A Custom node to 'Save to an icon' for ComfyUI - 100% made by ChatGPT, I take no responsibility as to it use or outcomes.
It saves your picture as an Icon. Its a small quality of life node to not have to individually adjust corners on pics, their corner transparencies and saving as an icon .
git clone https://github.com/Grey3016/Save2Icon
Pillow >= 9.0.0
What it does
It takes your output from the Vae-Decode node and rounds the corners (making them transparent) and saves the output as an .ico (icon) file into Output/Icons folder (which it makes if it doesn't exist)
What can I adjust ?
1.You can change the size of the icon - 128 , 256 up to a max of 512 (default setting). I defaulted it to 512 because thats how I make them .
2.The node also allows you attach to a Preview node (optional)
- You can also see the Output Location by attaching to a text node (that has an input), this is also optional
4.Finally, you can adjust the corner rounding profile - remember that if you change icon size the ratio of picture to profile radius changes
Personally , I join the Icon Save node with the Preview node via the 'Convert to Group Node' function
What does it need to make icons ?
A square ratio input (eg 1024x1024 etc) , it'll squash the pic otherwise
Below : "Save To Icon" node attached to Preview and a Text node (showing as if the node was added to any existing workflow)
Below : "Save To Icon" node attached to the Preview node via 'Convert To Group Node' function (showing as part of the attached workflow)
Git Clone above and using it in a flow, add a preview node (select both nodes) and then select 'Save to Icon node' from menu. I've also attached a Comfy workflow that I use as an Icon maker flow.
NB I wouldn't use the word "icon" in your prompt as Flux will double round the corners, I use the word 'logo' instead.
To use these icons / how to change icons > https://www.businessinsider.com/guides/tech/how-to-change-desktop-icons
To change the size of icons on your desktop > https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows/show-hide-or-resize-desktop-icons-2b9334e6-f8dc-7098-094f-7e681a87dd97
Below : My windows desktop icons