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filled in lemmas about liftStackS
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lag47 committed Nov 17, 2022
1 parent f8b2990 commit bfdeb73
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Showing 6 changed files with 254 additions and 17 deletions.
85 changes: 78 additions & 7 deletions theories/Core/SubEvent.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,9 +3,16 @@ Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Applicative.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monad.
Require Import Program.Tactics.

From Coq Require Import

Require Import ITree.Basics.Basics.
Require Import HeterogeneousRelations EnTreeDefinition.

Require Import Eq.Eqit.
From Paco Require Import paco.

Class ReSum (E1 E2 : Type) : Type := resum : E1 -> E2.

Expand All @@ -23,11 +30,75 @@ Definition trigger {E1 E2 : Type} `{ReSumRet E1 E2}
(e : E1) : entree E2 (encodes e) :=
Vis (resum e) (fun x : encodes (resum e) => Ret (resum_ret e x)).

(* Use resum and resum_ret to map the events in an entree to another type *)
CoFixpoint resumEntree {E1 E2 : Type} `{ReSumRet E1 E2}
A (t : entree E1 A) : entree E2 A :=
match observe t with
CoFixpoint resumEntree' {E1 E2 : Type} `{ReSumRet E1 E2}
{A} (ot : entree' E1 A) : entree E2 A :=
match ot with
| RetF r => Ret r
| TauF t => Tau (resumEntree A t)
| VisF e k => Vis (resum e) (fun x => resumEntree A (k (resum_ret e x)))
| TauF t => Tau (resumEntree' (observe t))
| VisF e k => Vis (resum e) (fun x => resumEntree' (observe (k (resum_ret e x))))

(* Use resum and resum_ret to map the events in an entree to another type *)
Definition resumEntree {E1 E2 : Type} `{ReSumRet E1 E2}
{A} (t : entree E1 A) : entree E2 A :=
resumEntree' (observe t).

Lemma resumEntree_Ret {E1 E2 : Type} `{ReSumRet E1 E2}
{R} (r : R) :
resumEntree (Ret r) ≅ Ret r.
Proof. pstep. constructor. auto. Qed.

Lemma resumEntree_Tau {E1 E2 : Type} `{ReSumRet E1 E2}
{R} (t : entree E1 R) :
resumEntree (Tau t) ≅ Tau (resumEntree t).
pstep. red. cbn. constructor. left. apply Reflexive_eqit. auto.

Lemma resumEntree_Vis {E1 E2 : Type} `{ReSumRet E1 E2}
{R} (e : E1) (k : encodes e -> entree E1 R) :
resumEntree (Vis e k) ≅ Vis (resum e) (fun x => resumEntree (k (resum_ret e x))).
pstep. red. cbn. constructor. left. apply Reflexive_eqit. auto.

Lemma resumEntree_proper E1 E2 R1 R2 b1 b2 (RR : R1 -> R2 -> Prop) `{ReSumRet E1 E2} :
forall (t1 : entree E1 R1) (t2 : entree E1 R2),
eqit RR b1 b2 t1 t2 -> eqit RR b1 b2 (resumEntree t1) (resumEntree t2).
ginit. gcofix CIH.
intros. punfold H4. red in H4.
unfold resumEntree. hinduction H4 before r; intros.
- setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Ret. gstep. constructor. auto.
- pclearbot. setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Tau. gstep. constructor.
gfinal. eauto.
- pclearbot. setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Vis. gstep. constructor.
gfinal. intros. left. eapply CIH. apply REL.
- setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Tau. inversion CHECK. subst.
rewrite tau_euttge. eauto.
- setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Tau. inversion CHECK. subst.
rewrite tau_euttge. eauto.

#[global] Instance resumEntree_proper_inst E1 E2 R `{ReSumRet E1 E2} :
Proper (@eq_itree E1 _ R R eq ==> @eq_itree E2 _ R R eq) resumEntree.
repeat intro. apply resumEntree_proper. auto.

Lemma resumEntree_bind (E1 E2 : Type) `{ReSumRet E1 E2}
(R S : Type) (t : entree E1 R) (k : R -> entree E1 S) :
resumEntree (EnTree.bind t k) ≅
EnTree.bind (resumEntree t) (fun x => resumEntree (k x)).
revert t. ginit. gcofix CIH.
intros t. unfold EnTree.bind at 1, EnTree.subst at 1.
unfold resumEntree at 2. destruct (observe t).
- setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Ret. setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l.
apply Reflexive_eqit_gen. auto.
- setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Tau. setoid_rewrite bind_tau.
gstep. constructor. gfinal. eauto.
- setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Vis. setoid_rewrite bind_vis.
gstep. constructor. gfinal. eauto.

7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions theories/Eq/Eqit.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -99,6 +99,13 @@ Proof.
intros. pstep. constructor. auto.

Lemma eqit_Vis {E R1 R2} `{EncodingType E} b1 b2 (RR : R1 -> R2 -> Prop) (e : E) k1 k2 :
(forall a, eqit RR b1 b2 (k1 a) (k2 a)) ->
eqit RR b1 b2 (Vis e k1) (Vis e k2).
intros. pstep. constructor. left. apply H0.

Lemma eqit_Vis_inv {E R1 R2} `{EncodingType E} b1 b2 (RR : R1 -> R2 -> Prop) (e : E) k1 k2 :
eqit RR b1 b2 (Vis e k1) (Vis e k2) -> forall a, eqit RR b1 b2 (k1 a) (k2 a).
Expand Down
83 changes: 76 additions & 7 deletions theories/Ref/Automation.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,9 @@ From EnTree Require Import

From Paco Require Import paco.

(* From Coq 8.15 *)
Notation "( x ; y )" := (existT _ x y) (at level 0, format "( x ; '/ ' y )").
Notation "x .1" := (projT1 x) (at level 1, left associativity, format "x .1").
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1546,42 +1549,79 @@ Lemma spec_refines_liftStackS_ret_bind_l (E1 E2 : EvType) Γ1 Γ2 R1 R2
(RR : Rel R1 R2) A1 a k1 t2 :
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (k1 a) t2 ->
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (liftStackS A1 (RetS a) >>= k1) t2.
intros. setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Ret. setoid_rewrite bind_ret_l.

Lemma spec_refines_liftStackS_bind_bind_l (E1 E2 : EvType) Γ1 Γ2 R1 R2
(RPre : SpecPreRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2) (RPost : SpecPostRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2)
(RR : Rel R1 R2) A1 B1 t1 k1 k2 t2 :
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (x <- liftStackS A1 t1 ;; liftStackS B1 (k1 x) >>= k2) t2 ->
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (liftStackS B1 (t1 >>= k1) >>= k2) t2.
intros. setoid_rewrite resumEntree_bind. setoid_rewrite bind_bind. eauto.

Lemma spec_refines_liftStackS_assume_bind_l (E1 E2 : EvType) Γ1 Γ2 R1 R2
(RPre : SpecPreRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2) (RPost : SpecPostRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2)
(RR : Rel R1 R2) P k1 t2 :
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (AssumeS P >>= k1) t2 ->
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (liftStackS _ (AssumeS P) >>= k1) t2.
enough (@liftStackS E1 Γ1 unit (AssumeS P) ≅ AssumeS P).
rewrite H0. auto.
setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Vis.
setoid_rewrite bind_vis. cbn. apply eqit_Vis.
cbn. intros. rewrite bind_ret_l. setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Ret.
apply eqit_Ret. auto.

Lemma spec_refines_liftStackS_assert_bind_l (E1 E2 : EvType) Γ1 Γ2 R1 R2
(RPre : SpecPreRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2) (RPost : SpecPostRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2)
(RR : Rel R1 R2) P k1 t2 :
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (AssertS P >>= k1) t2 ->
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (liftStackS _ (AssertS P) >>= k1) t2.
enough (@liftStackS E1 Γ1 unit (AssertS P) ≅ AssertS P).
rewrite H0. auto.
setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Vis.
setoid_rewrite bind_vis. cbn. apply eqit_Vis.
cbn. intros. rewrite bind_ret_l. setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Ret.
apply eqit_Ret. auto.

Lemma spec_refines_liftStackS_forall_bind_l (E1 E2 : EvType) Γ1 Γ2 R1 R2
(RPre : SpecPreRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2) (RPost : SpecPostRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2)
(RR : Rel R1 R2) A1 `{QuantType A1} k1 t2 :
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (ForallS A1 >>= k1) t2 ->
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (liftStackS _ (ForallS A1) >>= k1) t2.
enough (@liftStackS E1 Γ1 A1 (ForallS A1) ≅ ForallS A1).
rewrite H1. auto.
setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Vis.
apply eqit_Vis.
cbn. intros. setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Ret. apply eqit_Ret.

Lemma spec_refines_liftStackS_exists_bind_l (E1 E2 : EvType) Γ1 Γ2 R1 R2
(RPre : SpecPreRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2) (RPost : SpecPostRel E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2)
(RR : Rel R1 R2) A1 `{QuantType A1} k1 t2 :
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (ExistsS A1 >>= k1) t2 ->
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (liftStackS _ (ExistsS A1) >>= k1) t2.
enough (@liftStackS E1 Γ1 A1 (ExistsS A1) ≅ ExistsS A1).
rewrite H1. auto.
setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Vis.
apply eqit_Vis.
cbn. intros. setoid_rewrite resumEntree_Ret. apply eqit_Ret.

#[global] Hint Extern 101 (spec_refines _ _ _ (liftStackS _ (RetS _) >>= _) _) =>
simple apply spec_refines_liftStackS_ret_bind_l : refines.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1610,14 +1650,43 @@ Proof. intro; rewrite <- (bind_ret_r (liftStackS _ _)); eauto. Qed.
#[global] Hint Extern 101 (spec_refines _ _ _ (liftStackS _ ?t1) _) =>
simple apply (spec_refines_liftStackS_bind_ret_l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t1) : refines.

Lemma spec_refines_liftStackS_proper:
forall (E1 : EvType) (Γ1 : list RecFrame) (frame1 : RecFrame) (R1 : Type) (t1 t2 : SpecM E1 nil R1),
spec_refines eqPreRel eqPostRel eq t1 t2 ->
spec_refines eqPreRel eqPostRel eq (@liftStackS E1 (frame1 :: Γ1) R1 t1) (liftStackS R1 t2).
intros E1 Γ1 frame1 R1 t1 t2 H.
enough (strict_refines (@liftStackS E1 (frame1 :: Γ1) R1 t1) (liftStackS R1 t2)).
eapply padded_refines_monot; try apply H0; auto.
intros. red in PR. dependent destruction PR. subst. cbn. constructor.
apply padded_refines_liftStackS_proper.
eapply padded_refines_monot; try apply H; auto.
intros. dependent destruction PR. red. econstructor.
Unshelve. all : auto. simpl. auto.

(* I think this is backwards *)
Lemma spec_refines_liftStackS_trans_bind_l {E1 E2 Γ1 Γ2 frame1 frame2 R1 R2}
{RPre : SpecPreRel E1 E2 (frame1 :: Γ1) (frame2 :: Γ2)}
{RPost : SpecPostRel E1 E2 (frame1 :: Γ1) (frame2 :: Γ2)}
{RR : Rel R1 R2} {t1 t2 k1 t3} :
spec_refines eqPreRel eqPostRel eq t1 t2 ->
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (liftStackS R1 t2 >>= k1) t3 ->
spec_refines RPre RPost RR (liftStackS R1 t1 >>= k1) t3.
assert (spec_refines eqPreRel eqPostRel eq (@liftStackS E1 (frame1 :: Γ1) R1 t1) (liftStackS R1 t2)).
apply spec_refines_liftStackS_proper. auto.
eapply padded_refines_weaken_r; try eapply H0.
eapply padded_refines_bind with (RR := eq).
- red in H1. eapply padded_refines_monot; try apply H1; auto.
intros. dependent destruction PR. red. econstructor. auto. Unshelve. 2 : auto.
cbn. auto.
- intros. subst. reflexivity.

Create HintDb refines_proofs.
#[global] Hint Extern 901 (spec_refines _ _ _ (liftStackS _ _ >>= _) _) =>
Expand Down
34 changes: 32 additions & 2 deletions theories/Ref/SortEx.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ From EnTree Require Import

From Coq Require Export Wellfounded Arith.Wf_nat Arith.Compare_dec Arith.Lt.

Import Monad.
Import MonadNotation.
Local Open Scope monad_scope.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -80,7 +82,27 @@ Definition dec_length {A : Type} (l1 l2 : list A) :=
length l1 < length l2.

Lemma dec_length_wf A : well_founded (@dec_length A).
eapply well_founded_lt_compat.
unfold dec_length. eauto.

Definition dec_either_length {A} (pr1 pr2 : list A * list A) :=
length (fst pr1) < length (fst pr2) /\ length (snd pr1) = length (snd pr2) \/
length (fst pr1) = length (fst pr2) /\ length (snd pr1) < length (snd pr2).

Lemma wf_dec_either_length A : well_founded (@dec_either_length A).
apply wf_union.
- intros [z1 z2] [y1 y2] [] [x1 x2] []; simpl in *.
exists (z1, x2); simpl; split; try easy.
+ rewrite <- H0. exact H2.
+ rewrite H1. exact H.
- eapply wf_incl; [| apply well_founded_ltof ].
intros ? ? []. exact H.
- eapply wf_incl; [| apply well_founded_ltof ].
intros ? ? []. exact H0.

Definition rdec_merge {A} (p1 p2 : list A * list A) :=
let '(l1,l2) := p1 in
Expand All @@ -91,7 +113,10 @@ Definition rdec_merge {A} (p1 p2 : list A * list A) :=
length l2 < length l4.

Lemma rdec_merge_wf A : well_founded (@rdec_merge A).
eapply wf_incl; try apply wf_dec_either_length.
red. intros [? ?] [? ?] H. auto.

Definition sorted : list nat -> Prop :=
Sorted (Nat.le).
Expand All @@ -117,6 +142,11 @@ Definition halve : list nat -> entree_spec E (list nat * list nat) :=
'(l4,l5) <- rec l3;;
Ret (x::l4, y::l5)).

(* splits a list in half using th monadic, recursion operator rec_fix_spec.
The calling the rec function argument corresponds to recursive calls to the halve function *)

Definition halve_pre (l : list nat) := True.
Definition halve_post (l : list nat) p :=
let '(l1,l2) := p in
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion theories/Ref/SpecM.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -333,7 +333,7 @@ Definition ErrorS {E} {Γ} A (str : string) : SpecM E Γ A :=

(* Lift a SpecM in the empty FunStack to an arbitrary FunStack *)
Definition liftStackS {E} {Γ} A (t:SpecM E nil A) : SpecM E Γ A :=
resumEntree A t.
resumEntree t.

(* Compute the type forall a b c ... . SpecM ... (R a b c ...) from an lrt *)
Expand Down
60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions theories/Ref/SpecMFacts.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -180,3 +180,63 @@ Proof.

End interp_mrec_spec_quantr.

Lemma refines_liftStackS_proper:
forall (E1 : EvType) (Γ1 : list RecFrame) (frame1 : RecFrame) (R1 : Type) (t1 t2 : SpecM E1 nil R1),
refines eq PostRelEq eq t1 t2 ->
refines eq PostRelEq eq (@liftStackS E1 (frame1 :: Γ1) R1 t1) (liftStackS R1 t2).
intros E1 Γ1 frame1 R1. unfold liftStackS. pcofix CIH. intros t1 t2 Ht12.
unfold resumEntree. punfold Ht12. red in Ht12.
pstep. red. hinduction Ht12 before r; intros.
- constructor. auto.
- constructor. pclearbot. right. eauto.
- simpl. subst. unfold resum. unfold ReSum_nil_FunStack. destruct e2; constructor;
auto; intros; pclearbot; right; eauto.
dependent destruction H. eapply CIH.
cbn in H0. cbn in b.
match goal with |- refines _ _ _ (k1 ?a) _ => remember a as b' end.
cbn in b'. specialize (H0 b' b' (PostRelEq_intro _ _)). pclearbot. auto.
dependent destruction H. eapply CIH.
cbn in H0. cbn in b.
match goal with |- refines _ _ _ (k1 ?a) _ => remember a as b' end.
cbn in b'. specialize (H0 b' b' (PostRelEq_intro _ _)). pclearbot. auto.
- constructor. eauto.
- constructor. eauto.
- cbn. constructor. intros. eauto.
- econstructor. eauto.
- econstructor. eauto.
- constructor. eauto.

Lemma pad_resumEntree_comm E1 E2 `{resret : ReSumRet E1 E2} R (t : entree E1 R) :
resumEntree (Padded.pad t) ≅ Padded.pad (resumEntree t).
revert t. ginit. gcofix CIH.
intros. unfold resumEntree at 2. unfold Padded.pad at 1.
destruct (observe t).
- setoid_rewrite Padded.pad_ret. rewrite resumEntree_Ret.
gstep. constructor. auto.
- setoid_rewrite Padded.pad_tau. rewrite resumEntree_Tau.
gstep. constructor. gfinal. eauto.
- setoid_rewrite Padded.pad_vis. rewrite resumEntree_Vis.
gstep. constructor. intros. red. rewrite resumEntree_Tau.
gstep. constructor. gfinal. eauto.

Lemma padded_refines_liftStackS_proper:
forall (E1 : EvType) (Γ1 : list RecFrame) (frame1 : RecFrame) (R1 : Type) (t1 t2 : SpecM E1 nil R1),
padded_refines eq PostRelEq eq t1 t2 ->
padded_refines eq PostRelEq eq (@liftStackS E1 (frame1 :: Γ1) R1 t1) (liftStackS R1 t2).
unfold padded_refines.
eapply refines_eutt_padded_l with (t1 := liftStackS R1 (Padded.pad t1)); try apply Padded.pad_is_padded.
setoid_rewrite pad_resumEntree_comm. reflexivity.
eapply refines_eutt_padded_r with (t2 := liftStackS R1 (Padded.pad t2));
try apply Padded.pad_is_padded.
setoid_rewrite pad_resumEntree_comm. apply Padded.pad_is_padded.
setoid_rewrite pad_resumEntree_comm. reflexivity.
apply refines_liftStackS_proper. auto.

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