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Add example traces that demonstrate assuming the node conditions and …
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danmatichuk committed Feb 29, 2024
1 parent 527cce2 commit 2eca343
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Showing 2 changed files with 80 additions and 27 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Pate/SimState.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -245,6 +245,8 @@ data SimScope sym arch v =
instance Scoped (SimScope sym arch) where
unsafeCoerceScope scope = coerce scope

instance Scoped (Const x) where
unsafeCoerceScope scope = coerce scope

scopeBoundVars :: SimScope sym arch v -> PPa.PatchPair (SimBoundVars sym arch v)
scopeBoundVars scope = PPa.PatchPair (scopeBoundVarsO scope) (scopeBoundVarsP scope)
Expand Down
105 changes: 78 additions & 27 deletions src/Pate/Verification/StrongestPosts.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -659,7 +659,7 @@ updateCombinedSyncPoint divergeNode pg_top = withPG_ pg_top $ do
forM_ syncsO $ \(syncO, _) -> do
liftPG $ (void $ getCurrentDomainM divergeNodeY)
<|> (modify $ \pg -> updateDomain' pg syncO divergeNodeY (PS.mkSimSpec scope domP) (priority PriorityWidening))
liftEqM $ \pg -> withPredomain scope bundle domP $ withConditionsAssumed scope syncO pg $
liftEqM $ \pg -> withPredomain scope bundle domP $ withConditionsAssumed scope bundle dom divergeNode pg $
widenAlongEdge scope bundle syncO domP pg divergeNodeY

-- Finally, if we have any Patched one-sided results, we take all combinations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -770,7 +770,7 @@ mergeDualNodes in1 in2 spec1 spec2 syncNode gr0 = fnTrace "mergeDualNodes" $ wit
(_, dom2) <- liftIO $ PS.bindSpec sym (PS.scopeVarsPair scope) spec2
dom <- PAD.zipSingletonDomains sym dom1 dom2
bundle <- noopBundle scope (graphNodeBlocks syncNode)
withPredomain scope bundle dom $ withConditionsAssumed scope in2 gr2 $ do
withPredomain scope bundle dom $ withConditionsAssumed scope bundle dom2 in2 gr2 $ do
withTracing @"node" in2 $ do
emitTraceLabel @"domain" PAD.Predomain (Some dom)
widenAlongEdge scope bundle in2 dom gr2 syncNode
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -856,17 +856,48 @@ showFinalResult pg = withTracing @"final_result" () $ withSym $ \sym -> do
subTree @"node" "Assumed Equivalence Conditions" $ do
forM_ (getAllNodes pg) $ \nd -> do
case getCondition pg nd ConditionEquiv of
Just eqCondSpec -> subTrace nd $ do
Just{} -> subTrace nd $ do
_ <- withFreshScope (graphNodeBlocks nd) $ \scope -> do
(_, eqCond) <- liftIO $ PS.bindSpec sym (PS.scopeVarsPair scope) eqCondSpec
eqCondPred <- PEE.someExpr sym <$> PEC.toPred sym eqCond
emitTraceLabel @"eqcond" (eqCondPred) (Some eqCond)
return eqCond
-- 'withConditionsAssumed' emits the expected tracing info here
_ <- withGraphNode scope nd pg $ \_ _ -> return pg
return $ (Const ())
return ()
Nothing -> return ()
result <- pairGraphComputeVerdict pg
emitTrace @"equivalence_result" result

-- | Run a 'PairGraph' computation in the assumption context of
-- a given 'GraphNode'
-- This is a subset of the steps taken in 'visitNode' which
-- sets up the context before performing code discovery and
-- domain widening.
withGraphNode ::
PS.SimScope sym arch v ->
GraphNode arch ->
PairGraph sym arch ->
(PS.SimBundle sym arch v ->
AbstractDomain sym arch v ->
EquivM_ sym arch (PairGraph sym arch)) ->
EquivM sym arch (PairGraph sym arch)
withGraphNode scope nd pg f = withSym $ \sym -> do
case getCurrentDomain pg nd of
Nothing | GraphNode ne <- nd -> throwHere $ PEE.MissingDomainForBlock (nodeBlocks ne)
Nothing | ReturnNode nr <- nd -> throwHere $ PEE.MissingDomainForFun (nodeFuns nr)
Just dom_spec -> do
(_, d) <- liftIO $ PS.bindSpec sym (PS.scopeVarsPair scope) dom_spec
case nd of
GraphNode ne -> withAbsDomain ne d pg $ withValidInit scope (nodeBlocks ne) $
withSimBundle pg (PS.scopeVars scope) ne $ \bundle ->
withPredomain scope bundle d $
withConditionsAssumed scope bundle d nd pg $
f bundle d
ReturnNode nr -> do
bundle <- noopBundle scope (graphNodeBlocks (ReturnNode nr))
withPredomain scope bundle d $
withConditionsAssumed scope bundle d (ReturnNode nr) pg $
f bundle d

-- | For an orphan return, we treat it the same as an undefined PLT stub,
-- since we effectively have no way to characterize the function behavior.
-- In this case we model the function behavior as having peformed the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1088,40 +1119,60 @@ updateAbsBlockState node d = do

withSatConditionAssumed ::
PS.SimScope sym arch v ->
PS.SimBundle sym arch v ->
AbstractDomain sym arch v ->
GraphNode arch ->
ConditionKind ->
PairGraph sym arch ->
EquivM_ sym arch (PairGraph sym arch) ->
EquivM sym arch (PairGraph sym arch)
withSatConditionAssumed scope nd condK gr0 f = withSym $ \sym -> do
EquivM sym arch (PairGraph sym arch)
withSatConditionAssumed scope bundle dom nd condK gr0 f = withSym $ \sym -> do
priority <- thisPriority
eqCond <- getScopedCondition scope gr0 nd condK
eqCond_pred <- PEC.toPred sym eqCond
(withSatAssumption (PAS.fromPred eqCond_pred) (traceEqCond condK eqCond >> f)) >>= \case
Just result -> return result
-- for propagated assumptions and assertions, we mark this branch as infeasible
Nothing | shouldPropagate (getPropagationKind gr0 nd condK) -> do
gr1 <- return $ addDomainRefinement nd (PruneBranch condK) gr0
emitTrace @"message" ("Branch dropped as " ++ conditionPrefix condK)
return $ queueAncestors (priority PriorityPropagation) nd gr1
-- for non-propagated assumptions we don't attempt to prune this branch,
-- we just do nothing
Nothing -> do
emitTrace @"message" ("Branch is " ++ conditionAction condK ++ " infeasible")
return gr0

not_eqCond_pred <- liftIO $ W4.notPred sym eqCond_pred
mtraceT <- withSatAssumption (PAS.fromPred eqCond_pred) $
getSomeGroundTrace scope bundle dom Nothing
mtraceF <- withSatAssumption (PAS.fromPred not_eqCond_pred) $
getSomeGroundTrace scope bundle dom Nothing
case (mtraceT, mtraceF) of
-- condition is not necessarily true or false
(Just traceT, Just traceF) -> do
let msg = conditionPrefix condK
withTracing @"message" msg $ do
emitTraceLabel @"eqcond" (PEE.someExpr sym eqCond_pred) (Some eqCond)
withTracing @"message" "With condition assumed" $
emitTrace @"trace_events" traceT
withTracing @"message" "With negation assumed" $
emitTrace @"trace_events" traceF
withAssumption eqCond_pred f
-- condition is necessarily true, so we don't need to do anything
(Just{}, Nothing) -> f
-- condition is not satisfiable
(Nothing, _) -> case shouldPropagate (getPropagationKind gr0 nd condK) of
True -> do
gr1 <- return $ addDomainRefinement nd (PruneBranch condK) gr0
emitTrace @"message" ("Branch dropped as " ++ conditionPrefix condK)
return $ queueAncestors (priority PriorityPropagation) nd gr1
-- for non-propagated assumptions we don't attempt to prune this branch,
-- we just do nothing
False -> do
emitTrace @"message" ("Branch is " ++ conditionAction condK ++ " infeasible")
return gr0

withConditionsAssumed ::
PS.SimScope sym arch v ->
PS.SimBundle sym arch v ->
AbstractDomain sym arch v ->
GraphNode arch ->
PairGraph sym arch ->
EquivM_ sym arch (PairGraph sym arch) ->
EquivM sym arch (PairGraph sym arch)
withConditionsAssumed scope node gr0 f = do
withConditionsAssumed scope bundle d node gr0 f = do
foldr go f [minBound..maxBound]
go condK g =
withSatConditionAssumed scope node condK gr0 g
withSatConditionAssumed scope bundle d node condK gr0 g

accM :: (Monad m, Foldable t) => b -> t a -> (b -> a -> m b) -> m b
accM b ta f = foldM f b ta
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1267,7 +1318,7 @@ visitNode scope (GraphNode node@(nodeBlocks -> bPair)) d gr0 =
Just gr3 -> do
priority <- thisPriority
return $ queueNode (priority PriorityHandleActions) (GraphNode node) gr3
Nothing -> withConditionsAssumed scope (GraphNode node) gr0 $ do
Nothing -> withConditionsAssumed scope bundle d (GraphNode node) gr0 $ do
exitPairs <- PD.discoverPairs bundle
-- if a sync point is reachable then we don't want to do
-- further analysis, since we want to instead treat this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1302,7 +1353,7 @@ visitNode scope (ReturnNode fPair) d gr0 = do
priority <- thisPriority
return $ queueNode (priority PriorityHandleActions) (ReturnNode fPair) gr1
Nothing -> withTracing @"message" "Toplevel Return" $ do
withConditionsAssumed scope (ReturnNode fPair) gr0' $ do
withConditionsAssumed scope bundle d (ReturnNode fPair) gr0' $ do
case isSingleReturn fPair of
Just{} -> void $ emitError' $ PEE.OrphanedSingletonAnalysis (nodeFuns fPair)
Nothing -> return ()
Expand All @@ -1325,7 +1376,7 @@ visitNode scope (ReturnNode fPair) d gr0 = do
Just gr1 -> do
priority <- thisPriority
return $ queueNode (priority PriorityHandleActions) (ReturnNode fPair) gr1
Nothing -> withConditionsAssumed scope (ReturnNode fPair) gr0 $ do
Nothing -> withConditionsAssumed scope bundle d (ReturnNode fPair) gr0 $ do
traceBundle bundle "Processing return edge"
-- observable events may occur in return nodes specifically
-- when they are a synchronization point, since the abstract
Expand Down

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