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Merge pull request #72 from GeoscienceAustralia/MAE
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a2ray authored May 2, 2024
2 parents e8f8139 + 1830ed0 commit b8be9a0
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Showing 6 changed files with 213 additions and 11 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "HiQGA"
uuid = "01574e87-63b6-4466-925a-334cf7e21b6b"
authors = ["richardt94 <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.4.4"
version = "0.4.5"

CSV = "336ed68f-0bac-5ca0-87d4-7b16caf5d00b"
Expand Down
103 changes: 95 additions & 8 deletions src/CommonToAll.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,9 +18,9 @@ export trimxft, assembleTat1, gettargtemps, checkns, getchi2forall, nicenup, plo
summaryconductivity, plotsummarygrids1, getVE, writevtkfromsounding,
readcols, colstovtk, findclosestidxincolfile, zcentertoboundary, zboundarytocenter,
writeijkfromsounding, nanmean, infmean, nanstd, infstd, infnanmean, infnanstd,
kde_sj, plotmanygrids, readwell, getlidarheight, plotblockedwellonimages, getdeterministicoutputs, getprobabilisticoutputs,
readfzipped, readxyzrhoϕ, writevtkxmlforcurtain, getRandgridr, getallxyinr, getXYlast,
getprobabilisticlinesfromdirectory, readxyzrhoϕnu, plotgausshist
kde_sj, plotmanygrids, readwell, getlidarheight, plotblockedwellonimages, getdeterministicoutputs,
getprobabilisticoutputs,readfzipped, readxyzrhoϕ, writevtkxmlforcurtain, getRandgridr, getallxyinr, getXYlast,
getprobabilisticlinesfromdirectory, readxyzrhoϕnu, plotgausshist, findMAE, getclosestidx, getpostatXY, getpostatwell

# Kernel Density stuff
abstract type KDEtype end
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -790,6 +790,39 @@ function plot_posterior(F::Operator1D,
CI[:,1], CI[:,2], CI[:,3], meanimage, meandiffimage, sdslope

function getpostatXY(F::Operator, soundings::Vector{T}, opt_in::OptionsStat, Xwanted, Ywanted;
burninfrac = 0.5,
nbins = 50,
qp1 = nothing,
qp2 = nothing,
usekde = true,
pdfnormalize = false,
) where T<:Sounding
@assert !isnothing(qp1) | !isnothing(qp2)
opt = deepcopy(opt_in)
M = getclosestensemble(soundings, opt, Xwanted, Ywanted; burninfrac)
rhomin, rhomax = extrema(opt.fbounds)
himage, edges, CI, _ = gethimage(F, M, opt; temperaturenum=1,
nbins, qp1, qp2, rhomin, rhomax, usekde,
islscale=false, pdfnormalize)
himage, edges, CI

function getpostatwell(F::Operator, soundings::Vector{T}, opt_in::OptionsStat, Xwell, Ywell, zc_rho;
burninfrac = 0.5,
nbins = 50,
qp1 = nothing,
qp2 = nothing,
usekde = true,
pdfnormalize = false,
) where T<:Sounding
zcentre = opt_in.xall
Mwell = blocktomodel(zcentre, zc_rho)
himage, edges, CI = getpostatXY(F, soundings, opt_in, Xwell, Ywell; burninfrac,
nbins, qp1, qp2, usekde, pdfnormalize)
himage, edges, CI, Mwell

function getbounds(CI, bounds)
propmin = min(minimum(CI), minimum(bounds))
propmax = max(maximum(CI), maximum(bounds))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2202,7 +2235,8 @@ end
function plotmanygrids(σ, X, Y, Z, zcentre; yl=[], xl=[],
cmapσ="turbo", vmin=-Inf, vmax=Inf, topowidth=1, fontsize=12, spacefactor=5,
dr=nothing, dz=nothing, plotbinning=true, δ²=1e-3, regtype=:R1, donn=false, hspace=1,
figsize=(10,10), smallratio=0.1, preferEright=true, delbin=15., titles=fill("", length(σ)))
figsize=(10,10), smallratio=0.1, preferEright=true, delbin=15.,
titles=fill("", length(σ)), XYprofiles = nothing, drawprofiles=true)
@assert !isnothing(dr) # pass as variable as it is used by other functions too
if isnothing(dz)
mins = [zc[1] for zc in zcentre] # depth to first centre
Expand All @@ -2221,18 +2255,37 @@ function plotmanygrids(σ, X, Y, Z, zcentre; yl=[], xl=[],
x, y, xr, yr = get_x_y(r, m, coord_mle, preferEright)
plotbinning && plotbinningresults(X, Y, x, y, xr, yr)
outmap = map(zip(σ, X, Y, Z, zcentre)) do (s, xx, yy, topo, zc)
id = getclosestidx([xx';yy'], xr', yr', showinfo=false)
makegrid(s[:,id], xr, yr, topo[id]; donn, dr, zall=zc, dz)
id = getclosestidx([xx';yy'], xr', yr', showinfo=false)
if !isnothing(XYprofiles)
@assert size(XYprofiles, 1) == 2
idxatXY = getclosestidx([xx';yy'], XYprofiles[1,:]', XYprofiles[2,:]', showinfo=false)
zatXY = zc
satXY = s[:,idxatXY]
zatXY = nothing
satXY = nothing
img, gridr, gridz, topofine, R = makegrid(s[:,id], xr, yr, topo[id]; donn, dr, zall=zc, dz)
img, gridr, gridz, topofine, R, zatXY, satXY
img, gridr, gridz, topofine, R = [[out[i] for out in outmap] for i in 1:5]
img, gridr, gridz, topofine, R, zatXY, satXY = [[out[i] for out in outmap] for i in 1:7]
if (isinf(vmin) || isinf(vmax))
vmin, vmax = extrema(reduce(vcat, [[extrema(s)...] for s in σ]))
if !isnothing(XYprofiles)
@assert size(XYprofiles, 1) == 2
idx_ = getclosestidx([xr'; yr'], XYprofiles[1,:]', XYprofiles[2,:]', showinfo=false)
Rtoplotat = [cumulativelinedist(xr, yr)[id_] for id_ in idx_]
imhandle = map(zip(ax, img, gridr, gridz, topofine, titles)) do (
ax_, img_, gridr_, gridz_, topofine_, ti)
imhandle_ = ax_.imshow(img_, extent=[gridr_[1], gridr_[end], gridz_[end], gridz_[1]];
cmap=cmapσ, aspect="auto", vmin, vmax)
ax_.plot(gridr_, topofine_, linewidth=topowidth, "-k")
if (!isnothing(XYprofiles) && drawprofiles)
idx, = nn(KDTree(gridr_'), [Rtoplotat...]')
plotprofile(ax_, idx, topofine_, gridr_)
isempty(ti) || ax_.set_title(ti)
Expand All @@ -2251,7 +2304,7 @@ function plotmanygrids(σ, X, Y, Z, zcentre; yl=[], xl=[],
cb.set_label("Log₁₀ S/m", labelpad=0)
nicenup(fig, fsize=fontsize, h_pad=0)
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace = all(isempty.(titles)) ? 0 : hspace)
xr, yr, ax # return easting northing of grid and figure axes
xr, yr, ax, zatXY, satXY # return easting northing of grid and figure axes

function getbinby(X, Y, preferEright)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2361,6 +2414,31 @@ function readwell(fname, skipstart; lidarfile=nothing)
name, X, Y, Z, zc_rho

function findMAE(soundings::Vector{T}, opt_in::OptionsStat, Xwell, Ywell, zc_rho; burninfrac=0.5) where T<:Sounding
opt = deepcopy(opt_in)
zcentre = opt.xall
Mwell = blocktomodel(zcentre, zc_rho)
m = getclosestensemble(soundings, opt, Xwell, Ywell; burninfrac)
findMAE(m, vec(Mwell))

function blocktomodel(zcentre, zc_rho)
zboundaries = zcentertoboundary(zcentre)
Mwell = block1Dvalues([zc_rho[:,2]], zc_rho[:,1], [zboundaries[1:end-1] zboundaries[2:end]], :median)[:]
Mwell = vec([Mwell;Mwell[end,:]']) # dummy last cell in depth

function getclosestensemble(soundings::Vector{T}, opt::OptionsStat, Xwell, Ywell; burninfrac=0.5) where T<:Sounding
idx = getclosestidx(Xwell, Ywell, soundings)
opt.fdataname = soundings[idx].sounding_string*"_"
m = assembleTat1(opt, :fstar; burninfrac, temperaturenum=1)

function findMAE(mm::Vector{T}, Mwell::Vector{S}) where T<:Array where S<:Real
absdevs = [abs.(vec(m) - Mwell) for m in mm]
nanmean(reduce(hcat, absdevs), 2) # mean of ndepths × namples in nsamples dirn

function makeblockedwellimage(readwellarray, zall, xr, yr; distblank=50, dr=nothing, donn=false, displaydistanceaway=true )
# xr, yr are the line path along which to find closest well index
@assert !isnothing(dr)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2446,6 +2524,15 @@ function plotblockedwellonimages(ax, wellarray, zall, xr, yr; donn=false,
@assert !isnothing(vmax)
img, gridr, gridz, hsegs, vsegs = makeblockedwellimage(wellarray, zall, xr, yr; distblank, dr, donn)
plotwelloutline(ax, img, hsegs, vsegs, gridr, gridz, vmin, vmax; cmap, color, linewidth)
wnames = [String(w[1]) for w in wellarray]
annotatewells(ax[end], wnames, hsegs)


function annotatewells(ax, wnames, hsegs)
for (h, wn) in zip(hsegs[2:2:end], wnames)
ax.text(h[end,1], h[end,2], wn, fontsize=8)

end # module CommonToAll
68 changes: 67 additions & 1 deletion zz_portalcurtains/RDP.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
module RDP
using LinearAlgebra, Dates, ArchGDAL, Printf,
PyPlot, Images, FileIO, HiQGA, Interpolations
PyPlot, Images, FileIO, HiQGA, Interpolations, NearestNeighbors, DelimitedFiles
import GeoFormatTypes as GFT
import GeoDataFrames as GDF
import HiQGA.transD_GP.LineRegression.getsmoothline

const mpl = PyPlot.matplotlib
const tilesize = 512
const epsg_GDA94 = 4283
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,6 +314,17 @@ function writevtkfromxyzrhodir(nlayers::Int; src_dir="", dst_dir="", src_epsg=0,

function writegiantfilefromxyzrhodir(nlayers::Int; src_dir="", dst_dir="", src_epsg=0)
lines = transD_GP.getprobabilisticlinesfromdirectory(src_dir)
isdir(dst_dir) || mkpath(dst_dir)
map(lines) do ln
X, Y, Z, zall, ρlow, ρmid, ρhigh, ρavg, ϕmean, ϕsdev = transD_GP.readxyzrhoϕ(ln, nlayers; pathname=src_dir)
plist = makeplist(X, Y)
latlonglist = reduce(hcat, reprojecttoGDA94(plist, src_epsg))'
[latlonglist src_epsg*ones(size(X)) X Y Z transD_GP.zcentertoboundary(zall)'.*ones(size(X)) ρlow' ρmid' ρhigh' ϕmean ϕsdev]

function writeshpfromxyzrhodir(nlayers::Int; prefix="", src_dir="", dst_dir="", src_epsg=0)
lines = transD_GP.getprobabilisticlinesfromdirectory(src_dir)
isdir(dst_dir) || mkpath(dst_dir)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -381,4 +394,57 @@ function writeaseggdffromxyzrho(nlayers::Int; src_dir="", dst_dir="",

mutable struct XY

function collectpoints(;npoints=1000)
xy = ginput(npoints, timeout=0)
x, y = [[pts[i] for pts in xy] for i = 1:2]
XY(x, y)

function smoothline(xy::XY; λ²=0.01, finefactor=100, regtype=:R1, fname=nothing)
xmin, xmax = extrema(xy.x)
Δx = (xmax - xmin)/finefactor
gridx = range(start=xmin, stop=xmax, step=Δx)
gridy = snaptogrid(gridx, xy.x, xy.y)
sd = 1 # identity weighting matrix for points
ysmooth = getsmoothline(gridy, sd; δ²=λ², regtype)
if !isnothing(fname)
@assert !isfile(fname)
io = open(fname,"w")
write(io, "$(λ²)\n")
write(io, "$finefactor\n")
write(io, "$regtype\n")
writedlm(io, [xy.x xy.y])
gridx, ysmooth

function readpoints(fname::String)
io = open(fname, "r")
λ² = parse(Float64, readline(io))
finefactor = parse(Float64, readline(io))
regtype = Symbol(readline(io))
xy = readdlm(io)
xy = XY(xy[:,1], xy[:,2])
smoothline(xy; λ², finefactor, regtype)

function readpoints(fnames::Vector{String})
xy = map(fnames) do fn

function snaptogrid(gridx, x, y)
idx, _ = nn(KDTree(gridx'), x')
gridy = NaN .+ zeros(size(gridx))
gridy[idx] = y

end # module
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion zz_portalcurtains/comparelei.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -26,5 +26,5 @@ zall = [zalld, zallp, zallp, zallp]
titles = ["Deterministic conductivity", "10th Percentile conductivity", "50th Percentile conductivity", "90th Percentile conductivity"]
xrd, yrd, axd = transD_GP.plotmanygrids(deepcopy(σ), deepcopy(X), deepcopy(Y), deepcopy(Z), deepcopy(zall);
dr, vmin, vmax, donn, xl, yl, δ²=linesmoothδ², figsize=(20,10), titles,
preferEright=true, plotbinning=true, fontsize=10, delbin, hspace=0.22, spacefactor=0.1)
preferEright=true, plotbinning=false, fontsize=10, delbin, hspace=0.22, spacefactor=0.1)
savefig("Line_$linewanted.png", dpi=500)
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions zz_portalcurtains/makegiantfile_from_all_xyzrho.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
using HiQGA, PyPlot, DelimitedFiles
nlayers = 52
vmin, vmax = -2.5, 0.5
items = [item for item in walkdir("/Users/anray/Documents/work/projects/largeaem/final_01/summaries_all")]
idx_summary = [basename(it[1]) == "summary" for it in items]
src_dir = [it[1] for it in items[idx_summary]]
src_epsg = [28353, 28354, 28351, 28354, 28354, 28354, 28354, 28352, 28352, 28352, 28352]
out = map(zip(src_dir, src_epsg)) do (dir, epsg)
dst_dir = joinpath(dirname(dir),"GDA94_vtk")
RDP.writegiantfilefromxyzrhodir(nlayers; src_dir=dir, dst_dir, src_epsg=epsg)
## write to file
fname = "/Users/anray/Documents/work/projects/largeaem/final_01/giantfile.txt"
format = "lat long src_epsg X Y Z zboundaries log10ρlow log10ρmid log10ρhigh ϕmean ϕsdev"
write(fname, format)
io = open(fname, "a")
writedlm(io, reduce(vcat, reduce(vcat, out)))
30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions zz_portalcurtains/testdraw.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
using PyPlot
XY = RDP.collectpoints()
x, y = RDP.smoothline(XY, λ²=10000, finefactor=1000, regtype=:R2, fname="base_menindee.txt")
XY1 = RDP.collectpoints()
x, y = RDP.smoothline(XY1, λ²=10000, finefactor=1000, regtype=:R2, fname="base_1_menindee.txt")
XY2a = RDP.collectpoints()
x, y = RDP.smoothline(XY2a, λ²=10000, finefactor=1000, regtype=:R2, fname="base_2a_menindee.txt")
XY2b = RDP.collectpoints()
x, y = RDP.smoothline(XY2b, λ²=10000, finefactor=1000, regtype=:R2, fname="base_2b_menindee.txt")
XY3a = RDP.collectpoints()
x, y = RDP.smoothline(XY1a, λ²=10000, finefactor=1000, regtype=:R2, fname="base_3a_menindee.txt")
XY3b = RDP.collectpoints()
x, y = RDP.smoothline(XY1b, λ²=10000, finefactor=1000, regtype=:R2, fname="base_3b_menindee.txt")
## read them all
x, y = [[xy[i] for xy in RDP.readpoints(["base_menindee.txt", "base_1_menindee.txt", "base_2a_menindee.txt", "base_2b_menindee.txt",
"base_3a_menindee.txt", "base_3b_menindee.txt"])] for i in 1:2]
map(axp) do ax
for a in ax[1:6]
for (xx, yy) in zip(x, y)
a.plot(xx, yy, "--k", linewidth=0.5)

2 comments on commit b8be9a0

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@a2ray a2ray commented on b8be9a0 May 2, 2024

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