SigmaGreg V.1.0
I am happy to release the first version of SigmaGreg! This version is very new and will be the first one to come out so Plz expect bugs.
Newer versions will be better so don't think just cause this version sucks, doesn't mean it won't be good...
The Syntax
The Syntax for SigmaGreg is very easy since it doesn't require anything special like indents!
Here's an example of how SigmaGreg Syntax should look like:
gregPr "what's your name?"
gregIn name
if (name == "greg") then (gregPr f"yo fire name {name}!") else (gregPr f"your name is {name}!")
Here's an example of how SigmaGreg Syntax should not look like:
gregPr "what's your name?" name:
gregIn name
if (name == "greg") then (
gregPr f"yo fire name {name}!")
else (gregPr f"your name is {name}!")
Reason why this won't work:
- If statements MUST be on line and not do the actions on a different line.
- variables can not be made in a gregPr or any function
How to Write code and functions
Writing the code for SigmaGreg is very simple because it mostly has greg in it 😭
- gregPr - This command prints variables and text!
- gregMa - Allows you to do math! Ex:
gregMa 2 + 2
orgregMa answer 4 * 2
- gregIn - Allows you to get input and changes value of variables!
- gregWRITE - So you can write more than 1 line of SigmaGreg Code inside the!
- gregRUN - Runs the program you just made!
- gregType - Tells you what type of variable something is! Ex:
Variable 'greg' is of type str greg
- gregRandom - Gets a random number through 2 numbers you give! Ex:
gregRandom 2 5
- gregPrintAll - Prints all the variables and their values!
- gregBeep - Plays a beep sound!
- make_file - Makes the last program you wrote using gregWRITE and turns it into a sgc file!
- gregSleep - Makes the terminal wait for how ever long you put it before printing anything else! Ex:
gregSleep 3
- gregCurTime - Prints out the current time and date!
2024-2025 Freakybob-Team. Everything is licensed under MIT.
This is still very new. Expect bugs.