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Edit parameters

Edgar Fuste edited this page Nov 2, 2021 · 1 revision

edit_arc_enable nodes_update - If true, user can manually update node_1 and node_2. Used in migrations with trustly data for not execute arc_searchnodes trigger
Default: FALSE

edit_arc_divide - Configuration of arc divide tool. If setArcObsolete true state of old arc would be set to 0, otherwise arc will be deleted. If setOldCode true, new arcs will have same code as old arc.
Default: {"setArcObsolete":"false","setOldCode":"false"}

edit_arc_orphannode_delete - Enable/disable automatic delete of orphan nodes
Default: FALSE

edit_arc_samenode_control - Enable/disable control of arcs with the same node at the beginning and at the end
Default: true

edit_arc_searchnodes - Enable/disable and set the buffer of the ability to look for arcs final nodes
Default: {"activated":true,"value":0.1}

edit_connec_autofill_ccode - If status is TRUE, when insert a new connec, customer_code will be the same as field (connec_id or code). If you choose connec_id you can previously visualize it on form, but if you choose code you will see customer_code after inserting
Default:{"status":"TRUE" , "field":"code"}

edit_connec_proximity - Enable/disable control of inserting duplicated connec.Minimum accepted distance between two connecs
Default: {"activated":true,"value":0.1}

edit_connect_update_statetype - If TRUE, when you connect an element to the network, its state_type will be updated to value of the json
Default: {"connec":{"status":"FALSE", "state_type":"11"}, "gully":{"status":"FALSE", "state_type":"11"}}

edit_connect_autoupdate_dma - If true, after connect to network, gully or connec will have the same dma as its pjoint. If false, this value won't propagate
Default: TRUE

edit_connect_autoupdate_fluid - If true, after inserting a link, gully or connec will have the same fluid as arc they are connected to. If false, this value won't propagate Default: TRUE

edit_feature_buffer_on_mapzone - Buffer to find neighbour elements
Default: 50.0

edit_feature_usefid_on_linkid - If true link parameter will be the same as element id
Default: FALSE

edit_gully_proximity - Enable/disable control of inserting duplicated gullies.Minimum accepted distance between two gullies
Default: {"activated":true,"value":0.1}

edit_hydrant_use_firecode_seq - If TRUE, when insert a new hydrant with fire_code=NULL this field will be filled with next val of sequence
Default: FALSE

edit_hydro_link_absolute_path - The hyperlink in the hydrometer info to an url or a file is made up of two parts. A common part to all hydrometers, and a specific part for each hydrometer. The common part to all is the value of this variable
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edit_inventory_sysvdefault - System default value for inventory
Default: TRUE

edit_mapzones_automatic_insert - Enable automatic insert of mapzone when new node header is created and code of mapzones is filled on widget
Default: {"SECTOR":false, "DMA":false, "PRESSZONE":false, "DQA":false, "MINSECTOR":false}

edit_node_doublegeom - Enable/disable inserting double geometry features (point & polygon). Set the tadius value of a circle on which a square polygon is built
Default: {"activated":false,"value":1}

edit_node_proximity - Enable/disable control of inserting duplicated nodes.Minimum accepted distance between two nodes
Default: {"activated":true,"value":0.1}

edit_node_reduction_auto_d1d2 - If true, when inserting a new reduction, diam1 and diam2 values are capturated from dnom and dint from cat_node (WS)
Default: FALSE

edit_publish_sysvdefault - System default value for publish
Default: TRUE

edit_replace_doc_folderpath - Automatic path string replace when document is inserted
Default: {"enabled":true, "values":[{"source":"c://dades/","target":""},{"source":"c://test/test/","target":""}]}

edit_review_arc_tolerance - Tolerance of difference allowed for arc y1 in case of revision (only UD)
Default: {"y1":1,"y2":1}

edit_review_connec_tolerance - Tolerance of difference allowed for connec y1 in case of revision (only UD)
Default: {"y1":1,"y2":1}

edit_review_gully_tolerance - Tolerance of difference allowed for gully top_elev in case of revision (only UD)
Default: {"topelev":1, "ymax":1,"sandbox":0.1, "units":1}

edit_review_node_tolerance - Tolerance of difference allowed for node elevation in case of revision (only WS)
Default: {"topelev":1, "elevation":1, "depth":1, "ymax":1}

edit_slope_direction - If true, the direction of the arc is fixed by the slope (UD)
Default: FALSE

edit_state_topocontrol - To enable or disable state topology rules for arcs
Default: TRUE

edit_topocontrol_disable_error - If TRUE, topocontrol function is used but the elements which violates topology also can get inside the network. As a result log message of errors it is inserted on audit_log_data table (fprocesscat_id=3). Be careful, this function can lead to errors
Default: FALSE

edit_uncertain_sysvdefault - System default value for uncertain
Default: FALSE

edit_vnode_update_tolerance - Buffer which vnode use to search an arc to connect with on update vnode
Default: 0.5

epa_units_factor - Conversion factors of CRM flows in function of EPA units choosed by user
Default: {"LPS":1, "LPM":60, "MLD":0.216, "CMH":3.6, "CMD":86.4, "CFS":0.03531466, "GPM":15.85037248, "MGD":22.82453637, "AFD":0.07}

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