Examples for the workshop: Introduction to computer vision with OpenCV held at Foulab These directories contain examples used in the workshop Introduction to Computer Vision with OpenCV given at Foulab Feb 9, 2014 by Rupert Brooks and Isabelle Begin
Some of these examples were taken directly from the OpenCV samples and copied here for convenience. Sometimes with small tweaks to make them work correctly. The source of this files is indicated with comments in them.
To run: python helloworld.py inputimage outputimage
To run: videograb.py deviceNb basename In window: "f" key: save frame with basename_0000x.png (x: 0,1,2,...) "escape" key: exit
To run: color.py inputimage In window: any key: exit
To run: python [-h] blur.py inputimage [outputimage] In window: any key: exit
morphology.py (from openCV samples)
To run: morphology.py inputimage In window: "escape" key: exit
To run: rotating.py In window: "escape" key: exit
edge.py (from openCV samples)
To run: edge.py In window: "escape" key: exit
facedetect.py (from openCV samples)
To run: facedetect.py --cascade data\haarcascades\haarcascade_frontal_alt2.xml --nested-cascade data\haarcascades\haarcascade_eye.xml In window: "escape" key: exit
camshift.py (from openCV samples)
To run: camshift.py
plane_ar.py (from openCV samples) plane_tracker.py (from openCV samples)
aTo run: countingchange.py [--method=] [--space=] image
To run: calibrate.py --save sonyparameters.npz --debug sonydebug cellphone_calibration/'*'.jpg
To run: features.py cellphoneseries/DSC_0480_small.jpg cellphoneseries/DSC_0487_small.jpg test will generate test.ply which can be viewed by meshlab
To run: stereo_match.py cellphoneseries/DSC_0480_small.jpg cellphoneseries/DSC_0487_small.jpg test will generate test.ply which can be viewed by meshlab
To run: undistortimage.py cameraparameterfile inputimage outputimage