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Grandcentrix UWB Android Library

This project is all about making it super easy to create an Ultra-Wideband (UWB) session to a controller, acting as a controlee. We're using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) as an out-of-band (OOB) method to connect and communicate to nearby devices.


Our Android UWB Library requires at least Android 14, so make sure your project's minimum SDK is set up to be at least API 34 ("UpsideDownCake", Android 14.0)

Add below UWB library reference to the dependencies section of your build.gradle.kts file, to use the library in your project.

dependencies {

Getting Started

To get started create an instance of the UwbBleLibrary

    val gcxUwbBleLibrary: UwbBleLibrary = GcxUwbBleLibrary(context = context)

Scanning for nearby devices over BLE

The scanning process ues the Bluetooth API to search for available BLE devices.

    gcxUwbBleLibrary.startScan().collect { gcxScanResult ->  }

Establish a connection to nerby device via BLE

Upon successful discovery, the gcxUwbBleLibrary.startScan().collect lambda receives GcxScanResult objects. On this object its possible to perform a gcxScanResult.connect(uuidProvider) call with a UUIDProvider as an argument to establish a Bluetooth connection. The UUIDProvider class supplies the UUIDs for the service and characteristics required to communicate, by default we are using the Nordic UART Service with the RX and TX characteristic.

    gcxUwbBleLibrary.startScan().collect { gcxScanResult ->
        ).collect { connectionState -> }

Start UWB ranging

The gcxScanResult.connect(uuidProvider).collect lamba receives ConnectionState object with following fields:

  • Connectionstate.Connected - represents the state when the connection to the bluetooth device is successfully established
  • Connectionstate.Disconnected - represents the state when the connection to the bluetooth device is disconnected.
  • Connectionstate.ServicesDiscovered - represents the state when the services of the bluetooth device have been discovered, contains a object of GcxUwbDevice

When the ConnectionState.ServicesDiscovered state is reached, it contains a object of GcxUwbDevice on this object its possible to perform a gcxUwbDevice.startRanging(deviceConfigInterceptor, phoneConfigInterceptor, rangingConfig) call with DeviceConfigInterceptor, PhoneConfigInterceptor and RangingConfig to start the UWB ranging session. After all data between controller and controlee is successfully transferd, UwbResult.PositionResult will return fields like:

  • distance - the measured distance from the controller, or null if not available
  • azimuth - the measured azimuth from the controller, or null if not available
  • elevation - the measured elevation from the controller, or null if not available
  • elapsedRealtimeNanos - the elapsed real-time in nanoseconds since the ranging measurement was taken
    gcxUwbBleLibrary.startScan().collect { gcxScanResult ->
        ).collect { connectionState ->
            when (connectionState) {
                ConnectionState.Connected -> print("Connected")
                ConnectionState.Disconnected -> print("Disconnected")
                is ConnectionState.ServicesDiscovered -> {
                    ).collect { uwbResult ->
                        when (uwbResult) {
                            UwbResult.Disconnected -> print("Peer disconnected")
                            UwbResult.RangingStarted -> print("Ranging started")
                            UwbResult.RangingStopped -> print("Ranging stopped")
                            is UwbResult.PositionResult -> print(uwbResult)
                            UwbResult.UnknownResult -> throw Exception()


We currently provide two interceptor interfaces for interpreting custom configurations between the device (controller) and the phone (controlee). The sample shown below is did with the Mobile Knowledge UWB Kit.


For the controller, we expect a byte array that can be interpreted with our DeviceConfigInterceptor and returns a DeviceConfig model. In our sample, we created an additional model for Mobile Knowledge, the MKDeviceConfig, which inherits from our DeviceConfig object. We then implemented our DeviceConfigInterceptor interface in the MKDeviceConfigInterceptor class and overrode the intercept(byteArray) method.

object MKDeviceConfigInterceptor : DeviceConfigInterceptor {
    override fun intercept(byteArray: ByteArray): DeviceConfig =


For the controlee, we provide our PhoneConfig model with the following fields:

  • sessionId - session identifier for the ranging operation (integer)
  • preambleIndex - index used for transmission (byte)
  • channel - channel to be used for communication (byte)
  • phoneAddress - phone's address in byte array format

In our sample, we extended our model with the MKPhoneConfig model to meet the requirements of the Mobile Knowledge controller. We then used our PhoneConfigInterceptor interface and implemented it in the MKPhoneConfigInterceptor class, overriding the intercept(sessionId, complexChannel, phoneAddress) method. This method returns a byte array that will be sent to the controller to set up everything needed for the ranging session.

object MKPhoneConfigInterceptor : PhoneConfigInterceptor {
    override fun intercept(
        sessionId: Int,
        complexChannel: UwbComplexChannel,
        phoneAddress: ByteArray
    ): ByteArray = MKPhoneConfig(
        specVerMajor = 0x0100.toShort(),
        specVerMinor = 0x0000.toShort(),
        sessionId = sessionId,
        preambleIndex = complexChannel.preambleIndex.toByte(),
        channel =,
        profileId = RangingParameters.CONFIG_UNICAST_DS_TWR.toByte(),
        deviceRangingRole = 0x01.toByte(),
        phoneAddress = phoneAddress


The library is published as an AAR to Github Packages via the publish action. To publish a new version of the library bump the version inside of lib/build.gradle.kts and create a new tag with this pattern: release/v<major>.<minor>.<patch>.


The action prefers to use the tag instead of the version string in the gradle file. Make sure to use the same version in the gradle file and for the tag.

Additionally, a github release for documentation is created automatically by the same workflow.


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