This is a library which goal is to simplify object (resources in terms of library) joins from different data sources (databases, APIs, etc).
Inspired by
For example - you have Comment, which is stored in document database:
final class Comment
public Author $author;
public function __construct(
public string $id,
And Author, which is stored in relational database:
final class Author
public function __construct(
public string $id,
public string $commentId,
Obviously it is not possible to easy join this resources from different databases by standard SQL join, but it is possible to do this join on application side (so-called application side joins).
To join Comment with Author you need to write resolver:
final class CommentHasAuthor implements ResourceLink
* Loader implementation (which must make actual calls to storage)
public function loaderClass(): string
return AuthorLoader::class;
* Extract values from all $comment->id
* Load linked authors by $author->commentId
* Write linked authors to respective $comment->author
public function resolver(): ResourceResolver
return new OneToOne('id', 'commentId', 'author');
// specify for which resource this resolver is
public function resourceClass(): string
return Comment::class;
Initialize ResourceComposer instance and load related resources
$links = [new CommentHasAuthor(new Storage())];
$composer = ResourceComposer::create($links, new AuthorLoader());
every Comment will contain related Post