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Widening: promote WidenState to datatype that is threaded through wid…
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…ening loops

this is in preparation for collecting traces during widening, but
also cleans up some of the argument wrangling
  • Loading branch information
danmatichuk committed Oct 2, 2024
1 parent 8c154e3 commit 885e0a9
Showing 1 changed file with 73 additions and 55 deletions.
128 changes: 73 additions & 55 deletions src/Pate/Verification/Widening.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1333,7 +1333,32 @@ tryWidenings (x:xs) =
NoWideningRequired -> tryWidenings xs
res -> return res

type WidenState sym arch v = Either (AbstractDomain sym arch v) (WidenResult sym arch v)

data WidenCase =
| WidenCaseStep WidenKind
| WidenCaseErr String

data WidenState sym arch v = WidenState
stDomain :: AbstractDomain sym arch v
, stLocs :: WidenLocs sym arch
, stWidenCase :: WidenCase
-- ^ starting equivalence domain or accumulated widening result
, stTraces :: Map.Map (PL.SomeLocation sym arch) (CE.TraceEvents sym arch)
-- ^ traces collected during widening, indexed by which locations were widened at each step

initWidenState :: AbstractDomain sym arch v -> WidenState sym arch v
initWidenState d = WidenState d (WidenLocs Set.empty) WidenCaseStart Map.empty

-- Compute a final 'WidenResult' from an (intermediate) 'WidenState' (surjective)
widenStateToResult :: WidenState sym arch v -> WidenResult sym arch v
widenStateToResult st = case stWidenCase st of
WidenCaseStart -> NoWideningRequired
WidenCaseStep k -> Widen k (stLocs st) (stDomain st)
WidenCaseErr msg -> WideningError msg (stLocs st) (stDomain st)

-- | This gives a fixed amount of gas for traversing the
-- widening loop. Setting this value too low seems to
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1363,11 +1388,12 @@ widenPostcondition ::
AbstractDomain sym arch v {- ^ postdomain -} ->
EquivM sym arch (WidenResult sym arch v)
widenPostcondition scope bundle preD postD0 = do
r <- withTracing @"debug" "widenPostcondition" $ withSym $ \sym -> do
st <- withTracing @"debug" "widenPostcondition" $ withSym $ \sym -> do
eqCtx <- equivalenceContext
traceBundle bundle "Entering widening loop"
subTree @"domain" "Widening Steps" $
widenLoop sym localWideningGas eqCtx postD0 Nothing
widenLoop sym localWideningGas eqCtx (initWidenState postD0)
let r = widenStateToResult st
case r of
-- since widening was required, we show why it was needed
Widen WidenEquality _ _postD1 -> withSym $ \sym -> do
Expand All @@ -1393,17 +1419,13 @@ widenPostcondition scope bundle preD postD0 = do
PL.Location sym arch nm k ->
W4.Pred sym ->
EquivM_ sym arch (WidenState sym arch v)
widenOnce widenK (Gas i) mwb prevState loc goal = case prevState of
Right NoWideningRequired -> return prevState
Right (WideningError{}) -> return prevState
widenOnce widenK (Gas i) mwb prevState loc goal = case stWidenCase prevState of
WidenCaseErr{} -> return prevState
_ -> startTimer $ withSym $ \sym -> do
eqCtx <- equivalenceContext
(prevLocs, postD) <- case prevState of
Left prevDom -> return (mempty, prevDom)
--FIXME: we're dropping the widening Kind now since we're
--potentially doing multiple widenings in one iteration
Right (Widen _ locs prevDom) -> return (locs, prevDom)
-- NOTE: spurious missing case on some ghc versions
this_loc = WidenLocs (Set.singleton (PL.SomeLocation loc))
postD = stDomain prevState
curAsms <- currentAsm
let emit r =
withValid @() $ emitEvent (PE.SolverEvent (PS.simPair bundle) PE.EquivalenceProof r curAsms goal)
Expand All @@ -1425,12 +1447,12 @@ widenPostcondition scope bundle preD postD0 = do
-- under analysis as inequivalent in the resulting domain

case widenK of
WidenValue | Just (Some wb) <- mwb -> Right <$> dropValueLoc wb loc postD
WidenValue | Just (Some wb) <- mwb -> result <$> dropValueLoc wb loc postD
WidenEquality ->
case loc of
PL.Cell c -> Right <$> widenCells [Some c] postD
PL.Register r -> Right <$> widenRegs [Some r] postD
PL.Unit -> return $ Right $ WideningError msg prevLocs postD
PL.Cell c -> result <$> widenCells [Some c] postD
PL.Register r -> result <$> widenRegs [Some r] postD
PL.Unit -> return $ result $ WideningError msg this_loc postD
_ -> throwHere $ PEE.UnsupportedLocation
_ -> panic Verifier "widenPostcondition" [ "Unexpected widening case"]
Sat evalFn -> do
Expand All @@ -1443,17 +1465,17 @@ widenPostcondition scope bundle preD postD0 = do
let msg = unlines [ "Ran out of gas performing local widenings"
, show (pretty ineqRes)
return $ Right $ WideningError msg prevLocs postD
return $ result $ WideningError msg this_loc postD
else do
-- The current execution does not satisfy the postcondition, and we have
-- a counterexample.
-- FIXME: postCondAsm doesn't exist anymore, but needs to be factored
-- out still
res <- widenUsingCounterexample sym scope evalFn bundle eqCtx (W4.truePred sym) (PAD.absDomEq postD) preD prevLocs postD
res <- widenUsingCounterexample sym scope evalFn bundle eqCtx (W4.truePred sym) (PAD.absDomEq postD) preD postD
case res of
-- this location was made equivalent by a previous widening in this same loop
NoWideningRequired -> case prevState of
Left{} -> do
NoWideningRequired -> case stWidenCase prevState of
WidenCaseStart -> do
-- if we haven't performed any widenings yet, then this is an error
slice <- PP.simBundleToSlice scope bundle
ineqRes <- PP.getInequivalenceResult PEE.InvalidPostState
Expand All @@ -1463,9 +1485,15 @@ widenPostcondition scope bundle preD postD0 = do
, show (pretty ineqRes)

return $ Right $ WideningError msg prevLocs postD
Right{} -> return prevState
_ -> return $ Right res
return $ result $ WideningError msg this_loc postD
_ -> return prevState
_ -> return $ result res
result :: WidenResult sym arch v -> WidenState sym arch v
result r = case r of
NoWideningRequired -> prevState
WideningError err locs d -> prevState { stWidenCase = WidenCaseErr err, stLocs = locs <> stLocs prevState, stDomain = d }
Widen widenk locs d -> prevState { stWidenCase = WidenCaseStep widenk, stLocs = locs <> stLocs prevState, stDomain = d }

-- The main widening loop. For now, we constrain it's iteration with a Gas parameter.
-- In principle, I think this shouldn't be necessary, so we should revisit at some point.
Expand All @@ -1479,25 +1507,28 @@ widenPostcondition scope bundle preD postD0 = do
sym ->
Gas ->
EquivContext sym arch ->
AbstractDomain sym arch v ->
Maybe (WidenResult sym arch v)
{- ^ A summary of any widenings that were done in previous iterations.
If @Nothing@, than no previous widenings have been performed. -} ->
NodeBuilderT '(sym,arch) "domain" (EquivM_ sym arch) (WidenResult sym arch v)
widenLoop sym (Gas i) eqCtx postD mPrevRes = subTraceLabel' PAD.Postdomain (Some postD) $ \unlift ->
WidenState sym arch v
{- ^ A summary of any widenings that were done in previous iterations. -} ->
NodeBuilderT '(sym,arch) "domain" (EquivM_ sym arch) (WidenState sym arch v)
widenLoop sym (Gas i) eqCtx prevRes =
let postD = stDomain prevRes
in subTraceLabel' PAD.Postdomain (Some (stDomain prevRes)) $ \unlift -> do
let (stO, stP) = PS.asStatePair scope (simOut bundle) PS.simOutState

postVals <- PPa.forBinsC $ \bin -> do
vals <- PPa.get bin (PAD.absDomVals postD)
st <- PPa.get bin $ PPa.PatchPair stO stP
liftIO $ PAD.absDomainValsToPostCond sym eqCtx st Nothing vals

-- we reset the widen case so we can capture if this
-- step did anything
let res0 = prevRes { stWidenCase = WidenCaseStart }

res2 <- case postVals of
PPa.PatchPairSingle bin (Const valPost) ->
PL.foldLocation @sym @arch sym valPost (Left postD) (widenOnce WidenValue (Gas i) (Just (Some bin)))
PL.foldLocation @sym @arch sym valPost res0 (widenOnce WidenValue (Gas i) (Just (Some bin)))
PPa.PatchPairC valPostO valPostP -> do
res1 <- PL.foldLocation @sym @arch sym valPostO (Left postD) (widenOnce WidenValue (Gas i) (Just (Some PBi.OriginalRepr)))
res1 <- PL.foldLocation @sym @arch sym valPostO res0 (widenOnce WidenValue (Gas i) (Just (Some PBi.OriginalRepr)))
PL.foldLocation @sym @arch sym valPostP res1 (widenOnce WidenValue (Gas i) (Just (Some PBi.PatchedRepr)))

-- for single-sided verification the equality condition is that the updated value is equal to the
Expand All @@ -1513,42 +1544,30 @@ widenPostcondition scope bundle preD postD0 = do
-- was done in previous iterations (i.e., this is the first iteration)
-- return `NoWideningRequired`. Otherwise return the new abstract domain
-- and a summary of the widenings we did.
case res of

case stWidenCase res of
-- Some kind of error occured while widening.
Right er@(WideningError msg locs _postD') ->
WidenCaseErr msg ->
do traceBundle bundle "== Widening error! =="
traceBundle bundle msg
traceBundle bundle "Partial widening at locations:"
traceBundle bundle (show locs)
traceBundle bundle (show (stLocs res))
traceBundle bundle "===== PREDOMAIN ====="
traceBundle bundle (show (PEE.ppEquivalenceDomain W4.printSymExpr (PS.specBody preD)))
traceBundle bundle "===== POSTDOMAIN ====="
traceBundle bundle (show (PEE.ppEquivalenceDomain W4.printSymExpr (PS.specBody postD')))
return er
return res

-- In this iteration, no additional widening was done, and we can exit the loop.
-- The ultimate result we return depends on if we did any widening steps in
-- previous iterations.
Right NoWideningRequired ->
case mPrevRes of
Nothing -> return NoWideningRequired
Just prevRes -> return prevRes
-- no widening happened
Left{} ->
case mPrevRes of
Nothing -> return NoWideningRequired
Just prevRes -> return prevRes
-- previous iterations (i.e. we restore the previous widen case)
WidenCaseStart -> return $ res { stWidenCase = stWidenCase prevRes }
-- We had to do some widening in this iteration, so reenter the loop.
Right (Widen widenK locs postD') ->
WidenCaseStep{} ->
do traceBundle bundle "== Found a widening, returning into the loop =="
traceBundle bundle (show locs)
let newlocs = case mPrevRes of
Just (Widen _ prevLocs _) -> locs <> prevLocs
_ -> locs
unlift $ widenLoop sym (Gas (i-1)) eqCtx postD' (Just $ Widen widenK newlocs postD')
traceBundle bundle (show (stLocs res))
unlift $ widenLoop sym (Gas (i-1)) eqCtx res

-- | Refine a given 'AbstractDomainBody' to contain concrete values for the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1585,10 +1604,9 @@ widenUsingCounterexample ::
W4.Pred sym ->
PEE.EquivalenceDomain sym arch ->
AbstractDomain sym arch v ->
WidenLocs sym arch {- ^ previous widening -} ->
AbstractDomain sym arch v ->
EquivM sym arch (WidenResult sym arch v)
widenUsingCounterexample sym scope evalFn bundle eqCtx postCondAsm postCondStatePred preD _prevLocs postD =
widenUsingCounterexample sym scope evalFn bundle eqCtx postCondAsm postCondStatePred preD postD =
[ -- First check for any disagreement in the constant values
widenValues sym evalFn bundle postD
Expand Down

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