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Changes the definition of "sync" point to be the end of a CFAR
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Previously a sync point was interpreted as the start of a CFAR
where control flow would synchronize upon exit. This changes
a sync point to be interpreted as exactly the address where
control flow re-synchronizes, and instead discovers which
CFARs may terminate there. Those CFARs are then converted into
merge nodes to continue two-sided analysis.
  • Loading branch information
danmatichuk committed Feb 20, 2024
1 parent 3ce48ae commit f2989a6
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Showing 6 changed files with 366 additions and 167 deletions.
191 changes: 127 additions & 64 deletions src/Pate/Verification/PairGraph.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -129,9 +129,8 @@ import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Reader (local, MonadReader (ask))
import Control.Monad.State.Strict (StateT (..), MonadState (..), MonadTrans (..), execStateT, modify, State, execState, gets)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, MonadThrow, MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Error (MonadError (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..) )
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT )
import Control.Monad.Except (ExceptT, MonadError (..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except (runExceptT)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict (runState)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -490,7 +489,16 @@ data ActionQueue sym arch =

data SyncPoint arch =
SyncPoint { syncNodes :: PPa.PatchPairC (GraphNode arch) }
-- each side of the analysis independently defines a set of
-- graph nodes, representing CFARs that can terminate
-- respectively on the cut addresses
-- The "merge" nodes are the cross product of these, since we
-- must assume that any combination of exits is possible
-- during the single-sided analysis
{ syncStartNodes :: PPa.PatchPairC (Set (GraphNode arch))
, syncCutAddresses :: PPa.PatchPairC (PAd.ConcreteAddress arch)

ppProgramDomains ::
forall sym arch a.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1000,52 +1008,53 @@ addReturnVector gr funPair retPair priority =

wl = RevMap.insertWith (min) (ReturnNode funPair) priority (pairGraphWorklist gr)

pgMaybe :: String -> Maybe a -> PairGraphM sym arch a
pgMaybe _ (Just a) = return a
pgMaybe msg Nothing = throwError $ PEE.PairGraphErr msg

getSyncPoint ::
PairGraph sym arch ->
getSyncPoints ::
forall sym arch bin.
PBi.WhichBinaryRepr bin ->
GraphNode arch ->
Maybe (GraphNode arch)
getSyncPoint gr bin nd = case Map.lookup nd (pairGraphSyncPoints gr) of
Just (SyncPoint syncPair) -> PPa.getC bin syncPair
Nothing -> Nothing
PairGraphM sym arch (Set (GraphNode arch))
getSyncPoints bin nd = do
(SyncPoint syncPair _) <- lookupPairGraph @sym pairGraphSyncPoints nd
PPa.getC bin syncPair

getSyncAddress ::
forall sym arch bin.
PBi.WhichBinaryRepr bin ->
GraphNode arch ->
PairGraphM sym arch (PAd.ConcreteAddress arch)
getSyncAddress bin nd = do
(SyncPoint _ addrPair) <- lookupPairGraph @sym pairGraphSyncPoints nd
PPa.getC bin addrPair

updateSyncPoint ::
PairGraph sym arch ->
forall sym arch.
GraphNode arch ->
(SyncPoint arch -> SyncPoint arch) ->
PairGraph sym arch
updateSyncPoint pg nd f = case getDivergePoint nd of
Just divergePoint | Just sync <- asSyncPoint pg nd ->
pg { pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert divergePoint (f sync) (pairGraphSyncPoints pg)}
_ -> pg

asSyncPoint ::
PairGraph sym arch ->
GraphNode arch ->
Maybe (SyncPoint arch)
asSyncPoint pg nd = do
divergeNode <- getDivergePoint nd
Some bin <- singleNodeRepr nd
sync@(SyncPoint syncPair) <- Map.lookup divergeNode (pairGraphSyncPoints pg)
nd' <- PPa.getC bin syncPair
case nd == nd' of
True -> return sync
False -> Nothing

-- | If both sides of the sync point are defined, returns
-- the merged node for them
getCombinedSyncPoint ::
PairGraph sym arch ->
PairGraphM sym arch ()
updateSyncPoint nd f = do
dp <- pgMaybe "missing diverge point" $ getDivergePoint nd
sp <- lookupPairGraph pairGraphSyncPoints dp
modify $ \pg ->
pg { pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert dp (f sp) (pairGraphSyncPoints pg)}

-- | Returns all discovered merge points from the given diverge point
getCombinedSyncPoints ::
forall sym arch.
GraphNode arch ->
Maybe (GraphNode arch, SyncPoint arch)
getCombinedSyncPoint gr ndDiv = do
sync@(SyncPoint syncPair) <- Map.lookup ndDiv (pairGraphSyncPoints gr)
case syncPair of
PPa.PatchPairSingle{} -> Nothing
PPa.PatchPairC ndO ndP -> case combineNodes ndO ndP of
Just mergedNode -> Just (mergedNode, sync)
Nothing -> panic Verifier "getCombinedSyncPoint" ["Unexpected sync nodes"]
PairGraphM sym arch ([((GraphNode arch, GraphNode arch), GraphNode arch)], SyncPoint arch)
getCombinedSyncPoints ndDiv = do
sync@(SyncPoint syncSet _) <- lookupPairGraph @sym pairGraphSyncPoints ndDiv
case syncSet of
PPa.PatchPairC ndsO ndsP -> do
all_pairs <- forM (Set.toList $ Set.cartesianProduct ndsO ndsP) $ \(ndO, ndP) -> do
combined <- pgMaybe "failed to combine nodes" $ combineNodes ndO ndP
return $ ((ndO, ndP), combined)
return (all_pairs, sync)
_ -> return ([], sync)

-- | Compute a merged node for two diverging nodes
-- FIXME: do we need to support mismatched node kinds here?
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1078,25 +1087,40 @@ singleNodeRepr nd = case graphNodeBlocks nd of
PPa.PatchPairSingle bin _ -> return $ Some bin
PPa.PatchPair{} -> Nothing

setSyncPoint ::
PPa.PatchPairM m =>
PairGraph sym arch ->
addSyncNode ::
forall sym arch.
GraphNode arch {- ^ The divergent node -} ->
GraphNode arch {- ^ The sync node -} ->
m (PairGraph sym arch)
setSyncPoint pg ndDiv ndSync = do
fmap PPa.someC $ PPa.forBinsC $ \bin -> do
-- check which binary these nodes are for
_ <- PPa.get bin (graphNodeBlocks ndDiv)
_ <- PPa.get bin (graphNodeBlocks ndSync)
let ndSync' = PPa.PatchPairSingle bin (Const ndSync)
case Map.lookup ndDiv (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) of
Just (SyncPoint sp) -> do
sp' <- PPa.update sp $ \bin' -> PPa.get bin' ndSync'
return $ pg { pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert ndDiv (SyncPoint sp') (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) }
Nothing -> do
let sp = PPa.mkSingle bin (Const ndSync)
return $ pg {pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert ndDiv (SyncPoint sp) (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) }
GraphNode arch {- ^ the sync node -} ->
PairGraphM sym arch ()
addSyncNode ndDiv ndSync = do
Pair bin _ <- PPa.asSingleton (graphNodeBlocks ndSync)
let ndSync' = PPa.PatchPairSingle bin (Const ndSync)
(SyncPoint sp addrs) <- lookupPairGraph @sym pairGraphSyncPoints ndDiv
sp' <- PPa.update sp $ \bin' -> do
s <- PPa.getC bin' ndSync'
case PPa.getC bin' sp of
Nothing -> return $ (Const (Set.singleton s))
Just s' -> return $ (Const (Set.insert s s'))
modify $ \pg -> pg { pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert ndDiv (SyncPoint sp' addrs) (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) }

tryPG :: PairGraphM sym arch a -> PairGraphM sym arch (Maybe a)
tryPG f = catchError (Just <$> f) (\_ -> return Nothing)

setSyncAddress ::
forall sym arch bin.
GraphNode arch {- ^ The divergent node -} ->
PBi.WhichBinaryRepr bin ->
PAd.ConcreteAddress arch ->
PairGraphM sym arch ()
setSyncAddress ndDiv bin syncAddr = do
let syncAddr' = PPa.PatchPairSingle bin (Const syncAddr)
tryPG (lookupPairGraph @sym pairGraphSyncPoints ndDiv) >>= \case
Just (SyncPoint sp addrs) -> do
addrs' <- PPa.update addrs $ \bin' -> PPa.get bin' syncAddr'
modify $ \pg -> pg{ pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert ndDiv (SyncPoint sp addrs') (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) }
Nothing -> do
let sp = PPa.mkPair bin (Const Set.empty) (Const Set.empty)
modify $ \pg -> pg{pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert ndDiv (SyncPoint sp syncAddr') (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) }

-- | Add a node back to the worklist to be re-analyzed if there is
-- an existing abstract domain for it. Otherwise return Nothing.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1315,8 +1339,47 @@ runPendingActions lens edge result pg = do
False -> return Nothing

-- If the given node is single-sided, check if any of the exits
-- match the given synchronization point for the diverge point of this node.
-- We can restrict our search to just the block exits because we already
-- defined the synchronization point as a cut point for code discovery.
-- This means that any CFAR which can reach the sync point will necessarily
-- have one block exit that jumps to it, regardless of where it is
-- in a basic block.
checkForNodeSync ::
NodeEntry arch ->
[(PPa.PatchPair (PB.BlockTarget arch))] ->
PairGraphM sym arch Bool
checkForNodeSync ne targets_pairs = fmap (fromMaybe False) $ tryPG $ do
Just (Some bin) <- return $ isSingleNodeEntry ne

Just dp <- return $ getDivergePoint (GraphNode ne)
syncPoints <- getSyncPoints bin dp
syncAddr <- getSyncAddress bin dp
thisAddr <- fmap PB.concreteAddress $ PPa.get bin (nodeBlocks ne)
-- if this node is already defined as sync point then we don't
-- have to check anything else
if | Set.member (GraphNode ne) syncPoints -> return True
-- similarly if this is exactly the sync address then we should
-- stop the single-sided analysis
| thisAddr == syncAddr -> return True
| otherwise -> do
targets <- mapM (PPa.get bin) targets_pairs
let matchTarget btgt = case btgt of
PB.BlockTarget{} -> PB.targetRawPC btgt == syncAddr
_ -> False
return $ isJust $ find matchTarget targets

-- Same as 'checkForNodeSync' but considers a single outgoing edge from
-- a function return.
checkForReturnSync ::
NodeReturn arch ->
NodeEntry arch ->
PairGraphM sym arch Bool
checkForReturnSync nr ne = fmap (fromMaybe False) $ tryPG $ do
Just (Some bin) <- return $ isSingleReturn nr
Just dp <- return $ getDivergePoint (ReturnNode nr)
syncAddr <- getSyncAddress bin dp
blk <- PPa.get bin (nodeBlocks ne)
return $ PB.concreteAddress blk == syncAddr
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/Verification/PairGraph/Node.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -40,6 +40,8 @@ module Pate.Verification.PairGraph.Node (
, toSingleNode
, toSingleGraphNode
, isSingleNode
, isSingleNodeEntry
, isSingleReturn
, splitGraphNode
, getDivergePoint
, eqUptoDivergePoint
Expand Down

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