What's Changed
- fix: user permissions error causes oidc plugin to error by @Markus92 in #114
- chore(deps): update ckan/ckan-base docker tag to v2.10.5 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #115
- chore(deps): update ckan/ckan-dev docker tag to v2.10.5 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #116
- feat(auth): remove Keycloak integration from CKAN and user portal by @hcvdwerf in #121
- feat(scheming): set up GDI presets (for datetime scheming) by @Markus92 in #119
- chore(deps): update postgres docker tag to v17 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #124
- feat: Upgrade to DCAT AP 3 by @hcvdwerf in #125
- chore(deps): remove vulnerable packages by @brunopacheco1 in #126
- chore(deps): update aquasecurity/trivy-action action to v0.25.0 by @LNDS-Sysadmins in #127
Full Changelog: v1.2.2...v1.3.0