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Execute AUGUSTUS longrunning test cases #1592

Execute AUGUSTUS longrunning test cases

Execute AUGUSTUS longrunning test cases #1592

# This workflow builds AUGUSTUS and executes the
# longrunning test cases
name: Execute AUGUSTUS longrunning test cases
# execute workflow daily at 23:30
- cron: '30 23 * * *'
TOOLDIR: /data/tools
PERL5LIB: /data/eval
DB_USER: ${{ secrets.TEST_DB_USER }}
DB_PASSWD: ${{ secrets.TEST_DB_PASSWD }}
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, default]
commit: ${{ steps.step3.outputs.hash }}
- name: Check out repository
id: step1
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Get latest commit in DB
id: step2
run: |
./ --dbname testresults --dbhost localhost --dbport 8086 --dbuser $DB_USER --dbpasswd $DB_PASSWD >> $GITHUB_ENV
echo 'EOF' >> $GITHUB_ENV
working-directory: tests/longrunning/
- name: Set output
id: step3
run: echo '::set-output name=hash::${{ env.LATEST_COMMIT_IN_DB }}'
runs-on: [self-hosted, linux, default]
needs: check_latest_commit_in_db
# Only execute test cases if the last commit in db is different from the last commit on default branch
if: ${{ needs.check_latest_commit_in_db.outputs.commit != github.sha }}
# Maximum number of minutes to let a job run before GitHub automatically cancels it. Default: 360
timeout-minutes: 600
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# Install required python packages
- name: Install python wget
run: pip3 install wget
- name: Install gitpython
run: pip3 install gitpython
- name: Install profiling tools
run: pip3 install psutil memory_profiler
- name: Build AUGUSTUS
run: make all
- name: Execute single genome test cases
run: ./ --evalDir /data/eval/ --jobs 8 --pathToGitRepo ../../../.git
working-directory: tests/longrunning/single_genome/
- name: Extract desired accuracy values (single genome test case)
run: ./ --path single_genome/output/eval
working-directory: tests/longrunning/
- name: Write to influxdb (single genome test case)
run: ./ --dbname testresults --dbhost localhost --dbport 8086 --dbuser $DB_USER --dbpasswd $DB_PASSWD --pathToDataDir single_genome/output/ --mode single
working-directory: tests/longrunning/
- name: Execute cgp test case
run: ./ --chunks 27 30 47 54 57 80 86 101 118 --eval --augustusDir ../../../ --dataDir data --evalDir /data/eval --jobs 8 --pathToGitRepo ../../../.git
working-directory: tests/longrunning/cgp/
- name: Extract desired accuracy values (cgp test case)
run: ./ --path cgp/data/cgp12way/ACCURACY
working-directory: tests/longrunning/
- name: Write to influxdb (cgp test case)
run: ./ --dbname testresults --dbhost localhost --dbport 8086 --dbuser $DB_USER --dbpasswd $DB_PASSWD --pathToDataDir cgp/data/cgp12way/ --mode cgp
working-directory: tests/longrunning/