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Small content update + fixes

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@bl4ckscor3 bl4ckscor3 released this 02 Jun 06:50
· 4504 commits to 1.21.3 since this release

New: Added config option to disable SecurityCraft's built-in version checking feature
New: The admin tool can automatically open keycard readers by right-clicking on it
New: A GUI displaying IRC information opens after typing "/sc connect"
New: Security cameras can now have a custom name which is displayed in the monitor GUI
New: Laser blocks can now be enabled/disabled
New: Links sent through IRC are now clickable
New: Recipe tooltips in the SecurityCraft Manual
New: Blocks without a recipe now have an explanation on how to create them on their SecurityCraft Manual page
New: Scanner Door (Acts like a Retinal Scanner and Reinforced Door in one)
New: Alongside the already existing process of creating reinforced blocks, you can now rightclick the Universal Block Reinforcer, insert an item into the slot and close the GUI to quickly reinforce stacks of blocks
New: Option to disable the Portable Radar using the Universal Block Modifier
New: Keypads can now be disguised as other blocks by inserting a Disguise Module into it
New: Buttons at the beginning and end of the SecuritCraft Manual for easier navigation
API: Added CustomizableSCTE.linkable() which allows you to "link" two blocks together, and run code between them
API: Added CameraView, a wrapper class to handle different camera views
Change: Bouncing betties can now be defused
Change: /sc contact now doesn't require a message, instead it changes your normal chat to send to IRC instead of Minecraft chat. You can use /sc resume to go back to normal Minecraft chat
Fix: Crash with username logger not checking if the name it saves is actually a player or not
Fix: Rare crash with blocks implementing IIntersectable
Fix: Incorrect password-protected chest recipe being shown in the SecurityCraft manual
Fix: Retinal scanners can be activated by non-whitelisted players that are not the owner
Fix: Camera monitor displaying "0/30 cameras" in the monitor's tooltip when 30 cameras are bound to it
Fix: Crash which occurs when SecurityCraft's update .json file isn't downloaded properly at startup
Fix: Crash when opening a monitor with more than 10 cameras bound to it
Fix: Unbinding the first bound camera from a monitor restricts access to other cameras bound to the same monitor
Fix: Portable Radar option to disable repeating message does not show
Fix: Language strings regarding block options
Fix: Portable Radar crash
Fix: Resizing Minecraft while having the SecurityCraft Manual open doesn't update tooltips correctly
Fix: Hostile mobs attack the player when he is viewing a camera
Fix: Cage Trap can be activated by its owner
Fix: Protecto attacks whitelisted players
Fix: The Portable Radar sends a message when its owner is in its radius
Fix: Translations don't work in the SC Manual under certain circumstances
Fix: [1.8, 1.8.8] North-facing camera views being able to rotate backwards when turning left, and not being able to turn right after previously turning left
Fix: [1.8, 1.8.8] Reinforced Doors can be activated by normal redstone