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factor trace datatypes from MemTrace into Pate.EventTrace
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danmatichuk committed Feb 12, 2024
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374 changes: 374 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/EventTrace.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoStarIsType #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}

Module : Pate.EventTrace
Copyright : (c) Galois, Inc 2024
Maintainer : Daniel Matichuk <[email protected]>
Defines data structures relating to collecting traces of events during
symbolic execution.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Pate.EventTrace
( MemEvent(..)
, MemOp(..)
, MemOpCondition(..)
, MemOpDirection(..)
, getCond
, RegOp(..)
, SymBV'(..)
, TraceEvent(..)
, EventTrace
, ppPtr'
, prettyMemOp
, prettyMemEvent
, filterEvent
) where

import Prettyprinter
import qualified Data.BitVector.Sized as BV
import Data.Text ( Text )
import qualified Control.Monad.IO.Class as IO

import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Map as MapF
import qualified Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx

import What4.Interface hiding ( integerToNat )

import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel (LLVMPtr, pattern LLVMPointer, ppPtr)
import Lang.Crucible.Utils.MuxTree ( MuxTree, viewMuxTree )
import Lang.Crucible.Simulator.SymSequence ( SymSequence(..), muxSymSequence, evalWithFreshCache, nilSymSequence, consSymSequence, appendSymSequence )

import Data.Macaw.Memory (Endianness(..), MemSegmentOff, MemWidth, MemAddr (..), segoffAddr)
import Data.Macaw.CFG.AssignRhs (ArchAddrWidth, ArchReg)
import Data.Macaw.CFG (ArchSegmentOff)

import qualified What4.ExprHelpers as WEH
import qualified What4.JSON as W4S
import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON
import What4.JSON ((.=), (.==), (.=~))

import Data.Parameterized.SetF (AsOrd(..))
import qualified Pate.ExprMappable as PEM
import qualified Pate.SimulatorRegisters as PSr
import qualified Data.Parameterized.TraversableFC as TFC
import qualified Pate.Pointer as Ptr

-- Needed since SymBV is a type alias
newtype SymBV' sym w = SymBV' { unSymBV :: SymBV sym w }

instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4Serializable sym (SymBV' sym w) where
w4Serialize (SymBV' bv) = W4S.w4SerializeF bv

instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4SerializableF sym (SymBV' sym)

instance OrdF (SymExpr sym) => TestEquality (SymBV' sym) where
testEquality a b = case compareF a b of
EQF -> Just Refl
_ -> Nothing

instance OrdF (SymExpr sym) => OrdF (SymBV' sym) where
compareF (SymBV' a) (SymBV' b) = case compareF a b of

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (SymBV' sym w) where
mapExpr _sym f (SymBV' bv) = SymBV' <$> f bv

instance IsExpr (SymExpr sym) => Pretty (SymBV' sym w) where
pretty (SymBV' bv) = printSymExpr bv

instance IsExpr (SymExpr sym) => Show (SymBV' sym w) where
show (SymBV' bv) = show (printSymExpr bv)

instance IsExpr (SymExpr sym) => ShowF (SymBV' sym) where

data MemOpCondition sym
= Unconditional
| Conditional (Pred sym)

getCond ::
IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
MemOpCondition sym ->
Pred sym
getCond sym Unconditional = truePred sym
getCond _sym (Conditional p) = p

instance TestEquality (SymExpr sym) => Eq (MemOpCondition sym) where
Unconditional == Unconditional = True
Conditional p == Conditional p' | Just Refl <- testEquality p p' = True
_ == _ = False

instance OrdF (SymExpr sym) => Ord (MemOpCondition sym) where
compare Unconditional Unconditional = EQ
compare (Conditional p) (Conditional p') = toOrdering $ compareF p p'
compare Unconditional _ = GT
compare _ Unconditional = LT

instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemOpCondition sym) where
w4Serialize = \case
Unconditional -> W4S.w4SerializeString ("unconditional" :: String)
Conditional p -> W4S.object ["condition" .== p]

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemOpCondition sym) where
mapExpr _sym f = \case
Conditional p -> Conditional <$> f p
Unconditional -> return Unconditional

data MemOpDirection =
| Write
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

instance W4S.W4Serializable sym MemOpDirection where
w4Serialize = W4S.w4SerializeString

deriving instance Show (Pred sym) => Show (MemOpCondition sym)

data MemOp sym ptrW where
MemOp ::
1 <= w =>
-- The address of the operation
LLVMPtr sym ptrW ->
MemOpDirection ->
MemOpCondition sym ->
-- The size of the operation in bytes
NatRepr w ->
-- The value read or written during the operation
LLVMPtr sym (8*w) ->
Endianness ->
MemOp sym ptrW

instance TestEquality (SymExpr sym) => Eq (MemOp sym ptrW) where
MemOp (LLVMPointer addrR addrO) dir cond repr (LLVMPointer valR valO) end
== MemOp (LLVMPointer addrR' addrO') dir' cond' repr' (LLVMPointer valR' valO') end'
| Just Refl <- testEquality repr repr'
, addrR == addrR'
, Just Refl <- testEquality addrO addrO'
, valR == valR'
, Just Refl <- testEquality valO valO'
= cond == cond' && dir == dir' && end == end'
_ == _ = False

instance OrdF (SymExpr sym) => Ord (MemOp sym ptrW) where
compare (MemOp (LLVMPointer reg1 off1) dir1 cond1 sz1 (LLVMPointer vr1 vo1) end1)
(MemOp (LLVMPointer reg2 off2) dir2 cond2 sz2 (LLVMPointer vr2 vo2) end2) =
case compareF sz1 sz2 of
EQF ->
(compare reg1 reg2) <>
(toOrdering $ compareF off1 off2) <>
compare dir1 dir2 <>
(compare cond1 cond2) <>
(compare vr1 vr2) <>
(toOrdering $ compareF vo1 vo2) <>
compare end1 end2

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemOp sym w) where
mapExpr sym f = \case
MemOp ptr dir cond w val endian -> do
ptr' <- WEH.mapExprPtr sym f ptr
val' <- WEH.mapExprPtr sym f val
cond' <- PEM.mapExpr sym f cond
return $ MemOp ptr' dir cond' w val' endian

instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemOp sym ptrW) where
w4Serialize (MemOp addr dir cond n val end) =
[ "addr" .= Ptr.fromLLVMPointer addr
, "direction" .= dir
, "condition" .= cond
, "size" .= n
, "value" .= Ptr.fromLLVMPointer val
, "endianness" .=~ end

ppPtr' :: IsExpr (SymExpr sym) => LLVMPtr sym arch -> Doc ann
ppPtr' ptr@(LLVMPointer r off)
| BaseBVRepr w <- exprType off
= case (asNat r, asBV off) of
(Just 1, Just off') -> "Stack Slot:" <+> viaShow (BV.asSigned w off')
_ -> ppPtr ptr

prettyMemOp :: IsExpr (SymExpr sym) => MemOp sym ptrW -> Doc ann
prettyMemOp (MemOp ptr dir cond _sz val _end) =
viaShow dir <+>
ppPtr' ptr <+>
(case dir of Read -> "->" ; Write -> "<-") <+>
ppPtr val <+>
case cond of
Unconditional -> mempty
Conditional p -> "when" <+> printSymExpr p

data RegOp sym arch =
RegOp (MapF.MapF (ArchReg arch) (PSr.MacawRegEntry sym))

instance (W4S.W4SerializableFC (ArchReg arch), W4S.SerializableExprs sym)
=> W4S.W4Serializable sym (RegOp sym arch) where
w4Serialize (RegOp m) = W4S.object ["reg_op" .= m]

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (RegOp sym arch) where
mapExpr sym f (RegOp m) = (RegOp . PEM.unExprMapFElems) <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f (PEM.ExprMapFElems m)

data MemEvent sym ptrW where
MemOpEvent :: MemOp sym ptrW -> MemEvent sym ptrW
SyscallEvent :: forall sym ptrW w.
(1 <= w) =>
MuxTree sym (Maybe (MemSegmentOff ptrW, Text))
{- ^ location and dissassembly of the instruction generating this system call -} ->
SymBV sym w
{- ^ Value of r0 during this syscall -} ->
MemEvent sym ptrW
ExternalCallEvent :: forall sym ptrW ctx.
Text ->
Ctx.Assignment (SymBV' sym) ctx
{- ^ relevant data for this visible call -} ->
MemEvent sym ptrW

instance OrdF (SymExpr sym) => Eq (MemEvent sym ptrW) where
a == b = case compare a b of
EQ -> True
_ -> False

compareTrees :: OrdF (SymExpr sym) => Ord tp => MuxTree sym tp -> MuxTree sym tp -> Ordering
compareTrees mt1 mt2 =
es1 = map (\(x, p) -> (x, AsOrd p)) $ viewMuxTree mt1
es2 = map (\(x, p) -> (x, AsOrd p)) $ viewMuxTree mt2
in compare es1 es2

instance OrdF (SymExpr sym) => Ord (MemEvent sym ptrW) where
compare a b = case (a,b) of
(MemOpEvent op1, MemOpEvent op2) -> compare op1 op2
(SyscallEvent mt1 bv1, SyscallEvent mt2 bv2) -> compareTrees mt1 mt2 <> (toOrdering $ compareF bv1 bv2)
(ExternalCallEvent nm1 vs1, ExternalCallEvent nm2 vs2) ->
compare nm1 nm2 <> (toOrdering $ (compareF vs1 vs2))
(MemOpEvent{}, _) -> GT
(SyscallEvent{}, ExternalCallEvent{}) -> GT
(ExternalCallEvent{}, _) -> LT
(SyscallEvent{}, MemOpEvent{}) -> LT

instance W4S.SerializableExprs sym => W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemEvent sym ptrW) where
w4Serialize = \case
MemOpEvent mop -> W4S.object ["mem_op" .= mop]
SyscallEvent i r0 -> W4S.object ["syscall" .= i, "r0" .== r0]
ExternalCallEvent nm bvs -> W4S.object ["external_call" .= nm, "args" .= bvs]

prettyMemEvent :: (MemWidth ptrW, IsExpr (SymExpr sym)) => MemEvent sym ptrW -> Doc ann
prettyMemEvent (MemOpEvent op) = prettyMemOp op
prettyMemEvent (SyscallEvent i v) =
case viewMuxTree i of
[(Just (addr, dis), _)] -> "Syscall At:" <+> viaShow addr <+> pretty dis <> line <> printSymExpr v
_ -> "Syscall" <+> printSymExpr v
prettyMemEvent (ExternalCallEvent nm vs) = "External Call At:" <+> pretty nm <+> pretty (show vs)

instance (MemWidth ptrW, IsExpr (SymExpr sym)) => Pretty (MemEvent sym ptrW) where
pretty ev = prettyMemEvent ev

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemEvent sym w) where
mapExpr sym f = \case
MemOpEvent op -> MemOpEvent <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f op
SyscallEvent i arg -> SyscallEvent i <$> f arg
-- MuxTree is unmodified since it has no symbolic expressions
ExternalCallEvent nm vs -> ExternalCallEvent nm <$> TFC.traverseFC (PEM.mapExpr sym f) vs

filterEvent ::
IsExprBuilder sym =>
sym ->
(MemOp sym ptrW -> IO (Pred sym)) ->
MemEvent sym ptrW ->
IO (Maybe (MemEvent sym ptrW), Pred sym)
filterEvent sym f x = case x of
-- always include system call events
SyscallEvent{} -> return $ (Nothing, truePred sym)
-- always include external call events
ExternalCallEvent{} -> return $ (Nothing, truePred sym)

-- Include memory operations only if they acutally
-- happen (their condition is true) and if they are
-- deemed observable by the given filtering function.
MemOpEvent op@(MemOp ptr dir cond w val end) -> do
opObservable <- f op
p <- andPred sym opObservable (getCond sym cond)
let x' = MemOpEvent (MemOp ptr dir Unconditional w val end)
return $ (Just x', p)

-- | Used for presenting counter-examples that contain all register updates
data TraceEvent sym arch =
RegOpEvent { traceInstr :: MuxTree sym (Maybe (ArchSegmentOff arch, Text)), _traceRegOp :: RegOp sym arch }
| TraceMemEvent { traceInstr :: MuxTree sym (Maybe (ArchSegmentOff arch, Text)), _traceMemEvent :: MemEvent sym (ArchAddrWidth arch)}

instance W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemSegmentOff w) where
w4Serialize segOff = W4S.w4Serialize $ segoffAddr segOff

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (MemSegmentOff w) where
mapExpr _ _ = return

instance PEM.ExprMappable sym (TraceEvent sym arch) where
mapExpr sym f e = case e of
RegOpEvent i rop -> RegOpEvent <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f i <*> PEM.mapExpr sym f rop
TraceMemEvent i mop -> TraceMemEvent <$> PEM.mapExpr sym f i <*> PEM.mapExpr sym f mop

instance W4S.W4Serializable sym (MemAddr w) where
w4Serialize addr = do
base_json <- return $ JSON.toJSON (addrBase addr)
off_json <- return $ JSON.toJSON (show (addrOffset addr))
return $ JSON.object ["base" JSON..= base_json, "offset" JSON..= off_json]

instance (W4S.W4SerializableFC (ArchReg arch), W4S.SerializableExprs sym)
=> W4S.W4Serializable sym (TraceEvent sym arch) where
w4Serialize = \case
RegOpEvent i rop -> W4S.object ["instruction" .= i, "register_op" .= rop]
TraceMemEvent i mop -> W4S.object ["instruction" .= i, "memory_op" .= mop]

-- | FIXME: move somewhere more general
instance PEM.ExprMappable sym a => PEM.ExprMappable sym (SymSequence sym a) where
mapExpr sym f = evalWithFreshCache $ \rec -> \case
SymSequenceNil -> IO.liftIO $ nilSymSequence sym
SymSequenceCons _ x xs ->
do x' <- PEM.mapExpr sym f x
xs' <- rec xs
IO.liftIO $ consSymSequence sym x' xs'
SymSequenceAppend _ xs ys ->
do xs' <- rec xs
ys' <- rec ys
IO.liftIO $ appendSymSequence sym xs' ys'
SymSequenceMerge _ p xs ys ->
do p' <- f p
case asConstantPred p' of
Just True -> rec xs
Just False -> rec ys
Nothing -> do
xs' <- rec xs
ys' <- rec ys
IO.liftIO $ muxSymSequence sym p' xs' ys'

type EventTrace sym arch = SymSequence sym (TraceEvent sym arch)

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