Frontend - FLASK microservice application
Run python
then enter localhost:5000
on your internet browser. (To work correctly you need to run it parallel with the Backend service).
To learn more about the application please check our Introduction to programming course on youtube:
By selecting different branches you can get the sample code that you should have in you repository at the end of the selected block:
Branches | Block | Description |
main | CI/CD 1 | Basic application version |
dockerfile | Docker 2 | Added docker container build files |
tests | Testy | Added unit tests and requirements |
sonarqube | CI/CD 2 | Added sonarqube project properties |
jenkinsfile | CI/CD 4 | Added Jenkinsfile |
final | CI/CD 7 | Dockerhub deployment and app_of_apps trigger |
argocd | CI/CD 8 | ArgoCD trigger |