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A repository for performing photon identification using a pre-trained GBT classifier

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CLAS12 Photon Classification

This repository contains code to perform photon classification on data files from the CLAS12 experiment at Jefferson Lab.

Pretrained Gradient Boosted Trees (see models are provided using 10.6 GeV inbending (45nA bkg), and 10.6 GeV outbending (50nA bkg) clasdis Monte Carlo. Users can also train their own models, which may need to be done if the default cuts included in this repository are loosened/tweaked.



Ensure you have clas12root installed on ifarm and have the capability to run module load clas12/pro

The following python packages must be installed under python3.9.7. To prepare this, do the following...

  1. module unload python
  2. module load python3/3.9.7
  3. pip3 install copy, pyroot, catboost, os, numpy, array, sys, uproot4, pandas, scikit-learn, matplotlib, seaborn, tqdm, pyyaml

Predicting with pre-trained models

The quickest implementation of this repository is to run one of the pre-trained RG-A photon classifiers on a RG-A experimental data .hipo file. The repository includes a script called, which automates this pipeline for a single given .hipo file and selected model. Symbolic links to the RG-A experimental data are provided in the repository. As an example:


will print out the general usage. If the requirements are met, the following one-liner will analyze a .hipo file with the photon classifier:

./ fall2018_rga_inbending_nSidis/nSidis_005032.hipo pretrained_models/model_rga_inbending outroot

The output of ./ will be a .root file in outroot/ containing three TTrees. These are EventTree, MLinput, and diphoton. See below for more info on what is stored in each TTree. The diphoton TTree contains event information on a diphoton-by-diphoton level, such as the transverse momentum of the diphoton, its energy, the event x,Q2,W, etc. and importantly, the classifier output for each of the photons. One could plot the M_gg distribution for the diphoton TTree with a classifier threshold of p>0.9 as follows:

diphoton->Draw("M_gg" , "p_gamma_1 > 0.9 && p_gamma_2 > 0.9") 

Training New Models

The first step to take when training a new model is to run ./ This script will prompt the user for a project name, and will create a subdirectory in ./training_models/<PROJECT_NAME>/. Two further subdirectories are created, one storing the "data" (i.e. root files) and the other storing model-specific information (roc curves, confusion matrices, feature importances).

The second step is to edit the model_params.yaml and training_hipo_files.txt in the new project directory, following the instructions outputted by ./

The third step, which could be time intensive depending on the number of Monte Carlo files used for training, is to run ./ [PROJECT_NAME]. This program will pass the Monte Carlo hipo files through the pipeline (discussed in detail below), adding a training step through The trained model will be saved in ./trained_models/<PROJECT_NAME>/model/catboost_model and can be used as the second argument in ./ when wanting to test it on experimental data.

Source Code and Macros

The pipeline involves several steps:

  1. The script hipo2tree.C is run on a .hipo file to create a .root file in outroot/ containing a TTree called EventTree. This TTree stores branches that are either single valued (x,Q2,W,etc.) or arrays of size Nmax, where Nmax is the number of particles in an event and thus the length of the arrays (px, theta, E, etc.).
  2. Next, EventTree2MLinput.C is run on the .root file to create a new TTree called MLinput. The MLinput TTree contains the input parameters for the pre-trained Gradient Boosted Trees model, which will classify each photon.`
  3. The script is then run on the MLinput TTree using a selected model to perform photon classification, and the results are stored in a new array branch called p_gamma in the original EventTree. The values for p_gamma range from 0 to 1 for photons, where 1 is the maximum likelihood (according to the model prediction) that the photon is signal. Since p_gamma is an array, where each element represents a different particle in the event, p_gamma elements are naturally set to 1 for particles that are not identified by the EventBuilder as pid==22.
  4. Finally, the buildDiphotons.C script is run on the EventTree to create a new TTree called diphoton, whose branches are only single-valued (x,Q2,z,pT,M_gg, etc). The key branches here are p_gamma_1 and p_gamma_2, which represents the classifier output for each photon of the diphoton, respectively.

There are currently two trained GBT models provided in the repository, located under trained_models/. These are "model_rga_inbending" and "model_rga_outbending". They are pre-trained using Monte Carlo simulations at /cache/clas12/rg-a/production/montecarlo/clasdis/fall2018/torus-1/v1/bkg45nA_10604MeV/ and /cache/clas12/rg-a/production/montecarlo/clasdis/fall2018/torus+1/v1/bkg50nA_10604MeV/.

Additional code is stored in src/ to facilitate applying cuts (CutManager) , establishing a particle structure containing REC::Particle and REC::Calorimeter info (Structs.h) , and parsing through the hipo banks to fill these structs (HipoBankInterface).

Lastly, an example jupyter notebook is provided to showcase the performance of one of the pretrained classifiers.


A repository for performing photon identification using a pre-trained GBT classifier






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