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Releases: Frodo45127/rpfm

Release v4.3.14

02 Feb 09:48
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  • Removed the ability to undo "Import TSV" operations on tables.


  • Fixed a rare CTD when importing a TSV of a different version of the table we're importing into.
  • Fixed a rare CTD when loading a table profile made for a different version of the table.

Release v4.3.13

15 Jan 18:10
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  • Removed "Hide Unused Columns" setting, as turns out some of them were actually used.


  • Fixed only last filter of each group actually working.

Release v4.3.12

14 Jan 18:43
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  • Implemented Pack Setting to disable generation of the "aaa_" file when generating the pack's missing loc data.
  • Implemented diagnostic to detect missing loc data files.
  • Implemented Save Pack for Release (optimizes the pack, then saves it).
  • Added small workflow tutorials and explanations to the manual.


  • Generate Missing Loc Data file names are now pack-dependant, to increase compatibility for people not deleting them.
  • Optimizing a pack no longer sorts all the tables and locs.


  • Fixed CLI not using lazy-loading when opening packs on certain operations, resulting in absurd amounts of ram used.
  • Fixed LUA diagnostic positions being incorrectly calculated.
  • Fixed LUA diagnostics generating false positives due to comments or end-of-table commas.
  • Fixed LUA diagnostics not scrolling to position when opened.
  • Fixed LUA diagnostics not working on files with Windows/Mac endings.
  • Fixed MyMod Import not properly importing the fake dependencies file.
  • Fixed Generate Missing Loc Data not correctly reloading the edited files.
  • Fixed old Packs not being able to use new Pack settings.
  • Fixed misaligned/missing text in Pack Settings.
  • Fixed tools not being resizable.
  • Fixed CTD when opening a diagnostic pointing to a cell that no longer exist.
  • Fixed inconsistent behavior on table filters when using groups.
  • Fixed missing/invalid lookups on names tables for Rome 2, Attila and Thrones.
  • Fixed inconsistent behavior when adding and removing table filters to a table.

Release v4.3.11

26 Dec 15:51
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  • Implemented "Go To File" for fields that reference a file.
  • Implemented support for marking a cell as "unused" through a definition patch.
  • Implemented buttons for deleting schema patches.


  • Build Startpos no longer requires the victory_objectives.txt file when building a startpos for Warhammer 3.


  • Fixed "Build Startpos" not working correctly for Rome 2.
  • Fixed "Go To Loc" not working when the loc is in a parent pack.
  • Fixed "Go To Definition" being triggeable when the cell is not a loc key or a reference.
  • Fixed translator's automatic translations (from Google Translate) with more than one sentence being cut off after the first sentence.
  • Fixed CTD when importing an Assembly Kit table with no Pack open.
  • Fixed CTD when trying to open a file in an external tool if the file is not in the open Pack.
  • Fixed CTD when saving a video as IVF.
  • Fixed CTD when initializing a MyMod folder with a sublime project.
  • Fixed rare CTD when checking diagnostics after generating the dependencies cache with a Pack already open.
  • Fixed rare CTD when opening diagnostics matches.
  • Fixed rare CTD when opening certain groupformation files.
  • Fixed CTD when merge tables is triggered with no tables selected.
  • Fixed CTD when importing incomplete TSV of an open table.

Release v4.3.10

21 Dec 11:03
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  • Implemented setting to disable drag&drop behavior on the TreeView.
  • Implemented "Close All Tabs" button.
  • Implemented setting to automatically hide unused columns.


  • Improved Assembly Kit integration.
  • "Build Startpos" now requires the campaigns table to be present in the pack. If not, there will be an error message asking you to add it.
  • "Build Startpos" now makes the game use the "db/victory_objectives.txt" file in the Pack instead of the one on the Assembly Kit folder.


  • Fixed empty keys diagnostic generating false positives on tables with no key column.
  • Fixed Assembly Kit integration importing incorrectly-formatted filename paths.
  • Fixed Assembly Kit integration importing fields incorrectly marked as files.
  • Fixed a large amount of false-positives in the "Path does not exist" diagnostic.
  • Fixed Assembly Kit startpos tables incorrectly importing some empty files with "0" as value.

Release v4.3.9

10 Dec 04:06
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  • Fixed a bug that caused folders to not be correctly marked as "modified" after using the "Update Anim Ids" tool.
  • Fixed the "Update Anim Ids" tool not updating files within animpacks.
  • Fixed a rare crash related to missing lookups.
  • Fixed a lookup error message spamming the crash reporting service.
  • Frodo is best waifu no more.

Release v4.3.8

09 Nov 20:04
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  • Implemented support for hardcoded lookups (they use description columns' contents from the assembly kit as lookups).
  • Added setting to disable diff marker on tables.
  • Added support for .battle_script files.


  • When an "Import from dependencies" operation fails on some fails, it no longer causes the rest of the files to also fail to import.
  • Optimizer should no longer be overly agressive deleting xml files in map folders.
  • Diff marker has been refactored to hopefully fix all the small situations where it failed to work correctly.

Release v4.3.7

09 Oct 14:26
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  • Implemented "Show Edited Cells" button on table filters.
  • Implemented "Are you sure?" dialog when closing a tool dialog.


  • Fixed "Apply Profile" not visually updating the table, causing a model/view desync.
  • Fixed incorrect dedup check causing issues like sometimes folders not being deleted when hitting delete in the file TreeView.
  • Fixed definition updater reporting incorrect missing fields for Empire and Napoleon.
  • Fixed victory conditions not being included in startpos in Attila and Thrones.

Release v4.3.6

24 Sep 17:30
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  • Pack dependencies now can be disabled for load ingame, so they're still used by RPFM, but they don't alter your load order.


  • Fixed some Empire and Napoleon tables being missing in the Assembly Kit section of the dependencies.
  • Fixed some columns being marked as "different" when they were checked against tables with different definitions (like outdated mods vs vanilla files).
  • Fixed different column checks being done on non-mod tables.
  • Fixed harmless error that spammed the crash reports.

Release v4.3.5

19 Sep 16:13
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  • Implemented marker (orange underscore) on cells different than vanilla/parent.
  • Implemented "Revert Values" feature, to revert values different than vanilla/parent to their vanilla/parent value.


  • Fixed a bunch of issues and incorrect path checks related to unsanitized game paths.