Releases: GarwelGarwel/SpaceAge
Releases · GarwelGarwel/SpaceAge
1.3.8: Active Vessel's Log button
- Added a button to view the active vessel's log when in the Flight scene
1.3.7: Optimization and fixes
- Compiled for KSP 1.12.4
- Improved: No longer saving unused vessels data
- Improved: Optimized some loops to be a bit faster
- Changed: Updated metadata to require KSP 1.12
- Fixed: Error in the log and possible memory leak when leaving scene
1.3.6 - KSP 1.12 update
Recompiled for KSP 1.12. Probably not compatible with older versions of KSP
1.3.5 - Better search and a new achievement
- Added: New achievement for Total Science Collected (for relevant game modes, of course) and the related ScienceAdded event (not displayed in the Chronicle but can be used in achievements)
- Added: Search feature now recognizes phrase search and looks for whole words only. E.g., when you search for "Eve", it will only include the entries related to the planet, not everything with "eve" inside (such as "achievement"). Put phrases in quotation marks to search for them (for instance "Apollo 11" will find all entries with this exact phrase while Apollo 11 will find anything with words "Apollo" and "11").
- Added: Button to quickly clear search box and return back to unfiltered results
- Added: Space Age window now automatically updates to reflect new achievements
- Fixed; More data validity checks to prevent issues if you load a corrupted save
- Various small UI and performance improvements
1.3.4 - More fixes
- Added: Setting to use default (stock or mod-provided) date & time format instead of Space Age's own
- Changed: Unwarp time on Chronicle events when notifications are enabled; removed redundant setting
- Changed: Vessels are now marked as destroyed at a celestial body if they are destroyed in the atmosphere, regardless of altitude
- Fixed: Incorrect messages in Chronicle for achievement-related events
1.3.3 - Flag & UI fixes
- Changed: Asteroids and comets are no longer included in vessel's mass for achievements
- Fixed: Issues with tracking of flag plant event (they weren't added to the Chronicle; achievements didn't record the kerbal's name)
- Fixed: When switching to a vessel's log, the page number wasn't reset to 1
- Fixed: NRE when loading invalid or corrupted (e.g. empty) achievements
- Various small UI and localization improvements
- Code improvement for better performance, maintainability and compatibility
1.3.2 - Docking fix
- Compiled for KSP 1.11.2. Should be compatible with any version from KSP 1.8
- Fixed: Issues with processing docking and undocking events, including failure to recognize Docking-related achievements
1.3.1 - KSP 1.11 update
- Recompiled for KSP 1.11 (but may be backwards compatible with older versions)
- Added: Tracking of staging events (only visible in Ship Log mode)
- Fixed: Incorrect metadata in .version file
1.3.0 - Ship logs, localization and more!
- Compiled for KSP 1.9.1. Should be compatible with KSP 1.8 - 1.10.1
- Added: Ship Logs. You can now click Log button next to events in the Chronicle to open a log of events related to a specific vessel. You can switch time format for these between UT (calendar date + time) or MET (mission time)
- Added: Support for localization. Only English is available now, but submissions are welcome
- Added: Logging of burns (maneuvers) along with approximate duration and delta V. You can only see these in ship logs, so as not to spam the Chronicle. Only burns longer than 10 sec (adjustable in the settings) are logged
- Added: Logging of takeoffs, also shown only in Ship Logs. A "takeoff" is when a previously launched vessel leaves ground for more than 30 sec (adjustable in the settings)
- Added: Showing in the Chronicle, which vessel completed an achievement (doesn't apply to old achievements)
- Changed: Fractions of seconds are not stored any more (for slight performance/memory improvement)
- Changed: Better handling of short hops for Takeoff and Landing events
- Fixed: Launches were sometimes logged incorrectly (or not logged at all)
- Code refactoring for better maintainability
1.3.0 Beta - Ship Logs, localization and more!
- This is a beta pre-release. It should be reasonably stable, but making a backup of your persistent.sfs and enabling Debug Mode (for better logging) is recommended. Report bugs in the Issues tab or on the Forum
- Compiled for KSP 1.9.1. Should be compatible with KSP 1.8 - 1.10.1
- Added: Ship Logs. You can now click Log button next to events in the Chronicle to open a log of events related to a specific vessel. You can switch time format for these between UT (calendar date + time) or MET (mission time)
- Added: Support for localization. Only English is available now, but submissions are welcome
- Added: Logging of burns (maneuvers) along with approximate duration and delta V. You can only see these in ship logs, so as not to spam the Chronicle. Only burns longer than 10 sec (adjustable in the settings) are logged
- Added: Logging of takeoffs, also shown only in Ship Logs. A "takeoff" is when a previously launched vessel leaves ground for more than 30 sec (adjustable in the settings)
- Added: Showing in the Chronicle, which vessel completed an achievement (doesn't apply to old achievements)
- Changed: Fractions of seconds are not stored any more (for slight performance/memory improvement)
- Changed: Better handling of short hops for Takeoff and Landing events
- Fixed: Launches were sometimes logged incorrectly (or not logged at all)
- Code refactoring for better maintainability