Fulcrum is High Availability Clustering solution powered by leading Open Source In-Memory Data Fabric Apache Ignite for Mule ESB Community Edition. It improves the availability, scalability and reliability of applications deployed into Mule ESB Community Edition version 3.5.0, 3.6.0, and 3.6.1.
Run the following command from the terminal:
mvn package
Distribution will be located at distributions/target/fulcrum-cluster-mule-x.x.x.tar
The tar file contains the following directory structure:
./apps - demo application
./lib - cluster jar
./README.txt - this file
Unpack the tar file into desired installation location.
- Copy lib/fulcrum-cluster.jar to ${MULE_HOME}/lib/mule folder on every node of Mule ESB.
- Copy conf/fulcrum-cluster.properties to ${MULE_HOME}/conf folder on every node of Mule ESB.
- Make sure that the value of fulcrum.clusterNodeId property is unique on every node (e.g. 1, 2, 3).
- Start mule servers.
A collection of phones calls goes through splitter and each number gets assigned to the plan. Aggregator returns a consolidated bill.
- Copy apps/mule-cluster-demo.zip to ${MULE_HOME}/apps folder on every node of Mule ESB.
- Modify the values of in.path and out.path properties in apps/mule-cluster-demo/mule-app.properties, if required.
- Copy test file into ${in.path} folder.
- Watch app logs.
- report.csv file will be copied into ${out.path} folder.
Tell us about any issues, suggestions or other comments you have. You can post on - [email protected]
Fulcrum Team