Red Hat is a project developed and designed in the context of Hackaton at "Europa Liberă" where our aim was to make an web-app that would attract teen adults to go voting and also will entertain them. After all, our design was:
We divided our design into three main parts: Entertain, Inform, and Motivate. Our main entertaining factor is the AI-generated images that are created in response to user input. In this design, the user input is 'Maia Sandu as a fictional character', and the images are generated accordingly. The team's thought was that by creating something funny and interesting, people would be more likely to check out our web app.
The informing part of our app was the text AI, which allowed users to input personalized prompts that would entertain and inform them. For this part, we used the fine-tune model from OpenAI, which we trained using our own dataset (primarily consisting of 100 prompts).
The motivation part of our app was a lottery feature, where users could see that by voting, they would automatically be entered into a lottery with a high chance of winning. Unfortunately, our idea was not well-received by the jury, and the project will remain as a half-developed idea. However, our model can be found in '', and our dataset is stored in a file with the extension '.jsonl'. Thank you for your attention.