FastNetMon Advanced 2.0.364
- Added BGP peering configuration options ipv4_unicast_add_path and ipv6_unicast_add_path to control add path logic with 8 routes for each prefix
- When you specify single value in bgp_next_hops_subnet_ipv4, bgp_next_hops_host_ipv4, bgp_next_hops_subnet_ipv6, bgp_next_hops_host_ipv6 for hostgroup it overrides default value in configuration
- Introduced gobgp_flow_spec_v4_redirect_target_as, gobgp_flow_spec_v4_redirect_target_community, gobgp_flow_spec_v6_redirect_target_as, gobgp_flow_spec_v6_redirect_target_community to control IPv6 Flow Spec redirect
- Added warning message to log when capacity of traffic buffer is not enough to accommodate generate_hostgroup_traffic_samples_delay or generate_attack_traffic_samples_delay