A simple cookie scraper written in node.js
NOTE: at the moment this only works for chrome on Mac. However, I've listed resources to handle other OS's and browsers. It should be pretty easy should one have the time.
npm i git+https://github.com/GitCommons/commonCookie.git
const { CookieStore } = require('common-cookie')
let store = new CookieStore()
let query = `SELECT name, encrypted_value, host_key FROM cookies WHERE host_key LIKE '.google.com' OR host_key LIKE 'console.cloud.google.com'`
let cookies = store.get(query)
let desiredKeys = ['SID', 'HSID', 'SSID', 'OSID', 'SAPISID', 'APISID']
let cookieObj = cookies
.reduce((a,c)=>({...a, [c.name]:c.value}), {})