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Client Commands and Binds

mehtty edited this page Mar 9, 2022 · 2 revisions

Basic Binds

command(s) description default key
+showscores Show frags and scores TAB
+forward Move forward w
+back Move backwards s
+moveleft Strafe left a
+moveright Strafe right d
+movedown Swim/fly down z
+moveup Swim/fly up
+left Turn left
+right Turn right
+jump Jump SPACE
+attack Fire MOUSE1
impulse 1 Primary Weapon1 1
impulse 2 Secondary Weapon1 2
impulse 3 Tertiary Weapon1 3
impulse 4 Melee Weapon1 4
toggleconsole Open/close the console ` ~
kill Suicide k
messagemode Start chat y
messagemode2 Start team chat u
pause Pause the game PAUSE
quit Quit the game F10
screenshot Take a screenshot F12

TF-Specific Binds

command(s) description default key
togglemenu Shows in-game menu ESCAPE
changeclass Class Selection Menu ,
changeteam Team Selection Menu .
menu Class-specific menu 5 c
special Class-specific special action MOUSE2
gren1 Hit once to prime, second time to throw the Primary Grenade e
gren2 Hit once to prime, second time to throw the Secondary Grenade f
+gren1 Hold to prime, release to throw the Primary Grenade
+gren2 Hold to prime, release to throw the Secondary Grenade
primeone Prime the Primary Grenade
primetwo Prime the Secondary Grenade
throwgren Throw the currently primed grenade
reload Reload current weapon r
reloadnext Reload next weapon t
dropflag,dropitems Throw any flags/goal items currently carried g,l
discard Throw out unneeded ammo2 b
dropammo Open menu for throwing out ammo v
+slot1 Quick-fire Primary
+slot2 Quick-fire Secondary
+slot3 Quick-fire Tertiary
+slot4 Quick-fire Melee LSHIFT
weaplast Switch to previously selected weapon q
inv Print current inventory
maphelp Show map help text i
saveme "Help me" gesture m
ready Toggle ready status in prematch F3
weapnext Select next weapon MWHEELUP
weapprev Select previous weapon MWHEELDOWN
detpipe Detonate pipebombs
detdispenser Detonate dispenser
autoscan Toggle autoscan
scane Toggle scanning enemies
scanf Toggle scanning friendlies
scansound Toggle scan sound

1 Depends on setinfo owi setting
2 Depends on setinfo keepcells setting

Extra commands

Command Description Default Setting
sensitivity Set mouse sensitivity [1]
m_pitch Mouse vertical sensitivity [0.022]/-0.022 (inverted mouse look)
cl_nocsqc Disable client-side mod (fancy HUD etc) [0]/1
fo_menu_vote Show map voting screen CSQC only
fo_menu_admin Show admin menu CSQC only
break Vote to end current map
cmd votemap Vote for a specific map
cmd adminpwd Set admin password (needed for admin menu)
cmd changeteam <1-4/auto> Change to a specific team
cmd changeclass <1-10> Change to a specific class
cmd dropammo <1-4> [amount] Drop specific ammo
cmd disguise last Use last disguise
cmd disguise none Undisguise
cmd disguise skin <1-9,11> Disguise as a specific class (11 = civilian)
cmd disguise team <1-4> Disguise as a specific team colour
cmd detpack <5+/cancel> Set detpack (minimum 5 seconds) or cancel setting one
cmd build <sentry/dispenser/cancel> Start or stop a current build
cmd build destroy <sentry/dispenser> Dismantle (if close) or blow up a building
cmd sentry rotate # Rotate sentry a specific number of degrees (must be in range)
cmd help View extra server commands


Setinfo Description Possible Values [Default]
owi Old Weapon Impulses (eg RL = impulse 7) [0]/1
keepcells Allows scout/med/pyro/eng/hwguy to include cells above into discards, -1 disables -1,0+ [40]
ai Auto-id 0 (off)/[1] (on)/2 (teammates only)/3 (enemies only)
hitsound Quake3-style hitsounds 0 (off)/[1] (enemy only)/2 (everyone)
killsound Extra sound on successful kill 0 (off)/1 (enemy only)/[2] (everyone)/3 (including self)
ec/exec_class Execute .cfg on class change [0]/1
em/exec_map Execute maps/default.cfg followed by maps/.cfg on map change [0]/1
smt Allow spy to choose target colour when disguising [0]/1
nt Disable gren timer [0] (off)/1 (No timers)/2 (No timer sounds)
sb Status bar line offset from top of screen for text huds (ezquake or cl_nocsqc 1) [50]
sbflaginfo Display flag (and button) info on text huds 0 (off)/1 (after tips)/[2] (always)
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