Fanap's POD Chat Service - iOS SDK
- Simplify Socket connection to Async server
- Caching system
- Static file response
- Downlaod / Upload File or Data or Image resumebble
Add in Podfile
pod 'FanapPodChatSDK'
Chat.sharedInstance.createChatObject(config: .init(socketAddress : socketAddresss,
serverName : serverName,
token : token,
ssoHost : ssoHost,
platformHost : platformHost,
fileServer : fileServer,
enableCache : true,
reconnectOnClose : true,
isDebuggingLogEnabled : true
Chat.sharedInstance.delegate = self
let req = NewSendTextMessageRequest(threadId: threadId, textMessage: "Hello World!", messageType: .TEXT)
Chat.sharedInstance.sendTextMessage(req, uniqueIdresult: nil) { sentResult, uniqueId , error in
print(sentResult ?? "")
} onSeen: { seenResult, uniqueId , error in
print(seenResult ?? "")
} onDeliver: { deliverResult, uniqueId , error in
print(deliverResult ?? "")
For more information about how to use Chat SDK visit Documentation
For more example and usage you can use developer implementation app