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add SingleNodeEntry datatype to represent explicitly single-sided nodes
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This clears up some of the ambiguity in the SyncPoint data which otherwise
had lots of implicit assumptions about the run-time contents of the NodeEntry
for each sync point

A SingleNodeEntry is functionally equivalent to a NodeEntry that's
annotated with the fact that it's single-sided
  • Loading branch information
danmatichuk committed May 15, 2024
1 parent ac18ddd commit 483b7df
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Showing 5 changed files with 176 additions and 63 deletions.
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/Data/Parameterized/SetF.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ module Data.Parameterized.SetF
, union
, unions
, null
, toSet
, ppSetF
) where

Expand All @@ -55,6 +56,7 @@ import Prettyprinter ( (<+>) )

import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)

newtype AsOrd f tp where
AsOrd :: { unAsOrd :: f tp } -> AsOrd f tp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,6 +132,14 @@ null ::
SetF f tp -> Bool
null (SetF es) = S.null es

-- | Convert a 'SetF' to a 'Set', under the assumption
-- that the 'OrdF' and 'Ord' instances are consistent.
-- This uses coercion rather than re-building the set,
-- which is sound given the above assumption.
toSet ::
(OrdF f, Ord (f tp)) => SetF f tp -> Set (f tp)
toSet (SetF s) = unsafeCoerce s

ppSetF ::
(f tp -> PP.Doc a) ->
SetF f tp ->
Expand Down
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/PatchPair.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ module Pate.PatchPair (
, ppPatchPair'
, forBins
, update
, insertWith
, forBinsC
, catBins
, get
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -332,6 +333,23 @@ update src f = do
(PatchPair _ b, PatchPairOriginal a) -> return $ PatchPair a b
(PatchPair a _, PatchPairPatched b) -> return $ PatchPair a b

-- | Add a value to a 'PatchPair', combining it with an existing entry if
-- present using the given function (i.e. similar to Map.insertWith)
insertWith ::
PB.WhichBinaryRepr bin ->
f bin ->
(f bin -> f bin -> f bin) ->
PatchPair f ->
PatchPair f
insertWith bin v f = \case
PatchPair vO vP | PB.OriginalRepr <- bin -> PatchPair (f v vO) vP
PatchPair vO vP | PB.PatchedRepr <- bin -> PatchPair vO (f v vP)
PatchPairSingle bin' v' -> case (bin, bin') of
(PB.OriginalRepr, PB.OriginalRepr) -> PatchPairSingle bin (f v v')
(PB.PatchedRepr, PB.PatchedRepr) -> PatchPairSingle bin (f v v')
(PB.PatchedRepr, PB.OriginalRepr) -> PatchPair v' v
( PB.OriginalRepr, PB.PatchedRepr) -> PatchPair v v'

-- | Specialization of 'PatchPair' to types which are not indexed on 'PB.WhichBinary'
type PatchPairC tp = PatchPair (Const tp)

Expand Down
58 changes: 23 additions & 35 deletions src/Pate/Verification/PairGraph.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -173,6 +173,8 @@ import qualified Pate.Location as PL
import qualified Pate.Address as PAd
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.Parameterized.PairF
import Data.Parameterized.SetF (SetF)
import qualified Data.Parameterized.SetF as SetF

-- | Gas is used to ensure that our fixpoint computation terminates
-- in a reasonable amount of time. Gas is expended each time
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -476,7 +478,7 @@ data SyncPoint arch =
-- The "merge" nodes are the cross product of these, since we
-- must assume that any combination of exits is possible
-- during the single-sided analysis
{ syncStartNodes :: PPa.PatchPairC (Set (GraphNode arch))
{ syncStartNodes :: PPa.PatchPair (SetF (SingleNodeEntry arch))
, syncCutAddresses :: PPa.PatchPairC (PAd.ConcreteAddress arch)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -921,10 +923,10 @@ getSyncPoints ::
forall sym arch bin.
PBi.WhichBinaryRepr bin ->
GraphNode arch ->
PairGraphM sym arch (Set (GraphNode arch))
PairGraphM sym arch (Set (SingleNodeEntry arch bin))
getSyncPoints bin nd = do
(SyncPoint syncPair _) <- lookupPairGraph @sym pairGraphSyncPoints nd
PPa.getC bin syncPair
SetF.toSet <$> PPa.get bin syncPair

getSyncAddress ::
forall sym arch bin.
Expand All @@ -950,40 +952,31 @@ updateSyncPoint nd f = do
getCombinedSyncPoints ::
forall sym arch.
GraphNode arch ->
PairGraphM sym arch ([((GraphNode arch, GraphNode arch), GraphNode arch)], SyncPoint arch)
PairGraphM sym arch ([((SingleNodeEntry arch PBi.Original, SingleNodeEntry arch PBi.Patched), GraphNode arch)], SyncPoint arch)
getCombinedSyncPoints ndDiv = do
sync@(SyncPoint syncSet _) <- lookupPairGraph @sym pairGraphSyncPoints ndDiv
case syncSet of
PPa.PatchPairC ndsO ndsP -> do
all_pairs <- forM (Set.toList $ Set.cartesianProduct ndsO ndsP) $ \(ndO, ndP) -> do
PPa.PatchPair ndsO ndsP -> do
all_pairs <- forM (Set.toList $ Set.cartesianProduct (SetF.toSet ndsO) (SetF.toSet ndsP)) $ \(ndO, ndP) -> do
combined <- pgMaybe "failed to combine nodes" $ combineNodes ndO ndP
return $ ((ndO, ndP), combined)
return (all_pairs, sync)
_ -> return ([], sync)

-- | Compute a merged node for two diverging nodes
-- FIXME: do we need to support mismatched node kinds here?
combineNodes :: GraphNode arch -> GraphNode arch -> Maybe (GraphNode arch)
combineNodes :: SingleNodeEntry arch bin -> SingleNodeEntry arch (PBi.OtherBinary bin) -> Maybe (GraphNode arch)
combineNodes node1 node2 = do
(nodeO, nodeP) <- case PPa.get PBi.OriginalRepr (graphNodeBlocks node1) of
Just{} -> return (node1, node2)
Nothing -> return (node2, node1)
let ndPair = PPa.mkPair (singleEntryBin node1) node1 node2
nodeO <- PPa.get PBi.OriginalRepr ndPair
nodeP <- PPa.get PBi.PatchedRepr ndPair
-- it only makes sense to combine nodes that share a divergence point,
-- where that divergence point will be used as the calling context for the
-- merged point
divergeO <- divergePoint $ nodeContext nodeO
divergeP <- divergePoint $ nodeContext nodeP
let divergeO = singleNodeDivergence nodeO
let divergeP = singleNodeDivergence nodeP
guard $ divergeO == divergeP
case (nodeO, nodeP) of
(GraphNode nodeO', GraphNode nodeP') -> do
blocksO <- PPa.get PBi.OriginalRepr (nodeBlocks nodeO')
blocksP <- PPa.get PBi.PatchedRepr (nodeBlocks nodeP')
return $ GraphNode $ mkMergedNodeEntry divergeO blocksO blocksP
(ReturnNode nodeO', ReturnNode nodeP') -> do
fnsO <- PPa.get PBi.OriginalRepr (nodeFuns nodeO')
fnsP <- PPa.get PBi.PatchedRepr (nodeFuns nodeP')
return $ ReturnNode $ mkMergedNodeReturn divergeO fnsO fnsP
_ -> Nothing
return $ GraphNode $ mkMergedNodeEntry divergeO (singleNodeBlock nodeO) (singleNodeBlock nodeP)

singleNodeRepr :: GraphNode arch -> Maybe (Some (PBi.WhichBinaryRepr))
singleNodeRepr nd = case graphNodeBlocks nd of
Expand All @@ -993,17 +986,12 @@ singleNodeRepr nd = case graphNodeBlocks nd of
addSyncNode ::
forall sym arch.
GraphNode arch {- ^ The divergent node -} ->
GraphNode arch {- ^ the sync node -} ->
NodeEntry arch {- ^ the sync node -} ->
PairGraphM sym arch ()
addSyncNode ndDiv ndSync = do
Pair bin _ <- PPa.asSingleton (graphNodeBlocks ndSync)
let ndSync' = PPa.PatchPairSingle bin (Const ndSync)
Some nd <- asSingleNodeEntry ndSync
(SyncPoint sp addrs) <- lookupPairGraph @sym pairGraphSyncPoints ndDiv
sp' <- PPa.update sp $ \bin' -> do
s <- PPa.getC bin' ndSync'
case PPa.getC bin' sp of
Nothing -> return $ (Const (Set.singleton s))
Just s' -> return $ (Const (Set.insert s s'))
let sp' = PPa.insertWith (singleEntryBin nd) (SetF.singleton nd) SetF.union sp
modify $ \pg -> pg { pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert ndDiv (SyncPoint sp' addrs) (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) }

tryPG :: PairGraphM sym arch a -> PairGraphM sym arch (Maybe a)
Expand All @@ -1022,7 +1010,7 @@ setSyncAddress ndDiv bin syncAddr = do
addrs' <- PPa.update addrs $ \bin' -> PPa.get bin' syncAddr'
modify $ \pg -> pg{ pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert ndDiv (SyncPoint sp addrs') (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) }
Nothing -> do
let sp = PPa.mkPair bin (Const Set.empty) (Const Set.empty)
let sp = PPa.mkPair bin SetF.empty SetF.empty
modify $ \pg -> pg{pairGraphSyncPoints = Map.insert ndDiv (SyncPoint sp syncAddr') (pairGraphSyncPoints pg) }

-- | Add a node back to the worklist to be re-analyzed if there is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1178,15 +1166,15 @@ checkForNodeSync ::
[(PPa.PatchPair (PB.BlockTarget arch))] ->
PairGraphM sym arch Bool
checkForNodeSync ne targets_pairs = fmap (fromMaybe False) $ tryPG $ do
Just (Some bin) <- return $ isSingleNodeEntry ne

Just dp <- return $ getDivergePoint (GraphNode ne)
Some sne <- asSingleNodeEntry ne
let bin = singleEntryBin sne
let dp = singleNodeDivergence sne
syncPoints <- getSyncPoints bin dp
syncAddr <- getSyncAddress bin dp
thisAddr <- fmap PB.concreteAddress $ PPa.get bin (nodeBlocks ne)
-- if this node is already defined as sync point then we don't
-- have to check anything else
if | Set.member (GraphNode ne) syncPoints -> return True
if | Set.member sne syncPoints -> return True
-- similarly if this is exactly the sync address then we should
-- stop the single-sided analysis
| thisAddr == syncAddr -> return True
Expand Down
115 changes: 105 additions & 10 deletions src/Pate/Verification/PairGraph/Node.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ module Pate.Verification.PairGraph.Node (
, pattern GraphNodeEntry
, pattern GraphNodeReturn
, nodeContext
, graphNodeContext
, divergePoint
, graphNodeBlocks
, mkNodeEntry
Expand All @@ -49,6 +50,13 @@ module Pate.Verification.PairGraph.Node (
, eqUptoDivergePoint
, mkMergedNodeEntry
, mkMergedNodeReturn
, SingleNodeEntry
, singleEntryBin
, asSingleNodeEntry
, singleToNodeEntry
, combineSingleEntries
, singleNodeBlock
, singleNodeDivergence
) where

import Prettyprinter ( Pretty(..), sep, (<+>), Doc )
Expand All @@ -64,6 +72,9 @@ import qualified Pate.Binary as PB
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Data.Parameterized (Some(..), Pair (..))
import qualified What4.JSON as W4S
import Control.Monad (guard)
import Data.Parameterized.Classes
import Pate.Panic

-- | Nodes in the program graph consist either of a pair of
-- program points (GraphNode), or a synthetic node representing
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,28 +102,48 @@ instance PA.ValidArch arch => W4S.W4Serializable sym (GraphNode arch) where
instance PA.ValidArch arch => W4S.W4Serializable sym (NodeEntry arch) where
w4Serialize r = return $ JSON.toJSON r

-- A frozen binary
data NodeEntry arch =
NodeEntry { graphNodeContext :: CallingContext arch, nodeBlocks :: PB.BlockPair arch }
data NodeContent arch e =
NodeContent { nodeContentCtx :: CallingContext arch, nodeContent :: e }
deriving (Eq, Ord)

data NodeReturn arch =
NodeReturn { returnNodeContext :: CallingContext arch, nodeFuns :: PB.FunPair arch }
deriving (Eq, Ord)
type NodeEntry arch = NodeContent arch (PB.BlockPair arch)

pattern NodeEntry :: CallingContext arch -> PB.BlockPair arch -> NodeEntry arch
pattern NodeEntry ctx bp = NodeContent ctx bp
{-# COMPLETE NodeEntry #-}

nodeBlocks :: NodeEntry arch -> PB.BlockPair arch
nodeBlocks = nodeContent

graphNodeContext :: NodeEntry arch -> CallingContext arch
graphNodeContext = nodeContentCtx

type NodeReturn arch = NodeContent arch (PB.FunPair arch)

nodeFuns :: NodeReturn arch -> PB.FunPair arch
nodeFuns = nodeContent

returnNodeContext :: NodeReturn arch -> CallingContext arch
returnNodeContext = nodeContentCtx

pattern NodeReturn :: CallingContext arch -> PB.FunPair arch -> NodeReturn arch
pattern NodeReturn ctx bp = NodeContent ctx bp
{-# COMPLETE NodeReturn #-}

graphNodeBlocks :: GraphNode arch -> PB.BlockPair arch
graphNodeBlocks (GraphNode ne) = nodeBlocks ne
graphNodeBlocks (ReturnNode ret) = TF.fmapF PB.functionEntryToConcreteBlock (nodeFuns ret)

nodeContext :: GraphNode arch -> CallingContext arch
nodeContext (GraphNode nd) = graphNodeContext nd
nodeContext (ReturnNode ret) = returnNodeContext ret
nodeContext (GraphNode nd) = nodeContentCtx nd
nodeContext (ReturnNode ret) = nodeContentCtx ret

pattern GraphNodeEntry :: PB.BlockPair arch -> GraphNode arch
pattern GraphNodeEntry blks <- (GraphNode (NodeEntry _ blks))
pattern GraphNodeEntry blks <- (GraphNode (NodeContent _ blks))

pattern GraphNodeReturn :: PB.FunPair arch -> GraphNode arch
pattern GraphNodeReturn blks <- (ReturnNode (NodeReturn _ blks))
pattern GraphNodeReturn blks <- (ReturnNode (NodeContent _ blks))

{-# COMPLETE GraphNodeEntry, GraphNodeReturn #-}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,6 +222,7 @@ mkMergedNodeReturn nd fnO fnP = NodeReturn (CallingContext cctx (Just nd)) (PPa.
CallingContext cctx _ = nodeContext nd

-- | Project the given 'NodeReturn' into a singleton node for the given binary
toSingleReturn :: PPa.PatchPairM m => PB.WhichBinaryRepr bin -> GraphNode arch -> NodeReturn arch -> m (NodeReturn arch)
toSingleReturn bin divergedAt (NodeReturn ctx fPair) = do
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,3 +384,66 @@ instance forall sym arch. PA.ValidArch arch => IsTraceNode '(sym, arch) "entryno
prettyNode () = pretty
nodeTags = mkTags @'(sym,arch) @"entrynode" [Simplified, Summary]
jsonNode _ = nodeToJSON @'(sym,arch) @"entrynode"

-- | Equivalent to a 'NodeEntry' but necessarily a single-sided node.
-- Converting a 'SingleNodeEntry' to a 'NodeEntry' is always defined,
-- while converting a 'NodeEntry' to a 'SingleNodeEntry' is partial.
data SingleNodeEntry arch bin =
{ singleEntryBin :: PB.WhichBinaryRepr bin
, _singleEntry :: NodeContent arch (PB.ConcreteBlock arch bin)

instance TestEquality (SingleNodeEntry arch) where
testEquality se1 se2 | EQF <- compareF se1 se2 = Just Refl
testEquality _ _ = Nothing

instance Eq (SingleNodeEntry arch bin) where
se1 == se2 = compare se1 se2 == EQ

instance Ord (SingleNodeEntry arch bin) where
compare (SingleNodeEntry _ se1) (SingleNodeEntry _ se2) = compare se1 se2

instance OrdF (SingleNodeEntry arch) where
compareF (SingleNodeEntry bin1 se1) (SingleNodeEntry bin2 se2) =
lexCompareF bin1 bin2 $ fromOrdering (compare se1 se2)

instance PA.ValidArch arch => Show (SingleNodeEntry arch bin) where
show e = show (singleToNodeEntry e)

asSingleNodeEntry :: PPa.PatchPairM m => NodeEntry arch -> m (Some (SingleNodeEntry arch))
asSingleNodeEntry (NodeEntry cctx bPair) = do
Pair bin blk <- PPa.asSingleton bPair
case divergePoint cctx of
Just{} -> return $ Some (SingleNodeEntry bin (NodeContent cctx blk))
Nothing -> PPa.throwPairErr

singleToNodeEntry :: SingleNodeEntry arch bin -> NodeEntry arch
singleToNodeEntry (SingleNodeEntry bin (NodeContent cctx v)) =
NodeEntry cctx (PPa.PatchPairSingle bin v)

singleNodeBlock :: SingleNodeEntry arch bin -> PB.ConcreteBlock arch bin
singleNodeBlock (SingleNodeEntry _ (NodeContent _ blk)) = blk

singleNodeDivergence :: SingleNodeEntry arch bin -> GraphNode arch
singleNodeDivergence (SingleNodeEntry _ (NodeContent cctx _)) = case divergePoint cctx of
Just dp -> dp
Nothing -> panic Verifier "singleNodeDivergence" ["Unexpected missing divergence point"]

-- | Create a combined two-sided 'NodeEntry' based on
-- a pair of single-sided entries. The given entries
-- must have the same diverge point (returns 'Nothing' otherwise),
-- and the calling context of the resulting node is inherited from
-- that point (i.e. any additional context accumulated during
-- the either single-sided analysis is discarded)
combineSingleEntries ::
SingleNodeEntry arch PB.Original ->
SingleNodeEntry arch PB.Patched ->
Maybe (NodeEntry arch)
combineSingleEntries (SingleNodeEntry _ eO) (SingleNodeEntry _ eP) = do
GraphNode divergeO <- divergePoint $ nodeContentCtx eO
GraphNode divergeP <- divergePoint $ nodeContentCtx eP
guard $ divergeO == divergeP
let blksO = nodeContent eO
let blksP = nodeContent eP
return $ mkNodeEntry divergeO (PPa.PatchPair blksO blksP)

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