Latest Download: Project Base 0.7.3 Item Randomizer v1.01
An Item Randomizer program for the Super Metroid Romhack called Project Base.
It's a fork from Dessy's original Super Metroid Randomizer program, that can be found here:
Check out Total's Item Randomizer for the original Super Metroid:
For more information on gameplay changes from the original Super Metroid check it out here
Public Release.
Item sounds reverted back to normal.
Updated Item Addresses and Item Logic for the updated map.
Removed Spore Spawn green door to prevent potential softlocks.
Wrecked Ship Attic item is removed until Phantoon is defeated.
Removed Ceres introduction.
Updated Map design for convenience. More details at:
Removed Item in Wrecked Ship Attic until Phantoon is defeated.
Fixed a bug where Brinstar Map Missiles were on the same item index as Charge Beam.
**Bug** Item in Wrecked Ship Attic does not randomize properly until Phantoon is defeated.
Fixed a specific crash that occured during the Spazer room's room transition.
Improved item randomizing logic.
Reduced items available in Masochist difficulty to 25 from 29.
Reduced items available in Speedrunner difficulty to 47 from 52.
Addressed an error that can randomize Super Missiles in impossible locations.
Increased difficulty for the Speedrunner and Masochist difficulties.
Reduced the number of items available in the Speedrunner difficulty to 52 from 100.
Multiple Charge Beams were placed back onto the same index.
Public release