- This is a simple web app where users will search for internships and/or full-time jobs as employers post opportunities on the same.
- The backend of this web app is powered by The Django Web Framework
- Fork the repository to your own account.
- Clone your fork to your local machine
- Work on your local repo
- Push your commits to your remote fork
- Submit a Pull Request (PR) to the main repo of the organization
- Await review.
Create a virtual environment in your IDE or text editor or run the command:
python -m venv env
Activate the virtual environment by running...
source env/bin/activate
Install all the project dependencies by running...
pip install -r requirements.txt
Make the necessary django migrations by running these two commands:
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
Now run the server and launch the web app using:
python manage.py runserver
After every PR merge, one should pull the changes in this manner...
In your local repo, run the following command:
git pull https://github.com/GeminiDevs/searchJobs.git
Then push those changes to your remote fork(repo) using:
git push -u origin master
This will even the main branches of both your fork and this repo.