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Deployment of GDI starter kit

This repository is a collection of scripts and documentation produced during the deployment of the GDI starter kit in the Swedish node. However, it should not be used as a standalone guide, and it probably lacks some steps not documented during the deployment.

The deployment described here was done in one VM (virtual machine) and the services were deployed in docker containers. The VM is running behind an ha-proxy, which was used to route the traffic to the different services. The VM is running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

Repos in the deployment

The repositories used in the deployment are the following:


User facing services

The user facing services are the following:

  1. Download
  2. Htsget
  3. REMS
  4. Login/Auth
  5. Inbox
  6. Beacon
  7. Public key endpoint

The ports for these services should be open, in order to be able to access them from outside the VM. The ports in the Swedish case are:

  1. Download: 8443
  2. Htsget: 8081
  3. REMS: 3000
  4. Login/Auth: 8080
  5. Inbox: 8000
  6. Beacon: 8085 TODO: Change to the actual port
  7. Public key endpoint: stored at an S3 bucket in the Swedish case

LS AAI registration

In order to gain access to the LS AAI and enable the users to login with their home organization credentials, the Auth and REMS services need to be registered with LS AAI. Both of them can be under the same service since you are allowed to have multiple Redirect URIs (one for the Auth and one for the REMS). The registration process is described here

The details for the LS AAI configuration are described here. For more information contact Dominic František Bučík on GDI slack.

Create certificates for all these services

The user facing services are running with TLS encryption. To create the certificates, we used Certbot. The certificates are stored in a Docker volume, which is mounted in all the containers.

Clone the storage-and-interfaces repository using the following command:

git clone

Generate a certificate for all external facing services with a command similar to this (be sure to change the email and the domains):

certbot certonly --standalone \
        --noninteractive \
        --agree-tos \ 
        --preferred-challenges http \
        --email [email protected] \
        -d \
        -d \
        -d \
        -d \
        -d \
        -d --expand

To renew the certificates and copy them to the Docker volume, run the following command or add it to the Certbot cron job, for example:

1 2	1 * * root /usr/bin/certbot renew --deploy-hook /home/ubuntu/starter-kit-storage-and-interfaces/scripts/cert-deploy --quiet --no-self-upgrade

Deploying storage and interfaces

Now that the storage and interfaces repository is cloned, start by editing the config/config.yml file (a sample can be found under storage-and-interfaces/config in this repository) and add the certificates you generated to the app entry (which is the download service), like:

app: # this is for download
  host: ""
  servercert: /shared/cert/fullchain.pem
  serverkey: /shared/cert/privkey.pem
  port: "8443"

And to the s3inbox entry in the docker-compose.yml file (a sample can be found under storage-and-interfaces in this repository) like:

    - SERVER_CERT=/shared/cert/fullchain.pem
    - SERVER_KEY=/shared/cert/privkey.pem

Note: make sure that SERVER_JWTPUBKEYURL is not set in the compose file since this is configured in config.yaml.

Deploying auth

Auth is a service in the storage-and-interfaces Docker compose file that enables the users to extract a token and an s3config file in order to download and upload data, respectively. In the docker-compose.yml file, apart from the credentials of the LS AAI account (registered in earlier steps), you should also set the redirect URL, to something like:


while the values for ELIXIR_ID and ELIXIR_SECRET can be obtained from spreg, in the Swedish case from<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>


The Swedish deployment is using an external S3 backend for storing the files. However, the Docker compose file in storage-and-interfaces contains a Minio instance, that can be used for archiving the data. In either case, set the credentials of the S3 backend in the config/config.yaml file, specifically the S3AccessKey and S3SecretKey values.

Update the issuer configuration

In config/iss.json there exists a file that defines token issuers that the download service will trust. Add/Update the REMS block to point to your own REMS instance, for example:

    "iss": "",
    "jku": ""

Deploying htsget

To get the htsget working with TLS, move to the start-kit-htsget directory and edit the htsget-config/config.json file (a sample can be found under htsget/config-htsget/ in this repository) and change the location of serverCert and serverKey to:

"serverCert": "/shared/cert/fullchain.pem",
"serverKey": "/shared/cert/privkey.pem"

And change the first source to point to the download endpoint. For example:

    "pattern": "^s3/(?P<accession>.*)$",
    "path": "{accession}"

Then change the port where the service is mapped to the port you want to expose (currently set to 8081) by changing the docker-compose-htsget.yml file (a sample can be found under htsget in this repository) as follows:

      - 8081:3000

Deploying REMS

Edit the configuration file config.edn, add/modify values for public_url, database_url, oidc-metadata-url, oidc-scopes, oidc-client-id and oidc-client-secret.

:public-url ""
:database-url "postgresql://db:5432/rems?user=<REMS_DATABASE_USER>&password=<REMS_DATABASE_PASSWORD>"
:oidc-metadata-url ""
:oidc-scopes "openid profile email ga4gh_passport_v1"

The values for oidc-client-id and oidc-client-secret can be obtained from spreg, as mentioned in the Auth service deployment above.

To configure TLS for REMS, one needs to add three parameters, namely ssl-port, ssl-keystore and ssl-keystore-password. The value of ssl-port should be set as 3000, consequently, port for non-TLS can be modified to e.g. 3001.

The keystore file can be converted from certificate files generated by Certbot by the following commands, assuming the public key file is ./certs/cert.pem, the private key file is ./certs/privkey.pem and the CA file is ./certs/fullchain.pem.

From outside of the container (on the VM) and under the root folder of the repository, run

openssl pkcs12 -export \
    -in ./certs/fullchain.pem \
    -inkey ./certs/privkey.pem \
    -out ./certs/ \
    -name \
    -password "<CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD>"

Then run the following command from inside the REMS container:

keytool -importkeystore \
    -deststorepass <CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD> \
    -destkeypass <CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD> \
    -deststoretype pkcs12 \
    -srckeystore \
    -srcstoretype PKCS12 \
    -srcstorepass <CERTIFICATE_PASSWORD> \
    -destkeystore \

For the Docker setup, add/modify ports of the service app

- "3000:3000"
- "3001:3001"

Modify ports of the service db to 5433 to avoid conflict with any other database container

- ""

Add the volume starter-kit-storage-and-interfaces_shared

  external: true

The private-key.jwk created when deploying REMS does not contain the kid field, therefore (for now) that needs to be added manually, by copying the same value from the public-key.jwk. This might have been fixed on the key creation script in later REMS versions.

Create an administrator account

In order to use REMS you need to create an admin account. Details about that can be found here.

Create the robot account

After deploying REMS, create a robot user account, that will be used for the connection with the LS AAI. Details can be found here

Connect REMS to LS AAI

After setting up the robot account, send the required information to the LS AAI people. The data includes:

- jwks url:
- permissions api:<lifescience_user_id>
- user api key: <taken_from_REMS_database>
  • The lifescience_user_id is not a specific value. It will be used from the LS AAI when requesting permissions.
  • The user API key is created in the previous step. In order to extract it from the database, run
docker exec -it rems_db psql -U rems -h localhost -c 'select * from api_key' rems

and get the key created for the robot account.

If everything worked well, you should be able to see the visas created by REMS in the token provided by the LS AAI for a specific user.

Using REMS

In order to use REMS and be able to apply for access, you need to follow the steps described here. This guide assumes that there exists an organisation, workflow etc.

Deploying Beacon2

Clone the starter-kit-beacon2-ri-api repo using the following command:

git clone

Deployment instructions are available in the repo, at

There are some port collisions with storage-and-interfaces in this repo:

9000 is used for beacon_training_ui
8081 is used for mongo-express
8000 is used for keycloak

In the Swedish case, changed these are:

9000 → 9090
8081 → 8082
8000 → 8083

The new ports are included in the sample beacon/docker-compose.yml file. The /beacon/permissions/ file (located in permissions folder of the Beacon repository) needs to be updated with the credentials of the LS AAI. Finally, the /beacon/permissions/ file (located in permissions folder of the Beacon repository) needs to be changed, by adding a user that should have access to a number of datasets. In the example, the user <SOME_LS_AAI_USER> is given access to the test dataset that will be added after starting the services. The <SOME_LS_AAI_USER> is the preferred_username returned by LS AAI when querying the user-info endpoint.

In order to connect to the Beacon Network, update the deploy/ file and specifically the values under the sections Beacon general info, Project info and Service to reflect the information of the organisation. Apart from that, update also the section Web server configuration to add the certificates for the TLS connection. Notice that the value of uri should include a trailing slash /, otherwise the URLs from the Beacon Network will not be correct. Once the configuration is done, share the link of the beacon with the Beacon Network people, so that they can add it to the network.

NOTE: To run the beacon behind an nginx server with TLS termination, remove the port mapping from the beacon container, and create a new nginx container (included in the docker-compose.yml file here) like this:

  # Nginx TLS proxy
    image: nginx:mainline-alpine3.17-slim
        condition: service_started
      - 5050:443
      - ./tls_nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf:ro
      - starter-kit-storage-and-interfaces_shared:/shared
      - my-app-network

    external: true

and create the tls_nginx.conf (included in the tls_nginx.conf file under beacon in this repository) file as:

server {
    listen              443 ssl;
    server_name         localhost <hostname>;
    ssl_certificate     /shared/etc/letsencrypt/live/<cert-name>/fullchain.pem;
    ssl_certificate_key /shared/etc/letsencrypt/live/<cert-name>/privkey.pem;

    location / {
        proxy_pass http://beacon:5050/;


Now that all the files are updated, the images need to be built and the services can be started with:

docker compose up --build -d

Follow the instructions in the repository for loading the data, summarized:

for collection in datasets analyses biosamples cohorts genomiVariations individuals runs
    docker cp "./data/$collection.json" "deploy-db-1:/tmp/$collection.json"
    docker exec deploy-db-1 mongoimport --jsonArray \
        --uri 'mongodb://root:[email protected]:27017/beacon?authSource=admin' \
        --file "/tmp/$collection.json" --collection "$collection"

And finally

docker exec beacon python beacon/

To create indexes for the database.

You then need to set up ontologies correctly with:

docker exec beacon python beacon/db/
docker exec beacon python beacon/db/

To check if the user can query the Beacon, login to the Auth service and extract the token JWToken, then use it in a curl command like the following:

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer <JWToken>' \
  -X POST \
  -d '{
    "meta": {
        "apiVersion": "2.0"
    "query": {
        "requestParameters": {
        "datasets": ["CINECA_synthetic_cohort_EUROPE_UK1"]       },
        "filters": [],
        "includeResultsetResponses": "HIT",
        "pagination": {
            "skip": 0,
            "limit": 10
        "testMode": false,
        "requestedGranularity": "record"
  }' \ 

Create endpoint for public crypt4gh key

From the VM where the storage-and-interfaces is deployed, extract the crypt4gh public key from the download container using:

docker cp download:/shared/ .

Create a new bucket and upload the key to that bucket. Then change the key permissions to public:

s3cmd -c <s3config> mb s3://gdi-public
s3cmd -c <s3config> put s3://gdi-public/key/
s3cmd -c <s3config> setacl s3://gdi-public/key/ --acl-public

In the Swedish case, the public key for the next step can be found under

Uploading data to the archive

Download the to the machine where the dataset exists.

Login to the auth endpoint ( and download the s3config file containing the JWT token. Download and extract the sda-cli

tar -xvzf sda-cli_.0.0.6_Darwin_x86_64.tar.gz

Encrypt and upload the file using sda-cli

./sda-cli encrypt -key keys/ <file_name>
./sda-cli upload -config s3cmd.conf <file_name>.c4gh (-targetDir <target_folder_location>)

To start the ingestion, use the sda-admin tool from the VM where the storage-and-interfaces product is deployed. First, copy the s3cmd.conf file in the same folder as the sda-admin tool. Then check that the file uploaded earlier exists using

./sda-admin ingest

Then start the ingestion, create an accession ID and finally map the file to a dataset using

./sda-admin ingest <file_name_with_path>
./sda-admin accession <accession_id> <file_name_with_path>
./sda-admin dataset <dataset_id> <file_name_with_path>

For example:

./sda-admin ingest dir180523/file180523.test.c4gh
./sda-admin accession GDIF000000002 dir180523/file180523.test.c4gh
./sda-admin dataset GDID000000002  dir180523/file180523.test.c4gh

Apply and get access to dataset

Login to REMS (deployed earlier), pick a dataset from the catalogue item list and apply for access. The handler then should approve the request and the user should now have the visas to access the files from the dataset.

Deploying containerised computation

The containerised-computation product can be deployed by running

docker compose up --build -d

from the root of the repository. In the repository, there exists a job that calculates the md5sum of a file that exists in the archive. In order to run this job

  1. Login with the LS AAI at the Auth service and get the JWToken
  2. Edit the examples/ file and add the JWToken and the url to the file to be downloaded
  3. Run

The result should be shown in the logs of the containerised-computation container. One example of the exists in the repo under examples.

Get the files

Get files with samtools

After getting the request for access approved, you should be able to download the files in the specified dataset. That can be achieved by:

  1. Login to the auth service (deployed with storage-and-interface) (the url in the SE case)
  2. Copy the access token
  3. Store the token in a file and export it to the HTS_AUTH_LOCATION variable
export HTS_AUTH_LOCATION=token.txt
  1. Check the files that exist in the specific dataset using
curl --location \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT_FROM_AUTH>' \

e.g. for the Swedish case:

curl --location \
    --header 'Authorization: Bearer <JWT_FROM_AUTH>' \
  1. Finally use samtools to download a file

e.g. for the Swedish case:

samtools view


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