This extension is able to obtain and store updated SSL certificates from certificate system into keystores, which are available to WildFly Application Server. After update it restart dependant services of WildFly to use updated certificates.
For tracking certificate it uses PKI client, which is connected to certificate system. Current version supports PKI client for Dogtag Certficate System, which is part of identity management server FreeIPA. It uses REST interface to track and obtain these certificates.
You need to have git installed
$ git clone
You need to have Maven installed
$ cd certificate-tracker
$ mvn clean install
Copy the produced module to the WildFly modules (set correct path to $JBOSS_HOME
$ JBOSS_HOME=/home/wildfly
$ cp -R target/modules/* "$JBOSS_HOME/modules"
Use the CLI -
(or .bat
). Add the certificate-tracker extension and subsystem to WildFly configuration.
Use the CLI -
(or .bat
) to configure extension.
To register a keystore into certificate-tracker use:
/subsystem=certificate-tracker/keystore=example:add(path=$JBOSS_HOME/example.jks, type=JKS, password=secret, aliases="host1,host2")
This will add keystore with defined path, type, password and optionally you can choose only some aliases which will be managed.
To configure a PKI client to track certificates use:
/subsystem=certificate-tracker/pki-client=Dogtag:add(time-interval="5000", client-options={"url"=>","truststore-name"=>"example"}
This will add Dogtag PKI client, which will track certificates in 5000ms interval. PKI client is initialized with client-options. Dogtag PKI client accepts options "url" and "truststore-name" with trusted certificate of Dogtag for use of secure connection.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:org.jboss.certificate-tracker:1.0">
<keystore name="example" path="$JBOSS_HOME/example.jks" type="JKS" password="secret" aliases="host1,host2"/>
<pki-client name="Dogtag"/>
<client-option name="url" value=""/>
<client-option name="truststore-name" value="example"/>