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Dennis Klein edited this page Feb 9, 2017 · 2 revisions

Getting started

1. Using the Project template

FairRoot deliver meanwhile a project template that can be used as a starting point for anybody who would like to build simulation and reconstruction on FairRoot. The project Template is in the FairRoot/template/project_template directory

The template demonstrate and implement the following:

  1. General structure of the software (cake config files, VMC/Geant configurations, etc ..)
  2. Example detector with sensitive and passive volumes (NewDetector) and data class
  3. Particle Stack for Geant3/4 with filtering infrastructure
  4. Event generators (Pathia6,8) more are available directly from FairRoot
  5. Passive component implementation (Magnet Yoke, Beam Pipe)
  6. Track visualisation tool (Event display)
  7. A rename script which replace all the generic names to user defined ones

Step by Step installation

  1. Install FairSoft

    we use here "fair_install" as a directory name, you can use what you went!

    mkdir ~/fair_install
    cd ~/fair_install
    #git clone
    git clone -b dev
    cd FairSoft
    # 1) gcc (on Linux) 5) Clang (on OSX)
    # 1) No Debug Info
    # 2) Internet (install G4 files from internet)
    # path: ~/fair_install/FairSoftInst
  2. Install FairRoot

    # Set the shell variable SIMPATH to the installation directory
    export SIMPATH=~/fair_install/FairSoftInst
    [setenv SIMPATH ~/fair_install/FairSoftInst]
    cd ~/fair_install
    git clone -b dev
    cd FairRoot
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="~/fair_install/FairRootInst" ..
    make install

    To run the tests do:

    # To run test: make new shell, do not define SIMPATH
    cd ~/fair_install/FairRoot/build
    make test
  3. Install the template:

    you need to copy the project template to you own directory

    # Set the shell variable FAIRROOTPATH to the FairRoot installation directory
    export FAIRROOTPATH=~/fair_install/FairRootInst
    [setenv FAIRROOTPATH ~/fair_install/FairRootInst]
    cd ~/fair_install
    cp  -rf  FairRoot/templates/project_template   MyTest
    cd MyTest
    ./  MyExperiment  PREFIX  MyDetector 
    # Please call the script with three parameters. The first one is the
    # name of the project. The second one is the prefix in front of
    # the class names. and some directories. So this second parameter
    # shouldn't be to long. The third parameter is the name of the
    # detector you want to implement.
    # As an example the if you want to create a project for the Panda
    # experiment and you want to implement a Straw Tube Tracker (stt)
    # you would call the script in the following way.
    # ./ Panda Pnd stt
    cd ..
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake ../MyExperiment 
    .    [or source config.csh]

    Now you can for example simulate some events and run the event display:

    root -q ../MyExperiment/macro/run_sim.C
    root ../MyExperiment/macro/eventDisplay.C
    // Click on "FairEventManager" (in the top-left pane)
    // Click on the "Info" tab (on top of the bottom-left pane)
    // Increase the "Current Event" to >0 to see the events
    root [1] .q

↪ Next step: [2. Data simulation](Data simulation)