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Salbris edited this page Nov 27, 2011 · 5 revisions

This page describes guidelines should follow when committing changes to this repository.


Before you start a new task or set of tasks create a new branch for yourself. It should be named something like "[your name]-[feature]-branch". This allows me to keep track of changes I need to merge and look over. Never commit to master, unless your name is Ryan P. Badour!

Because of the use of branches, don't close an issue. Write a comment on the issue explaining that your done and waiting for me to merge the code into master. I'll close the task once I've merged it.


You must always write comments about what your commit changes in the code and it's purpose. Start the comment with:

  • "Added:" If your adding features, classes, etc.
  • "Updated:" for updating existing things.
  • "Removed:" for removing existing things.
  • "Reformatted:" for code changes that don't change behaviour, only the look
  • "Note:" for other miscellaneous info
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