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symbolic: Upstream stack spilled argument code from x86-symbolic
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Your Name committed Sep 20, 2024
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Showing 2 changed files with 125 additions and 54 deletions.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions symbolic/src/Data/Macaw/Symbolic/Stack.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,13 +12,20 @@ module Data.Macaw.Symbolic.Stack
, ExtraStackSlots(..)
, ArrayStack(..)
, createArrayStack
, allocStackSpace
, alignStackPointer
, writeSpilledArgs
) where

import Data.BitVector.Sized qualified as BVS
import Data.Parameterized.Context as Ctx
import GHC.Natural (naturalToInteger)
import Lang.Crucible.Backend qualified as C
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.DataLayout qualified as CLD
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel qualified as CLM
import qualified Control.Monad as Monad
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Bytes as Bytes
import What4.Interface qualified as WI
import What4.Symbol qualified as WSym

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,3 +118,118 @@ createArrayStack bak mem slots sz = do
top <- CLM.ptrSub sym ?ptrWidth end slotsBytesBv

pure (ArrayStack base top arr, mem2)

-- | Allocate stack space by subtracting from the stack pointer
-- This is only suitable for use with architectures/ABIs where the stack grows
-- down.
allocStackSpace ::
C.IsSymInterface sym =>
CLM.HasPtrWidth w =>
sym ->
CLM.LLVMPtr sym w ->
WI.SymBV sym w ->
IO (CLM.LLVMPtr sym w)
allocStackSpace sym = CLM.ptrSub sym ?ptrWidth

-- | Align the stack pointer to a particular 'CLD.Alignment'.
-- This is only suitable for use with architectures/ABIs where the stack grows
-- down.
alignStackPointer ::
C.IsSymInterface sym =>
CLM.HasPtrWidth w =>
sym ->
CLD.Alignment ->
CLM.LLVMPtr sym w ->
IO (CLM.LLVMPtr sym w)
alignStackPointer sym align orig@(CLM.LLVMPointer blk off) = do
let alignInt = 2 ^ naturalToInteger (CLD.alignmentToExponent align)
if alignInt == 1
then pure orig
else do
-- Because the stack grows down, we can align it by simply ANDing the stack
-- pointer with a mask with some amount of 1s followed by some amount of 0s.
let mask = BVS.complement ?ptrWidth (BVS.mkBV ?ptrWidth (alignInt - 1))
maskBv <- WI.bvLit sym ?ptrWidth mask
off' <- WI.bvAndBits sym off maskBv
pure (CLM.LLVMPointer blk off')

-- | Write pointer-sized stack-spilled arguments to the stack.
-- This function:
-- * Aligns the stack to the minimum provided 'CLD.Alignment', call this M.
-- * Potentially adds padding to ensure that after writing the arguments to the
-- stack, the resulting stack pointer will be 2M-aligned.
-- * Writes the stack-spilled arguments, in reverse order.
-- It is suitable for use with architectures/ABIs where the above is
-- the desired behavior, e.g., AArch32 and SysV on x86_64. However,
-- macaw-symbolic-{aarch32,x86} provide higher-level wrappers around this
-- function, so its direct use is discouraged.
-- Asserts that the stack allocation is writable and large enough to contain the
-- spilled arguments.
writeSpilledArgs ::
C.IsSymBackend sym bak =>
(?memOpts :: CLM.MemOptions) =>
CLM.HasPtrWidth w =>
CLM.HasLLVMAnn sym =>
bak ->
CLM.MemImpl sym ->
-- | Minimum stack alignment
CLD.Alignment ->
CLM.LLVMPtr sym w ->
-- | Stack spilled arguments, in normal left-to-right order
Seq.Seq (CLM.LLVMPtr sym w) ->
IO (CLM.LLVMPtr sym w, CLM.MemImpl sym)
writeSpilledArgs bak mem minAlign sp spilledArgs = do
let sym = C.backendGetSym bak

-- M is the minimum alignment, as an integer
let m = 2 ^ CLD.alignmentToExponent minAlign

-- First, align to M bytes. In all probability, this is a no-op.
spAlignedMin <- alignStackPointer sym minAlign sp

-- At this point, exactly one of `spAlignedMin` or `spAlignedMin +/- M` is
-- 2M-byte aligned. We need to ensure that, after writing the argument list,
-- the stack pointer will be 2M-byte aligned.
-- If `sp` is already 2M-byte aligned and there are an even number of spilled
-- arguments, we're good. If `sp + M` is already 2M-byte aligned and there
-- are an odd number of arguments, we're good. In the other cases, we need to
-- subtract M from `sp`. As a table:
-- +----------------------+------+------+
-- | | even | odd |
-- |----------------------+------+------+
-- | 16-byte aligned | noop | -M |
-- +----------------------+-------------+
-- | not 16-byte aligned | -M | noop |
-- +----------------------+-------------+
let alignMore = CLD.exponentToAlignment (CLD.alignmentToExponent minAlign + 1)
spAlignedMore <- alignStackPointer sym alignMore sp
isAlignedMore <- CLM.ptrEq sym ?ptrWidth spAlignedMin spAlignedMore
sp' <-
if even (Seq.length spilledArgs)
-- In this case, either the stack pointer is *already* 2M-byte aligned, or
-- it *needs to be* 2M-byte aligned (which is equivalent to subtracting M,
-- as it is already M-byte aligned). In either case, this value suffices.
pure spAlignedMore
else do
mBv <- WI.bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (BVS.mkBV ?ptrWidth m)
spSubMore <- allocStackSpace sym spAlignedMore mBv
CLM.muxLLVMPtr sym isAlignedMore spSubMore spAlignedMin

let ptrBytes = WI.natValue ?ptrWidth `div` 8
ptrBytesBv <- WI.bvLit sym ?ptrWidth (BVS.mkBV ?ptrWidth (fromIntegral ptrBytes))
let ptrSz = CLM.bitvectorType (Bytes.toBytes ptrBytes)
let writeWord (p, mi) arg = do
p' <- CLM.ptrSub sym ?ptrWidth p ptrBytesBv
mi' <- CLM.storeRaw bak mi p' ptrSz CLD.noAlignment (CLM.ptrToPtrVal arg)
pure (p', mi')
Monad.foldM writeWord (sp', mem) (Seq.reverse spilledArgs)
57 changes: 3 additions & 54 deletions x86_symbolic/src/Data/Macaw/X86/Symbolic/ABI/SysV.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ module Data.Macaw.X86.Symbolic.ABI.SysV
) where

import Control.Lens qualified as Lens
import Control.Monad qualified as Monad
import Data.BitVector.Sized qualified as BVS
import Data.Coerce (coerce)
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic qualified as MS
import Data.Macaw.Symbolic.Stack qualified as MSS
import Data.Macaw.X86 qualified as X86
Expand All @@ -91,6 +91,7 @@ import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.Bytes qualified as Bytes
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.DataLayout qualified as CLD
import Lang.Crucible.LLVM.MemModel qualified as MM
import Lang.Crucible.Simulator qualified as C
import qualified Data.Macaw.Symbolic.Stack as Stack
import What4.Interface qualified as WI

-- | Helper, not exported
Expand All @@ -113,16 +114,6 @@ stackPointerReg =
(\regs -> StackPointer (C.unRV (regs Lens.^. ixF' X86S.rsp)))
(\regs v -> regs Lens.& ixF' X86S.rsp Lens..~ C.RV (getStackPointer v))

-- | Allocate stack space by subtracting from the stack pointer
allocStackSpace ::
C.IsSymInterface sym =>
sym ->
StackPointer sym ->
WI.SymBV sym 64 ->
IO (StackPointer sym)
allocStackSpace sym (StackPointer sp) amount =
StackPointer <$> MM.ptrSub sym ptrRepr sp amount

-- | A return address
newtype RetAddr sym = RetAddr { getRetAddr :: MM.LLVMPtr sym 64 }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,51 +167,9 @@ writeSpilledArgs ::
SpilledArgs sym ->
IO (StackPointer sym, MM.MemImpl sym)
writeSpilledArgs bak mem sp spilledArgs = do
let sym = C.backendGetSym bak
eight <- WI.bvLit sym ptrRepr (BVS.mkBV WI.knownNat 8)
let i64 = MM.bitvectorType (Bytes.toBytes (64 :: Int))
let ?ptrWidth = ptrRepr

-- First, align to 8 bytes. In all probability, this is a no-op.
let align8 = CLD.exponentToAlignment 3 -- 2^3 = 8
StackPointer spAligned8 <- alignStackPointer sym align8 sp

-- At this point, exactly one of `spAligned8` or `spAligned8 +/- 8` is 16-byte
-- aligned. We need to ensure that, after writing the argument list, the stack
-- pointer will be 16-byte aligned.
-- If `rsp` is already 16-byte aligned and there are an even number of spilled
-- arguments, we're good. If `rsp + 8` is already 16-byte aligned and there
-- are an odd number of arguments, we're good. In the other cases, we need to
-- subtract 8 from `rsp`. As a table:
-- +----------------------+------+------+
-- | | even | odd |
-- |----------------------+------+------+
-- | 16-byte aligned | noop | -8 |
-- +----------------------+-------------+
-- | not 16-byte aligned | -8 | noop |
-- +----------------------+-------------+
let align16 = CLD.exponentToAlignment 4 -- 2^4 = 16
sp16@(StackPointer spAligned16) <- alignStackPointer sym align16 sp
isAligned16 <- MM.ptrEq sym ptrRepr spAligned8 spAligned16
sp' <-
if even (Seq.length (getSpilledArgs spilledArgs))
-- In this case, either the stack pointer is *already* 16-byte aligned, or
-- it *needs to be* 16-byte aligned (which is equivalent to subtracting 8,
-- as it is already 8-byte aligned). In either case, this value suffices.
pure sp16
else do
StackPointer spAdd8 <- allocStackSpace sym sp16 eight
StackPointer <$> MM.muxLLVMPtr sym isAligned16 spAdd8 spAligned8

let writeWord (StackPointer p, m) arg = do
p' <- MM.ptrSub sym ?ptrWidth p eight
m' <- MM.storeRaw bak m p' i64 CLD.noAlignment (MM.ptrToPtrVal arg)
pure (StackPointer p', m')
Monad.foldM writeWord (sp', mem) (Seq.reverse (getSpilledArgs spilledArgs))
coerce (Stack.writeSpilledArgs bak) mem align8 sp spilledArgs

-- | Write the return address to the stack.
Expand Down

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