This is a Discord Bot application which coded using C# with .NET Core .
- Go to Discord Develpor Portal >>>
- On "Applications" Tab, click the "New Application" button on top-right of page.
- Set the name of your bot in pop-up window. Then click the "Create" button.
- You can set your bot's icon, description and permissions in the "General Information" Tab after the creating.
- Click the "Bot" tab on your page's left column.
Click "Yes do it" button when the message box is opened and add your bot.
After that you'll see that page. And "click to reveal token".
The token is you will use it in C# application, so save it.
Also the Client ID (in OAuth2 or General Information Tab) is you need to authorize for your Discord server to bot. Save it, too.
- You should create a Console Application in Visual Studio.
Note: I haven't used Visual Stuido, my IDE is just "Visual Studio Code". So, may there be differences according Visual Studio.
Install .NET Core SDK 3.0 from Microsoft.
Install "NuGet Package Manaer", for VS Code open the Extensions and search the Nuget Package Manager
- For add "DSharpPlus" package to NuGet, type CTRL+SHIFT+P and open the commands palette.
- Click the "NuGet Package Manager: Add Package"
- Type "DSharpPlus" to search.
- Then click it.
- Select to version of "3.2.3" from the opened list.
- Add this library for your program:
using DSharpPlus;
- Create your OAuth2 link with Client ID. Like this:
The "655421891418390528" is your Client ID, paste it after "client_id" tag in link.
- Enter the created link with client id and authorize your bot in your discord server. Like this:
- Create your app codes, like this template (All details are commented):
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using DSharpPlus;
//OAuth2 URL's of bot is like this >>>
//This URL is only sample, you should create your own URL with your "client id".
namespace DiscordBot
class Program
static DiscordClient discord;
static void Main(string[] args)
static async Task MainAsync(string[] args)
discord = new DiscordClient(new DiscordConfiguration
TokenType = TokenType.Bot
discord.MessageCreated += async e =>
if (e.Message.Content.ToLower().StartsWith("Hi")) // The user's message
await e.Message.RespondAsync("Hi dude!"); // Bot's response
if (e.Message.Content.ToLower() == "Hello Bot, how're you?") // The alternative code for sending message (w/o "StartsWith")
await e.Message.RespondAsync(""); //Sample for responsing with Image link
if (e.Message.Content.ToLower()=="!soldier") // You can create your own commands start with "!" or another thing.
await e.Message.RespondAsync("Yes sir!");
if (e.Message.Content.ToLower()=="!random") // This is sample for random responsing from bot if you tpye "!random".
Random rand = new Random();
int r = rand.Next(0,2);
if(r == 0)
await e.Message.RespondAsync("");
await e.Message.RespondAsync("");
await discord.ConnectAsync();
await Task.Delay(-1);