web3sdk v2.1.1
Please read the Web3SDK documentation.
- Add
contract code generation tools add input and output parsing tools
- Update
- Deploying the contract SDK no longer polls to determine success
- Fix
- Fix the vulnerability of SDK and node handshake protocol
- Fix problem with isStatusOK interface throwing exception in TransactionReceipt class
- Compatibility
- Compatible with Channel Message v1 protocol
- Compatible with certificate files named with node.crt and node.key
- 增加
- 生成java合约代码添加input和output的解析接口
- 更新
- 部署合约SDK时不再通过轮询方式判断是否成功
- 修复
- 修复SDK与节点握手协议的漏洞
- 修复TransactionReceipt类的isStatusOK接口抛出异常的问题
- 兼容
- 兼容Channel Message v1协议
- 兼容FISCO BCOS 2.1以下的sdk证书名node.crt和node.key