Beta 3
This is the Beta 3 release of Orion-LD, an NGSI-LD context broker.
New features with respect to Beta 2 are:
- PATCH requests now support the MIME type
- datasetId for:
- PATCH /entities/{EID}/attrs/{attrName}
- DELETE /entities/{EID}/attrs/{attrName}
- GET /attributes
- GET /attributes?details=true
- GET /attributes/{attrName}
- GET /types/{typeName}
- POST /temporal/entities
- Services for the @context store/cache that the broker maintains:
- GET /ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldContexts - to get a list of the contexts in the store/cache (
also supported) - GET /ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldContexts/{contextId} - to serve an @context
- POST /ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldContexts - to ask the broker to host an @context
- DELETE /ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldContexts/{contextId} - to delete an @context from the context store
- And most importantly, the broker now persists the contexts in DB, so they survive a restart
- GET /ngsi-ld/v1/jsonldContexts - to get a list of the contexts in the store/cache (
Get it on dockerhub
Complete List of fixes (since Beta 2):
- Issue #280 Fixed the response (HTTP Status and payload data) for Batch Create according to update in NGSi-LD API spec
- Issue #280 PATCH ops now support the MIME type 'application/marge-patch+json'
- Issue #280 Removed check for forbidden characters of entity type when inside the payload body
- Issue #280 Better URI validity test
- Issue #280 NGSI-LD entity update requests now provoke notifications regardless on whether any actual change has been done on the entity
- Issue #280 Implemented datasetId for PATCH /entities/{EID}/attrs/{attrName}
- Issue #280 Implemented datasetId for DELETE /entities/{EID}/attrs/{attrName} (supporting URI params 'datasetId' and 'deleteAll')
- Issue #280 Implemented GET /attributes, but only without details=true
- Issue #280 Slightly increased response from Batch Upsert
- Issue #280 Implemented system attributes (createdAt, modifiedAt) for sub-attributes
- Issue #280 Implemented POST /temporal/entities - to add entities to TRoE without actually creating any entity (for the current state)
- Issue #803 Correct HTTP Status Codes for Batch Upsert (201/204/207) according to NGSI-LD v1.3
- Issue #806 Implemented GET /attributes?details=true
- Issue #280 Implemented GET /attributes/{attrName}
- Issue #280 Implemented GET /types/{typeName}
- Issue #807 Important change in context cache - inline contexts are no longer stored in cache
- Issue #280 Experimental implementation of GET /ngsi-ld/v1/contexts (with and without details) - yet to be defined in the NGSI-LD API
- Issue #280 Experimental implementation of GET /ngsi-ld/v1/contexts/{contextId} - yet to be defined in the NGSI-LD API
- Issue #280 Experimental implementation of POST /ngsi-ld/v1/contexts - yet to be defined in the NGSI-LD API
- Issue #280 Experimental implementation of DELETE /ngsi-ld/v1/contexts/{contextId} - yet to be defined in the NGSI-LD API
- Issue #280 Persisting contexts from the cache in mongo
- Issue #280 Added support for MultiPoint in TRoE
- Issue #854 The name of the "value" field was missing in sub-attrs of array or object type in notifications, e.g. "": [1,2,3], instead of "value": [1,2,3]