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advase edited this page Feb 16, 2023 · 4 revisions


Main table of mincut with all the basic information about the process.


Column name Data type Description Example
id integer Id
work_order character varying(50) Work order related to the breakdown E938/01/2020
mincut_state smallint State of the process, defined on om_typevalue as mincut_state 2
mincut_class smallint Class of the implemented process, defined on om_typevalue as mincut_class 1
mincut_type character varying(30) Type of the implemented process, defined on om_mincut_cat_type Real
received_date date Date and time of receiving the information 2020-02-08
expl_id integer Exploitation in which mincut is located, defined on exploitation 1
macroexpl_id integer Macroexploitation in which mincut is located, defined on macroexploitation and related to expl_id value 1
muni_id integer Municipality in which mincut is located, defined on ext_municipality 1
postcode character varying(16) Postcode of mincut's location
streetaxis_id character varying(250) Street in which mincut is located, defined on ext_streetaxis 1-10110C
postnumber character varying(16) Post number of the mincut's location 21
anl_cause character varying(30) Initial cause, defined on om_typevalue as mincut_cause 1
anl_tstamp timestamp without time zone Date and time of analysis
anl_user character varying(30) User that made an analysis
anl_descript text Initial description of a breakdown
anl_feature_id character varying(16) Id of a feature on which analysis is initiated 2021
anl_feature_type character varying(16) Type of feature on which analysis is initiated
anl_the_geom geometry(Point,SRID) Point geometry of the projected location of a breakdown
forecast_start timestamp without time zone Projected start date and time of reparation
forecast_end timestamp without time zone Projected end date and time of reparation
assigned_to character varying(50) Name of user to whom the breakdown is assigned
exec_start timestamp without time zone Execution start date and time
exec_end timestamp without time zone Execution end date and time
exec_user character varying(30) Execution user
exec_descript text Execution description
exec_the_geom geometry(Point,SRID) Point geometry of the exact location of breakdown
exec_from_plot double precision Distance from the plot
exec_depth double precision Depth of the breakdown
exec_appropiate boolean If true, the actual cut location matches the mincut scheduled information
notified json Column to work with notificacions
output json Output information {"minsector_id":"2020", "arcs":{"number":"3", "length":"211.38", "volume":"2.01"}, "connecs":{"number":"11", "hydrometers":{"total":"39", "classified":[{"category":"business","number":"2"}, {"category":"Domestic","number":"8"}, {"category":"Industry","number":"9"}, {"category":"Other","number":"11"}, {"category":"Shops","number":"9"}]}}}
modification_date date Date of modification
chlorine character varying(30)
turbidity character varying(30)
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