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Brian Rivas edited this page Jul 1, 2014 · 23 revisions

#Welcome to the minecraft-roguelike wiki!

##Loot Customization

###Loot Categories

  • WEAPON: a weapon that spawns in weapon chests (Bows & Swords by default)
  • ARMOUR: Armour that spawns in armour chests.
  • BLOCK: spawns in the storage room, and in tool chests
  • JUNK: The random bits and bobs that spawn in all chests
  • ORE: Spawns in ore chests and in tool chests
  • TOOL: spawns in tool chests
  • POTION: spawns in potion and weapon chests
  • FOOD: spawns in starter, food and weapon chests
  • ENCHANTBOOK: spawns in middle slot in enchanting chests
  • ENCHANTBONUS: spawns 2 in enchanting chests
  • SUPPLY: spawns in supply chests
  • MUSIC: A record that spawns in the music room.
  • SMITHY: The sword in the anvil dungeon.

The config file is parsed as a list of changes to the categories. Categories have 5 levels, 0-4, corresponding to the 5 levels of the dungeon. You can either clear a category (all levels), add a piece of loot to a category level, or add a piece of loot to all levels of a category.

the default loot systems are added with a weight value of 1000, so you just make your additions relative to that (10 for 1%, or 2000 for 200% for example)

Example Configuration:

	"CustomLoot": [
		{"clear" : "FOOD"},
		{"addAll" : {"type" : "FOOD", "id" : 357, "meta" : 0, "min" : 2, "max" : 5, "weight" : 10}},
		{"add" : {"level" : 1, "type" : "FOOD", "id" : 322, "meta" : 0, "min" : 2, "max" : 5, "weight" : 10}},
		{"add" : {"level" : 1, "type" : "ORE", "id" : 331, "meta" : 0, "min" : 5, "max" : 10, "weight" : 200}}

this first clears the food category, clearing the default loot from it, then adds cookies to all food levels, then adds golden apples to level 1 food. then adds redstone to level 1 ores.

Dungeon Themes

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