I partitioned an 8k image into 12 x 12 parts to conduct this experiment.
Basically HTTP/1.1 loads resources one after the other, so if one resource cannot be loaded, it blocks all the other resources behind it. In contrast, HTTP/2 is able to use a single TCP connection to send multiple streams of data at once so that no one resource blocks any other resource.
HTTP/1.1 supports parallel TCP connections, which enables multiple HTTP requests to be sent concurrently. As a result, you may see different parts of the image loading simultaneously. However, establishing a TCP connection comes at a cost, and it can result in overhead.
To load the image parts, I used the 'Fast 3G' connection option on Chrome browser developer tools.
Both HTTP/1.1 & HTTP/2 servers use SSL to encrypt requests and responses.
Installation guides for each project are available in their respective readme files.