1, [ofCrAnOpF φ2, ofCrAnOpF φ3]ₛca]ₛca`. This corresponds to the condition,
when combined with the conditions above, that the super-commutator is in the center of the
when combined with the conditions above, that the super-commutator is in the center
of the algebra.
abbrev FieldOpAlgebra : Type := (TwoSidedIdeal.span 𝓕.fieldOpIdealSet).ringCon.Quotient
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Expand Up @@ -223,9 +223,9 @@ lemma ι_normalOrderF_eq_of_equiv (a b : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra) (h : a ≈ b)
`FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕`
defined as the decent of `ι ∘ₗ normalOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕`
defined as the descent of `ι ∘ₗ normalOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕`
from `FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕` to `FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕`.
This decent exists because `ι ∘ₗ normalOrderF` is well-defined on equivalence classes.
This descent exists because `ι ∘ₗ normalOrderF` is well-defined on equivalence classes.
The notation `𝓝(a)` is used for `normalOrder a` for `a` an element of `FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕`. -/
noncomputable def normalOrder : FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 where
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Expand Up @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ then `φ * 𝓝(φ₀φ₁…φₙ)` is equal to
`𝓝(φφ₀φ₁…φₙ) + ∑ i, (𝓢(φ,φ₀φ₁…φᵢ₋₁) • [anPart φ, φᵢ]ₛ) * 𝓝(φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁…φₙ)`.
The proof of ultimately goes as follows:
The proof ultimately goes as follows:
- `ofFieldOp_eq_crPart_add_anPart` is used to split `φ` into its creation and annihilation parts.
- The following relation is then used
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ variable {𝓕 : FieldSpecification}
where `s` is the exchange sign for `φ` and the uncontracted fields in `φ₀…φᵢ₋₁`.
The prove of this result ultimately a consequence of `normalOrder_superCommute_eq_zero`.
The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of `normalOrder_superCommute_eq_zero`.
lemma normalOrder_uncontracted_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
(i : Fin φs.length.succ) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ lemma normalOrder_uncontracted_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp
`𝓝([φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)]ᵘᶜ)` is equal to the normal ordering of `[φsΛ]ᵘᶜ` with the `𝓕.FieldOp`
corresponding to `k` removed.
The proof of this result ultimately a consequence of definitions.
The proof of this result ultimately is a consequence of definitions.
lemma normalOrder_uncontracted_some (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
(i : Fin φs.length.succ) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) (k : φsΛ.uncontracted) :
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions HepLean/PerturbationTheory/FieldOpAlgebra/StaticWickTerm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ noncomputable section
`φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.staticContract * 𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)`.
This is term which appears in the static version Wick's theorem. -/
This is a term which appears in the static version Wick's theorem. -/
def staticWickTerm {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra :=
φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.staticContract * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ holds
where the sum is over all `k` in `Option φsΛ.uncontracted`, so `k` is either `none` or `some k`.
The proof of proceeds as follows:
The proof proceeds as follows:
- `ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_sum` is used to expand `φ 𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)` as
a sum over `k` in `Option φsΛ.uncontracted` of terms involving `[anPart φ, φs[k]]ₛ`.
- Then `staticWickTerm_insert_zero_none` and `staticWickTerm_insert_zero_some` are
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Expand Up @@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ The proof is via induction on `φs`.
The inductive step works as follows:
For the LHS:
1. The proof considers `φ₀…φₙ` as `φ₀(φ₁…φₙ)` and use the induction hypothesis on `φ₁…φₙ`.
1. The proof considers `φ₀…φₙ` as `φ₀(φ₁…φₙ)` and uses the induction hypothesis on `φ₁…φₙ`.
2. This gives terms of the form `φ * φsΛ.staticWickTerm` on which
`mul_staticWickTerm_eq_sum` is used where `φsΛ` is a Wick contraction of `φ₁…φₙ`,
to rewrite terms as a sum over optional uncontracted elements of `φsΛ`
Expand All @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ For the RHS:
is split via `insertLift_sum` into a sum over Wick contractions `φsΛ` of `φ₁…φₙ` and
sum over optional uncontracted elements of `φsΛ`.
Both side now are sums over the same thing and their terms equate by the nature of the
Both sides are now sums over the same thing and their terms equate by the nature of the
lemmas used.
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Expand Up @@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ lemma superCommuteRight_eq_of_equiv (a1 a2 : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra) (h : a1
`FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕`
defined as the decent of `ι ∘ superCommuteF` in both arguments.
defined as the descent of `ι ∘ superCommuteF` in both arguments.
In particular for `φs` and `φs'` lists of `𝓕.CrAnFieldOp` in `FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕` the following
relation holds:
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions HepLean/PerturbationTheory/FieldOpAlgebra/TimeOrder.lean
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Expand Up @@ -371,9 +371,9 @@ lemma ι_timeOrderF_eq_of_equiv (a b : 𝓕.FieldOpFreeAlgebra) (h : a ≈ b) :
`FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕`
defined as the decent of `ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕` from
defined as the descent of `ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF : FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕` from
`FieldOpFreeAlgebra 𝓕` to `FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕`.
This decent exists because `ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF` is well-defined on equivalence classes.
This descent exists because `ι ∘ₗ timeOrderF` is well-defined on equivalence classes.
The notation `𝓣(a)` is used for `timeOrder a`. -/
noncomputable def timeOrder : FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 →ₗ[ℂ] FieldOpAlgebra 𝓕 where
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14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions HepLean/PerturbationTheory/FieldOpAlgebra/WickTerm.lean
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Expand Up @@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ noncomputable section
`φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract * 𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)`.
This is term which appears in the Wick's theorem. -/
This is a term which appears in the Wick's theorem. -/
def wickTerm {φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp} (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) : 𝓕.FieldOpAlgebra :=
φsΛ.sign • φsΛ.timeContract * 𝓝(ofFieldOpList [φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -95,10 +95,10 @@ lemma wickTerm_insert_none (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)

/-- For a list `φs = φ₀…φₙ` of `𝓕.FieldOp`, a Wick contraction `φsΛ` of `φs`, an element `φ` of
`𝓕.FieldOp`, `i ≤ φs.length` and a `k` in `φsΛ.uncontracted`,
such that all `𝓕.FieldOp` in `φ₀…φᵢ₋₁` have time strictly less then `φ` and
`φ` has a time greater then or equal to all `FieldOp` in `φ₀…φₙ`, then
such that all `𝓕.FieldOp` in `φ₀…φᵢ₋₁` have time strictly less than `φ` and
`φ` has a time greater than or equal to all `FieldOp` in `φ₀…φₙ`, then
`(φsΛ ↩Λ φ i (some k)).staticWickTerm`
is equal the product of
is equal to the product of
- the sign `𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) `
- the sign `φsΛ.sign`
- `φsΛ.timeContract`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -177,14 +177,14 @@ lemma wickTerm_insert_some (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
For a list `φs = φ₀…φₙ` of `𝓕.FieldOp`, a Wick contraction `φsΛ` of `φs`, an element `φ` of
`𝓕.FieldOp`, and `i ≤ φs.length`
such that all `𝓕.FieldOp` in `φ₀…φᵢ₋₁` have time strictly less then `φ` and
`φ` has a time greater then or equal to all `FieldOp` in `φ₀…φₙ`, then
such that all `𝓕.FieldOp` in `φ₀…φᵢ₋₁` have time strictly less than `φ` and
`φ` has a time greater than or equal to all `FieldOp` in `φ₀…φₙ`, then
`φ * φsΛ.wickTerm = 𝓢(φ, φ₀…φᵢ₋₁) • ∑ k, (φsΛ ↩Λ φ i k).wickTerm`
where the sum is over all `k` in `Option φsΛ.uncontracted`, so `k` is either `none` or `some k`.
The proof of proceeds as follows:
The proof proceeds as follows:
- `ofFieldOp_mul_normalOrder_ofFieldOpList_eq_sum` is used to expand `φ 𝓝([φsΛ]ᵘᶜ)` as
a sum over `k` in `Option φsΛ.uncontracted` of terms involving `[anPart φ, φs[k]]ₛ`.
- Then `wickTerm_insert_none` and `wickTerm_insert_some` are used to equate terms.
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Expand Up @@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ For the RHS:
is split via `insertLift_sum` into a sum over Wick contractions `φsΛ` of `φ₀…φᵢ₋₁φᵢ₊₁φ` and
sum over optional uncontracted elements of `φsΛ`.
Both side now are sums over the same thing and their terms equate by the nature of the
Both sides are now sums over the same thing and their terms equate by the nature of the
lemmas used.
theorem wicks_theorem : (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) → 𝓣(ofFieldOpList φs) =
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Expand Up @@ -117,9 +117,9 @@ For a list `φs` of `𝓕.FieldOp`, then `𝓣(φs)` is equal to the sum of
and the second sum is over all Wick contraction `φssucΛ` of the uncontracted elements of `φsΛ`
which do not have any equal time contractions.
The proof of proceeds as follows
The proof proceeds as follows
- `wicks_theorem` is used to rewrite `𝓣(φs)` as a sum over all Wick contractions.
- The sum over all Wick contractions is then split additively into two parts using based on having
- The sum over all Wick contractions is then split additively into two parts based on having
or not having an equal time contractions.
- Using `join`, the sum `∑ φsΛ, _` over Wick contractions which do have equal time contractions
is split into two sums `∑ φsΛ, ∑ φsucΛ, _`, the first over non-zero elements
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions HepLean/PerturbationTheory/FieldSpecification/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ The structure `FieldSpecification` is defined to have the following content:
index of the field and its conjugate.
- For every field `f` in `Field`, a type `AsymptoticLabel f` whose elements label the different
types of incoming asymptotic field operators associated with the
field `f` (this is also matches the types of outgoing asymptotic field operators).
field `f` (this also matches the types of outgoing asymptotic field operators).
For example,
- For `f` a *real-scalar field*, `AsymptoticLabel f` will have a unique element.
- For `f` a *complex-scalar field*, `AsymptoticLabel f` will have two elements, one for the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ variable (𝓕 : FieldSpecification)
element labelled `outAsymp f e p` corresponding to an outgoing asymptotic field operator of the
field `f`, of label `e` (e.g. specifying the spin), and momentum `p`.
As some intuition, if `f` corresponds to a Weyl-fermion field, then
As an example, if `f` corresponds to a Weyl-fermion field, then
- For `inAsymp f e p`, `e` would correspond to a spin `s`, and `inAsymp f e p` would, once
represented in the operator algebra,
be proportional to the creation operator `a(p, s)`.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ def fieldOpToField : 𝓕.FieldOp → 𝓕.Field
- For `φ` an element of `𝓕.FieldOp`, `𝓕 |>ₛ φ` is `fieldOpStatistic φ`.
- For `φs` a list of `𝓕.FieldOp`, `𝓕 |>ₛ φs` is the product of `fieldOpStatistic φ` over
the list `φs`.
- For a function `f : Fin n → 𝓕.FieldOp` and a finset `a` of `Fin n`, `𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨f, a⟩` is the
- For a function `f : Fin n → 𝓕.FieldOp` and a finite set `a` of `Fin n`, `𝓕 |>ₛ ⟨f, a⟩` is the
product of `fieldOpStatistic (f i)` for all `i ∈ a`. -/
def fieldOpStatistic : 𝓕.FieldOp → FieldStatistic := 𝓕.statistic ∘ 𝓕.fieldOpToField

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Expand Up @@ -66,18 +66,18 @@ def fieldOpToCreateAnnihilateTypeCongr : {i j : 𝓕.FieldOp} → i = j →
For a field specification `𝓕`, the (sigma) type `𝓕.CrAnFieldOp`
corresponds to the type of creation and annihilation parts of field operators.
It formally defined to consist of the following elements:
- for each in incoming asymptotic field operator `φ` in `𝓕.FieldOp` an element
- for each incoming asymptotic field operator `φ` in `𝓕.FieldOp` an element
written as `⟨φ, ()⟩` in `𝓕.CrAnFieldOp`, corresponding to the creation part of `φ`.
Here `φ` has no annihilation part. (Here `()` is the unique element of `Unit`.)
- for each position field operator `φ` in `𝓕.FieldOp` an element of `𝓕.CrAnFieldOp`
written as `⟨φ, .create⟩`, corresponding to the creation part of `φ`.
- for each position field operator `φ` in `𝓕.FieldOp` an element of `𝓕.CrAnFieldOp`
written as `⟨φ, .annihilate⟩`, corresponding to the annihilation part of `φ`.
- for each out outgoing asymptotic field operator `φ` in `𝓕.FieldOp` an element
- for each outgoing asymptotic field operator `φ` in `𝓕.FieldOp` an element
written as `⟨φ, ()⟩` in `𝓕.CrAnFieldOp`, corresponding to the annihilation part of `φ`.
Here `φ` has no creation part. (Here `()` is the unique element of `Unit`.)
As some intuition, if `f` corresponds to a Weyl-fermion field, it would contribute
As an example, if `f` corresponds to a Weyl-fermion field, it would contribute
the following elements to `𝓕.CrAnFieldOp`
- an element corresponding to incoming asymptotic operators for each spin `s`: `a(p, s)`.
- an element corresponding to the creation parts of position operators for each each Lorentz
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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ variable {𝓕 : FieldSpecification}
- `φ₀` is a field creation operator
- `φ₁` is a field annihilation operator.
Thus, colloquially `𝓕.normalOrderRel φ₀ φ₁` says the creation operators are 'less then'
Thus, colloquially `𝓕.normalOrderRel φ₀ φ₁` says the creation operators are less than
annihilation operators. -/
def normalOrderRel : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp → Prop :=
fun a b => CreateAnnihilate.normalOrder (𝓕 |>ᶜ a) (𝓕 |>ᶜ b)
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions HepLean/PerturbationTheory/FieldSpecification/TimeOrder.lean
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Expand Up @@ -198,10 +198,10 @@ lemma timeOrderList_eq_maxTimeField_timeOrderList (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : Lis
- `φ₀` is an *outgoing* asymptotic operator
- `φ₁` is an *incoming* asymptotic field operator
- `φ₀` and `φ₁` are both position field operators where
the `SpaceTime` point of `φ₀` has a time *greater* then or equal to that of `φ₁`.
the `SpaceTime` point of `φ₀` has a time *greater* than or equal to that of `φ₁`.
Thus, colloquially `𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel φ₀ φ₁` if `φ₀` has time *greater* then or equal to `φ₁`.
The use of *greater* then rather then *less* then is because on ordering lists of operators
Thus, colloquially `𝓕.crAnTimeOrderRel φ₀ φ₁` if `φ₀` has time *greater* than or equal to `φ₁`.
The use of *greater* than rather then *less* than is because on ordering lists of operators
it is needed that the operator with the greatest time is to the left.
def crAnTimeOrderRel (a b : 𝓕.CrAnFieldOp) : Prop := 𝓕.timeOrderRel a.1 b.1
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6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions HepLean/PerturbationTheory/WickContraction/Basic.lean
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Expand Up @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ variable {𝓕 : FieldSpecification}
Given a natural number `n`, which will correspond to the number of fields needing
contracting, a Wick contraction
is a finite set of pairs of `Fin n` (numbers `0`, ..., `n-1`), such that no
element of `Fin n` occurs in more then one pair. The pairs are the positions of fields we
element of `Fin n` occurs in more than one pair. The pairs are the positions of fields we
'contract' together.
def WickContraction (n : ℕ) : Type :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -520,8 +520,8 @@ lemma prod_finset_eq_mul_fst_snd (c : WickContraction n) (a : c.1)
/-- For a field specification `𝓕`, `φs` a list of `𝓕.FieldOp` and a Wick contraction
`φsΛ` of `φs`, the Wick contraction `φsΛ` is said to be `GradingCompliant` if
for every pair in `φsΛ` the contracted fields are either both `fermionic` or both `bosonic`.
In other words, in a `GradingCompliant` Wick contraction no contractions occur between
`fermionic` and `bosonic` fields. -/
In other words, in a `GradingCompliant` Wick contraction if
no contracted pairs occur between `fermionic` and `bosonic` fields. -/
def GradingCompliant (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp) (φsΛ : WickContraction φs.length) :=
∀ (a : φsΛ.1), (𝓕 |>ₛ φs[φsΛ.fstFieldOfContract a]) = (𝓕 |>ₛ φs[φsΛ.sndFieldOfContract a])

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Expand Up @@ -34,8 +34,8 @@ open HepLean.Fin
of `φ` (at position `i`) with the new position of `j` after `φ` is added.
In other words, `φsΛ.insertAndContract φ i j` is formed by adding `φ` to `φs` at position `i`,
and contracting `φ` with the field originally at position `j` if `j` is not none.
It is a Wick contraction of `φs.insertIdx φ i`, the list `φs` with `φ` inserted at
and contracting `φ` with the field originally at position `j` if `j` is not `none`.
It is a Wick contraction of the list `φs.insertIdx φ i` corresponding to `φs` with `φ` inserted at
position `i`.
The notation `φsΛ ↩Λ φ i j` is used to denote `φsΛ.insertAndContract φ i j`. -/
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Expand Up @@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ lemma signInsertNone_eq_filterset (φ : 𝓕.FieldOp) (φs : List 𝓕.FieldOp)
/-- For a list `φs = φ₀…φₙ` of `𝓕.FieldOp`, a graded compliant Wick contraction `φsΛ` of `φs`,
an `i ≤ φs.length`, and a `φ` in `𝓕.FieldOp`, then
`(φsΛ ↩Λ φ i none).sign = s * φsΛ.sign`
where `s` is the sign got by moving `φ` through the elements of `φ₀…φᵢ₋₁` which
where `s` is the sign arrived at by moving `φ` through the elements of `φ₀…φᵢ₋₁` which
are contracted with some element.
The proof of this result involves a careful consideration of the contributions of different
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