A decentralized loan platform integrating Smart Contracts and Artificial Intelligence to automate credit risk assessment.
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This project, developed for the final assignment of SSC0958 - Criptomoedas e Blockchain, combines blockchain technology and AI for a more efficient and secure financial lending process. It enables loan approvals based on AI-powered credit risk evaluations.
- Smart Contracts: Automates loan agreements on the Ethereum blockchain, ensuring transparency and security.
- AI Integration: Uses machine learning models to evaluate credit risks.
- Blockchain: Ethereum (tested locally with Ganache).
- Programming Languages: Python (for AI) and Solidity (for Smart Contracts).
- Libraries: scikit-learn (AI modeling) and Web3.py (blockchain interaction).
- Clone the repository.
- Deploy the Smart Contracts using Remix IDE or similar tools.
- Run the AI scripts to integrate credit risk analysis.
- Test locally with Ganache for a seamless development environment.
Felipe Andrade Garcia Tommaselli
NUSP: 11800910