Collaborative Coding is a platform where users can learn with other users, share ideas and create live discussion groups through voice and video chat. It also users to invite friends and join groups to solve a particular problem.
- Create a discussion group (voice & video)
- Invite friends or join other groups
- Angular
- NodeJS
- MongoDB
- CodeChef API
Add url of the angular cli to node_server
"angularUrl": ["{{Add your domain}}"] (e.g http:localhost:4200)
Get client_id and client_secret from CodeChef API and redirect_uri as http://{{Add your domain}}:3000/oauth/codechef
- Add client_id in angular config path: angweb/src/environments/environment.ts and change redirect_uri as mentioned in CodeChef
codeChefLoginUrl: ' response_type=code&client_id=xxxxxxxxxxxxxx&state=xyz&redirect_uri=http://{{Add your domain}}:3000/oauth/codechef'
- Add client_id and client_secret in NodeJS config path: node_server/config.json and redirect_uri as mentioned in CodeChef
"redirectUrl": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" "client_id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" "client_secret": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- Add client_id in angular config path: angweb/src/environments/environment.ts and change redirect_uri as mentioned in CodeChef
Get embedId from TOKBOX Video embed URL
- Add embedId in node_server config path:node_server/config.json
videoApiUrl: ""
- Add embedId in node_server config path:node_server/config.json
Setup MongoDB
- Add MongoDB url in node_server path:node_server/config.json
"mongoDbUrl": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
- Add MongoDB url in node_server path:node_server/config.json
For commands for setup refer setupDev.txt
1.Node installation
- For Windows
- For Linux
curl -o- | bash
nvm install stable
Angular web client installation
npm install -g @angular/cli
Install git
Clone repo url -
Install node modules and Run
- For Angular web
cd CodeChef/angweb npm install
- Start Angular Server
ng serve
- For Node Server
cd CodeChef/node_server npm install
- Start node_server
npm start