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Sprint 4

Yanis edited this page May 15, 2023 · 2 revisions

Beginning of sprint : 21/04/2023 End of sprint : 05/05/2023 Last commit of sprint : b6d5ce87bcd2cc48bedbc9cc73ee9d03391c0261 Scrum master : Yanis

Scrum master review :

The sprint was successful overall, as we were able to fulfill all the team's expectations by the end. Throughout the sprint, we encountered minimal issues, except for some challenges related to merging the final commits.

Individual reviews :

Carl :

Daniel :

Jules :

Yanis : During this sprint, I faced the need to adapt and be flexible to accommodate the needs of my teammates. I willingly put some of my own tasks aside in order to provide assistance and support where it was required. By prioritizing collaboration and teamwork, I contributed to the overall success of the sprint.

Tim :

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