My beautiful sway setup :)
Here're some of the project's best features:
- it looks good
- it's fast
- it makes you more productive
- it's not a mess
- it barely uses ram
01. Install yay (or any other AUR helper)
sudo pacman -S --needed git base-devel && git clone && cd yay-bin && makepkg -si
02. Install packages (those are all the packages I use... you do not need all of them)
yay -S 7zip adw-gtk-theme autotiling base base-devel bash-completion bat blueberry bluez-utils brave-bin brightnessctl btop cliphist cmatrix cowsay cups efibootmgr epson-inkjet-printer-escpr f2fs-tools fastfetch flatpak foot fuse3 gimp git google-chrome gparted gradience grim gst-plugin-pipewire helix hyprpicker imv intel-ucode jq kvantum-qt5 kvantum-theme-libadwaita-git libpulse linux linux-firmware localsend-bin lsd mold ncdu networkmanager noto-fonts-cjk noto-fonts-extra nwg-bar nwg-look obs-studio onlyoffice-bin openssh papirus-folders papirus-icon-theme pavucontrol pbzip2 pcsx2-latest-bin pigz pipewire pipewire-alsa pipewire-jack pipewire-pulse plzip polkit-gnome proton-ge-custom-bin qbittorrent qt5-wayland qt5ct qt6-imageformats qt6ct slurp spotify-launcher steam stremio sway swaybg swayidle swaylock-effects swaync system-config-printer tealdeer thorium-browser-bin throttled thunar thunar-archive-plugin thunar-media-tags-plugin tlp ttf-apple-emoji ttf-noto-nerd ttf-roboto ttf-roboto-mono ttf-roboto-mono-nerd unrar-free unzip vesktop-bin vim vlc waybar wdisplays wireplumber wlsunset wmenu xdg-desktop-portal-wlr xorg-xhost xorg-xwayland xwaylandvideobridge yay-bin zip zram-generator
03. Clone the repo
cd && git clone
04. Copy the configuration files
cp ~/nekrodots-sway/config/* ~/.config/ -r
05. Copy the throttled config to the right place
sudo cp ~/nekrodots-sway/throttled.conf /etc/throttled.conf
06. Copy the tlp config to the right place
sudo cp ~/nekrodots-sway/tlp.conf /etc/tlp.conf
07. Copy the bash config (You may want to make a backup of your config first!!)
cp ~/nekrodots-sway/bashrc ~/.bashrc
08. Open gradience, make "Standalone Color" and "Background Colpr" white, "Foreground Color" Black and apply
09. Make the papirus folder be white
papirus-folders -C white
10. Open nwg-look and apply both the theme and the papirus icons
11. Edit /etc/environment and put:
12. Open both qt5ct and qt6ct and apply the kvantum theme and the papirus icons
13. Start services (only if you need them)
sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth
sudo systemctl enable --now tlp
sudo systemctl enable --now throttled
14. That's it... Reboot and enjoy. :)