- 🗝 简单易用,简洁设计
- 🛠️ 基于模板的项目生成
- ⚙️ 交互式 CLI 配置
- 📦 支持多个模板
- 🧩 EJS 模板渲染
npm create creator my-creator
Need to install the following packages:
[email protected]
Ok to proceed? (y)
> npx
> create-creator my-creator
┌ [email protected]
● Create a creator - npm create creator
▲ The project directory is: /path/to/my-creator
◇ Select node version
│ v22.x
◇ Select npm registry
│ npm official
◇ Select code linter
│ biome
◆ Git repository initialized
◆ The project has been created successfully!
◆ cd my-creator to start your coding journey
└ 🎉🎉🎉
├── .editorconfig
├── .gitignore
├── .npmrc
├── .nvmrc
├── README.md
├── bin
│ └── index.cjs
├── biome.jsonc
├── commitlint.config.mjs
├── lefthook.yml
├── package.json
├── src
│ ├── const.ts
│ ├── dts
│ │ ├── global.d.ts
│ │ └── types.d.ts
│ └── index.ts
├── templates
│ └── default
│ └── README.md.ejs
├── test
│ └── sample.test.ts
├── tsconfig.json
└── vite.config.mts
import { Creator } from 'create-creator';
export async function createCLI() {
const creator = new Creator({
projectPath: process.argv[2],
templatesRoot: path.join(__dirname, '../templates'),
// create 方法不会抛错,不必捕获
await creator.create();
- templates 是模板根目录
- templates/default 是一个具体模板目录,可以是任意名称
- 如果 templates 下有多个目录,则会在创建项目时以供用户选择
// src/index.ts
export async function createCLI() {
const creator = new Creator({
// ... other options
async extendData({ prompts }) {
// Add custom data
return {
timestamp: Date.now(),
author: 'Your Name'
await creator.create();
// templates/default/README.md.ejs
# <%= ctx.projectName %>
Created by: <%= author %>
Created at: <%= timestamp %>
// src/index.ts
export async function createCLI() {
const creator = new Creator({
// ... other options
// 没有选择 eslint 的时候,不生成 eslint 相关文件
creator.writeIntercept(['eslint*', '.eslint*'], (meta, data) => ({
disableWrite: data.codeLinter !== 'eslint',
// 没有选择 biome 的时候,不生成 biome 相关文件
creator.writeIntercept(['biome*'], (meta, data) => ({
disableWrite: data.codeLinter !== 'biome',
await creator.create();
// src/index.ts
export async function createCLI() {
const creator = new Creator({
// ... other options
onWritten(meta, data) {
console.log(`Created file: ${meta.targetPath}`);
creator.on('before', ({prompts}) => {
prompts.log.info('输出一些 banner 信息');
creator.on('start', ({prompts}) => {
creator.on('written', (meta, data, override) => {
data.ctx.prompts.log.info(`写入文件: ${meta.targetPath}`);
creator.on('end', ({prompts}, meta) => {
await creator.create();
// src/index.ts
import { promptSafe } from 'create-creator';
export async function createCLI() {
const creator = new Creator({
// ... other options
async extendData({ prompts }) {
const tabSize = await promptSafe(prompts.select({
message: 'Select your preferred tab size',
choices: [
value: 2,
label: '2 spaces'
value: 4,
label: '4 spaces'
// Add custom data
return {
// type is number
在发布 npm 包的时候,.gitignore
和 .npmignore
- 将
- 添加自定义拦截器进行特殊处理
// 将任意目录下的 _gitignore 和 _npmignore 文件重命名为 .gitignore 和 .npmignore
creator.writeIntercept(['**/_gitignore', '**/_npmignore'], (meta) => ({
targetFileName: meta.targetFileName.replace('_', '.'),
class Creator<T extends Record<string, unknown>> {
constructor(options: CreatorOptions<T>);
* 开始创建项目
create(): Promise<void>;
* 拦截文件写入
* @param paths 要拦截的文件路径模式
* @param interceptor 拦截器函数
paths: string | string[],
interceptor: WriteInterceptor
): void;
* 注册事件监听器
* @param event 事件名称
* @param listener 监听器函数
on(event: 'before' | 'start' | 'written' | 'end', listener: (...args: any[]) => void): void;
* Configuration options for the creator
* @template T - Type of custom data to extend with
export type CreatorOptions<T> = {
* Current working directory (default: process.cwd())
cwd?: string;
* Path to project directory
projectPath?: string;
* Root directory containing templates
templatesRoot: string;
* Convert creation context to template options
* @param context - The creation context containing information about the current process
* @returns Array of template options or promise resolving to array of template options
toTemplateOptions?: (context: CreatorContext) => TemplateOption[] | Promise<TemplateOption[]>;
* Extend template data with custom properties
extendData?: (context: CreatorContext) => T | Promise<T>;
* Check for updates
checkUpdate?: CheckPkgUpdate & { version: string };
* Check Node.js version
checkNodeVersion?: number;
* Metadata about files being processed
export type FileMeta = {
* Whether file uses EJS templating
isEjsFile: boolean;
* Whether file uses underscore prefix
isUnderscoreFile: boolean;
* Whether file uses dot prefix
isDotFile: boolean;
* Root directory of source files
sourceRoot: string;
* Name of source file
sourceFileName: string;
* Relative path to source file
sourcePath: string;
* Full path to source file
sourceFile: string;
* Root directory of target files
targetRoot: string;
* Name of target file
targetFileName: string;
* Relative path to target file
targetPath: string;
* Full path to target file
targetFile: string;
* Options to override default file writing behavior
export type OverrideWrite = {
* Whether to disable EJS rendering for EJS files
disableRenderEjs?: boolean;
* Specify target file name
targetFileName?: string;
* Whether to disable file writing
* When true, other configurations will be ignored
disableWrite?: boolean;
* Context object containing information about the current creation process
export type CreatorContext = {
* Current working directory
cwd: string;
* Root directory containing templates
templatesRoot: string;
* Path to selected template directory
templateRoot: string;
* Names of selected template directories
templateNames: string[];
* Name of selected template
templateName: string;
* Root directory of project being created
projectRoot: string;
* Relative path to project directory
projectPath: string;
* Name of project being created
projectName: string;
* Current write mode (overwrite/clean/cancel)
writeMode: WriteMode;
* Complete template data type combining built-in and custom data
* @template T - Type of custom data to extend with
export type CreatorData<T> = {
* The creation context
ctx: CreatorContext;
} & T;
class ExitError extends Error {
exitCode: number;
constructor(message: string);
creator.on('written', (fileMeta: FileMeta, data: CreatorData<T>, override?: OverrideWrite) => unknown)
- 如果配置了
- 否则
- 如果源文件是
- 如果源文件是
- 如果源文件是
creator.writeIntercept(['*/src/client.ts', '*/src/server.ts'], (fileMeta, data) => {
if (data.ssr) return {};
return fileMeta.sourceFileName === 'client.ts'
// client.ts -> index.ts
? {
targetFileName: 'index.ts'
// 不需要写入 server.ts
: {
disableWrite: true
* 安全执行 prompts 操作
function promptSafe<T>(promise: Promise<T | symbol>): Promise<T | symbol>;
* 初始化 Git 仓库
function initGitRepo(cwd: string): Promise<void>;
* 检查 Node.js 版本
function checkNodeVersion(version: number): Promise<boolean>;
* 检查更新
function checkUpdate(pkgName: string, currentVersion: string): Promise<boolean>;
* 选择 Node.js 版本
function selectNodeVersion(versions?: number[]): Promise<number>;
* 选择 npm registry
function selectNpmRegistry(registries?: string[]): Promise<string>;
* 选择代码格式化工具
function selectCodeLinter(linters?: string[]): Promise<string>;
* 选择文件写入模式
function selectWriteMode(cwd: string, ignoreNames?: string[]): Promise<WriteMode>;
* 执行 shell 命令
function execCommand(
command: string,
options?: ExecOptions
): Promise<[Error | null, { stderr: string; stdout: string; exitCode: number }]>;
* @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/@clack/prompts
export const prompts = Prompts;
* @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/picocolors
export const colors = Colors;