A QR Code generator for React Native based on react-native-svg and javascript-qrcode.
- Easily render QR code images
- Optionally embed a logotype
Please install react-native-svg first.
npm install react-native-svg --save
react-native link react-native-svg
npm install react-native-qrcode-svg --save
import QRCode from 'react-native-qrcode-svg';
//Simple usage, defaults for all but the value
render() {
return (
// 30px logo from base64 string with transparent background
render() {
let base64Logo = '..';
return (
value="Just some string value"
logo={{uri: base64Logo}
// 20% (default) sized logo from local file string with white logo backdrop
render() {
let logoFromFile = require('../assets/logo.png');
return (
value="Just some string value"
// get base64 string encode of the qrcode (currently logo is not included)
getDataURL() {
callback(dataURL) {
render() {
return (
value="Just some string value"
getRef={(c) => (this.svg = c)}
Name | Default | Description |
size | 100 | Size of rendered image in pixels |
value | 'this is a QR code' | Value of the QR code |
color | 'black' | Color of the QR code |
logo | null | Image source object. Ex. {uri: 'base64string'} or {require('pathToImage')} |
logoSize | 20% of size | Size of the imprinted logo. Bigger logo = less error correction in QR code |
logoBackgroundColor | backgroundColor | The logo gets a filled quadratic background with this color. Use 'transparent' if your logo already has its own backdrop. |
getRef | null | Get SVG ref for further usage |