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@Faraphel Faraphel released this 22 Jan 20:49
· 5 commits to master since this release


  • Fixed tags on some track (Retro, Edit) and merged some tags together (GK1, GK2, ... -> GK).

  • Tracks with any warning will be replaced by the track with the corresponding special slot in multiplayer to avoid crash and glitched map when playing online.

  • Updated tracks scores and warnings to fit with the websites scores and comments.

  • Added 286 tracks.

  • Updated 173 tracks.

  • Removed 15 tracks.

(Note: because of the quantity of data to treat manually, I probably did mistake in counting, these values could be a bit off from the true numbers)


  • Rewrote the whole installer.

  • Changed the interface to be a bit easier to understand.

  • Added a plugins system.

  • Added checks for space on the harddrive and permissions of writing in the destination directory.

  • Menu is now disabled while the installer is patching a game to avoid issue.

  • Pack syntax have been rewritten to be more intuitive and easier to navigate.

  • Make the code more organised and way easier to understand.

  • ct_config.json have been renamed mod_config.json.

  • added "track_file_template" to mod_config.json (allow to change the way you want the track to be named in the Pack).

  • added "multiplayer_disable_if" to mod_config.json (allow to use originals tracks instead of some custom track in multiplayer if some are too buggy).

  • replaced "cups" from mod_config.json options by "tags_cups" (all tracks that share a tag with tags_cups will be put in the same cups as similar ones).

  • Added "safe_eval" and "multiple_safe_eval" to allow a python expression to be executed to create a text (useful for game customized text for each tracks or tracks filename).

  • Added "Patch" system to allow advanced game file modification. Patch can be used for szs subfile replacement, simple image generation, png to tpl conversion, bmg patching, adding cheat code, changing game region, ...

  • Any track type in the Patch are now supported, instead of only .wu8 files.

  • Text patching now work correctly with JAP version.

  • It is now possible to customize the message appearing when the installation end.

  • Any error will now totally stop an installation instead of sometime continuing the installation.

  • Error message are now way more explicit.

  • Changed the settings menu into a whole window to make it more understandable, and mod can now show their own custom settings in the menu !

  • Added preview window allowing you to preview how your tracks will be affected by your custom settings.

  • Removed track sha1 check (too slow & no longer fit the track structure).

  • Replaced the github wiki with a new readthedocs page.

  • Added "specific_settings" to mod_config.json (allow you to create settings that can be changed in the mod configuration window, and can affect the installation of a mod).

  • Added "lpar_template" to mod_config.json (allow you to select the lecode configuration depending on your settings).

  • Added "track_new_if" to mod_config.json (allow you to select which track should be considered "new" by the random cup).

  • Different mod no longer share the same custom tracks cache (having different mod with the same track could cause issue).

  • Sorting, random selection and filtering tracks settings are now way more customisable.

  • Added a second progress bar to separate the actual part of the installation (Ex: Installing the patch), and the progress of this part (Ex: Installing file "..." of the patch).

  • Modder can now create their own settings for their mod.

  • Added a developper mode option to enable different type of settings preview.

  • Added Riivolution as an output type (will create a riivolution patch with the mod settings)

  • The installer is now linux compatible.

  • Added a "empty the cache" button.

  • mod config "variant" have been renamed "gameid_template" and can now affect the entire game id.

  • The progress bar is now more precise about the current step of the installation.

  • Added a command line interface to install a mod without the gui.

  • Removed the updater since it was almost useless and could cause some issue with directories merging.

  • Removed default_track in mod_config.json. Luigi Circuit is automatically used instead.


download MKWF-Install + MKWFaraphel (.zip)
download MKWFaraphel Riivolution (.zip)
download only MKWF-Install (.zip) : see below