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Barbara Rzepka edited this page Sep 16, 2022 · 10 revisions


System catalog of tables, with its permission definition.


Column name Description Data type Example
id text Name of the table or view anl_arc
descript text Description Table with the results of the topology process of arcs
sys_role character varying(30) Role permissions, that set edition access to the table on DB , defined on sys_role role_edit
criticity smallint Table criticity on DB (0 - irrelevant, 1 - important, 2 - essential) 2
context character varying(30) Role permissions, that set edition access to the table on qgis, defined on sys_role role_admin
orderby smallint Table criticity on qgis (0 - irrelevant, 1 - important, 2 - essential) 2
alias text Qgis error message Cannot manage arc catalog
sys_sequence text Name of the id sequence related to the table anl_arc_id_seq
sys_sequence_field text Id of the table id
notify_action json Definition of the refresh data notification on qgis `[{"channel":"desktop","name":"refresh_attribute_table", "enabled":"true", "trg_fields":"id",
"featureType":["arc", "node", "connec"]}]`
isaudit boolean If true, audit of all actions on the table is enabled. Requieres creating addiotional audit schema and functions that control the process TRUE
keepauditdays integer Number of days for which audit data for the table is saved 10
style_id integer
addparam json
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