I am currently working as a Data Scientist at the Energy and Environment Lab at the University of Chicago. I obtained my MS in Computational Analysis and Public Policy at the same institution, where I delved deep into Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Cloud Computing.
I have worked on a wide variety of projects, including webscraping, supervised and unsupervised ML models, data visualization and process automation. I also have designed the underlying AWS architecture in most of the projects I have worked.
Feel free to take a look at my resume and to connect with me via LinkedIn.
- 🐍: The programming languages I use are: Python, SQL, C and R.
- ☁️: Cloud Computing Stack: AWS (EC2, Lambda, Route53, SQS).
- 📊: Other skills: Power BI, Databricks, Elasticsearch.
- 📖 Currently working on: Natural Language Processing and AWS.
Some of the projects that I have worked on, among others, are:
- Design webscraping pipelines to visualize goods' prices over time.
- Supervised Machine Learning to predict price changes over time.
- Unsupervised Machine Learning to create recommender systems.
- Real time media alerts.
You can see some of my work on the following repositories:
🌲 Streamlit App to extract CO2 emissions data in real time: I worked with the City of Long Beach (CA) to automate their data extraction process from public websites. As a result, I created a Streamlit app that allows them to select the website they want and the year of interest. They can also download the data into their local computer.
💰 Weekly alert system to manage household expenses via Splitwise's API: In pro of managing better our household's budget and expenses, I created a pipeline that extracts our expenses data from the Splitwise API. Then, every week, we get an e-mail that summarizes our expenses for the current month.
💬 Natural Language Processing Analysis of the Mexican's President Daily Conferences: As part of a class project (and also personal interest), I scraped all of the president's morning conferences and trained a model to assign each conference an 'aggressivity score', based on how hostile he is on the press conference.
🗺️ API extraction codes I have used in other projects: You can mostly find some code samples of API extractions I have done in the past for different projects. These range from Financial to Government APIs.
📊 Some webscraping side projects I have previously worked on: Here, you can find some code I created to extract data from different websites, per different clients' request. In these cases, the main goal was to get and deliver the clean data to the final user.